Gabbard predicts a Trump victory and Republican gain in the House

There was a zero chance of removing Trump. I said from the beginning that all this would do is rally his base and I still stand by that.

Trump opened up a couple of areas where the (D)'s could have stepped up and separated themselves from Trump but they went with impeachment.

ie: Trump noted during one of the mass shootings that a lack of mental health care not guns were the problem. The (D)'s should have sent the (R)'s a health care bill that provided mental health care coverage for all. Instead they decided to go with impeachment. Idiots.
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Well, she gets that much anyway. Were I her, I'd break from the party before I got permanently stained.
I think the party needs people like her to help reign in the craziness.

The Party is not salvageable.
You may be right. If Trump wins and they lose the house, their response may seal their fate for a generation or more.
And the blame would lay with Pelosi.
Well, she gets that much anyway. Were I her, I'd break from the party before I got permanently stained.
She's not running to retain her House seat, a critical first step in walking away. She could definitely lead a 3rd party that would attract many Dems and independents and even some Repubs and with some solid advice become a real force. Conservatives can't be the only ones talking this way and she must be hearing it. If her party leaves her - as it has done to so many of us - she may find she has no choice but to leave them behind.

She could..but she isnt a conservative. If she forms another party it will be a leftist one.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

Their impeachment shenanigans are a gain for Donald Trump. She is only being pragmatic in recognizing that. So maybe that does mean she is not as blinded as the average Democrat. But she still opposes Donald Trump...never forget that. She just knows impeachment helps rather than hurts him.
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.
Tulsi came to her senses during the impeachment process. Then she realized the crazy liberals in her home state of Hawaii don't like her because of her recent common sense statements about Trump.
There was a zero chance of removing Trump. I said from the beginning that all this would do is rally his base and I still stand by that. Trump opened up a couple of areas where the (D)'s could have stepped up and separated themselves from Trump but they went with impeachment.
ie: Trump noted during one of the mass shootings that a lack of mental health care not guns were the problem. The (D)'s should have sent the (R)'s a health care bill that provided mental health care coverage for all. Instead they decided to go with impeachment. Idiots.
The lesson in all this is that Dem dimwits regularly elect dimmer-wits to represent them.
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.
Tulsi came to her senses during the impeachment process. Then she realized the crazy liberals in her home state of Hawaii don't like her because of her recent common sense statements about Trump.

The part where she noted that what he did was likely illegal?
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

Democrats aren't smart enough to support an actual old fashion type democrat. Tulsi is the best democrat they've had in a very long time. But they're throwing her under the bus. Why? It would seem, because she would stand a good chance at beating Trump.
Why would the dems wanna lose Trump anyways? He's been better for them than Hillary ever could've.
Fact: Hillary could've never gotten the bump stock ban. Nor would the GOP controlled Senate ever allowed the debt ceiling to be eliminated for two years. And certainly not allowed all this extra spending, had Hillary won.
Hell, Trump's been a good liberal. Even better than Reagan was.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

She gets it. Not that I'd ever vote for her.

I could. SImply because of the two things the president actually has some control over. Where the troops are. And she's also co sponsored "audit the fed." So I think she understands just how dangerous, and criminal the Fed is.
Not to mention she's completely against all these wars we're in. And supports ending them, to help pay for her other idea's.

I'm a conservative. So the idea of a M4A is radical. But so are the damn insurance companies. Twice in my life, I've had the insurance company come between me and my doctor. And since I no longer qualified for an ACA subsidy, my premiums went up to $1,400 a month. I don't think a M4A plan would tax me that much more.

My idea of a National healthcare plan doesn't involve the government. It's the medical profession itself creating insurance plans. But that's for another thread.
Well, she gets that much anyway. Were I her, I'd break from the party before I got permanently stained.
I think the party needs people like her to help reign in the craziness.

The Party is not salvageable.
You may be right. If Trump wins and they lose the house, their response may seal their fate for a generation or more.
You mean all our fates? We can’t afford repubs having full control again. Too much spending.
There was a zero chance of removing Trump. I said from the beginning that all this would do is rally his base and I still stand by that. Trump opened up a couple of areas where the (D)'s could have stepped up and separated themselves from Trump but they went with impeachment.
ie: Trump noted during one of the mass shootings that a lack of mental health care not guns were the problem. The (D)'s should have sent the (R)'s a health care bill that provided mental health care coverage for all. Instead they decided to go with impeachment. Idiots.
The lesson in all this is that Dem dimwits regularly elect dimmer-wits to represent them.

Not to "whataboutthis" to death. But the GOP is no better. Hell would freeze over if they actually nominated a true conservative.
right leaning presidential run

Have you looked at her positions? They certainly aren't "right" leaning lol
Oh yeah they are.

Her positions are neither (D) or (R). Neither party is for getting us out of the wars.

Funny how the D's are only anti war, when a pro war president is in office. But even then, they ALL still support the NDAA, Patriot Act, FISA 702, and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)
I don’t know what she has done to ingratiate herself with conservatives. She’s really far left
right leaning presidential run

Have you looked at her positions? They certainly aren't "right" leaning lol
Oh yeah they are.

Her positions are neither (D) or (R). Neither party is for getting us out of the wars.

Funny how the D's are only anti war, when a pro war president is in office. But even then, they ALL still support the NDAA, Patriot Act, FISA 702, and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)

Makes absolutely no sense to me. I've said many times that the only thing that separates the two parties are some social issues and they are mostly talking points.
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right leaning presidential run

Have you looked at her positions? They certainly aren't "right" leaning lol
Oh yeah they are.

Her positions are neither (D) or (R). Neither party is for getting us out of the wars.

Funny how the D's are only anti war, when a pro war president is in office. But even then, they ALL still support the NDAA, Patriot Act, FISA 702, and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)

Makes absolutely no sense to me. I've said many times that the only thing that separates the two parties and some social issues and they are mostly talking points.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of the divide between republicans and democrat voters. ESPECIALLY when the R & D politicians are in lock step with each other on just about every issue. Wars, spending, taxes etc etc. Not an ounce of difference between them.
I think Tulsi understand this. And it's why she appeals to so many people. Even us conservatives. At least those of us who can see through the smoke and mirrors that the politicians create constantly.

The bitch admits knowing that Trump isn't guilty of any impeachment allegation but didn't have the courage to vote no on the impeachment. Instead she took the chickenshit way out by voting "present".

She voted NAY on putting people in cages without charge nor trial.

You stuff...NDAA?

How many chickenshit Republicans or Democrats had the courage to vote for the constitution? Not very many.

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