Gabbard predicts a Trump victory and Republican gain in the House

The very fact that idiot partisans like Creepy view her presidential run as "ridiculous right leaning," and having "ended her career" paints the picture clearly of exactly why the left and the democrats are a fucked fringe party wholly unfit for the mainstream of normal America.

There's not a nickel's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats today. No one nickel's worth. It's laughable to watch so many statist authoritarian frauds on here pretend otherwise. The only real excuse for the lunacy is that they're just plain dumb.Certainly intellectually dishnest. But largly just dumb.

There's no such thing as left and right. Statists gonna state regardless of what kind of left/right illusion they pretend to separate themselves by.
So, you really think that if Hillary had won the White House:
  • We would have pulled out of TPP?
  • Walked out on the Paris Accord?
  • Be filling the SC and fed courts everywhere with constitutional conservatives?
  • Be putting up a border wall?
  • Fighting sanctuary cities?
  • Cracking down on illegal immigration?
  • Gutting Obama regulations left and right?
  • Killed Dodd-Frank?
  • Cracked down in Iran?
Just today Trump signed a bill to crack down on robocalls and in two weeks signs a bill to begin a new phase of trade between us and China.

We haven't even done most of those things under Trump.

Your kidding, right? Do tell us which ones! No, lemme guess, you just got an early start on killing what few brain cells you have left for the new year. Never underestimate the power of CNN to brainwash the weak feeble-minded.

TPP. Part of the reason Hillary lost was because she supported this until she didn't. In the end Trump is still supportive of trade deals. Trade deals that really don't change much.

The Paris Accords were a piece of paper. Little else. We were involved in other "agreements" that had little impact on anything.

Courts........Have you followed Gorsuch's rulings? Supreme Court judges end up changing very little. They will argue for this or that when in the minority but in the end rarely change much. Remember it was Roberts that upheld Obamacare.

We aren't putting up a border wall.

Sanctuary cities are nothing more than scapegoats. They can do little to nothing. They have become an excuse for Trump doing little. As much of a mistake on their part as it is who allow Trump to use this as an excuse.

While he did little either, Obama actually did prosecute a few employers. Trump hasn't charged a single one. He is not addressing illegal immigration. He is lying to you. Unfortunately there are large majority in both parties that are satisfied with their guy saying what they want to hear, they don't actually have to do it.

Any Obama regulations that were gutted were not regulations at all. Anything not done by law is temporary and the realm of the lazy.

When did Dodd/Frank get gutted? The worse aspects of Dodd/Frank are at most even worse today.

No one is cracking down on Iran and Iran isn't even up to us to "crack down" on. I'm sure you saw Iran, China and Russia getting together. We aren't nor can we do anything.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - The Ever-'Present' Obama
So you are a welfare queen getting other people to pay your fucking health care bills? No wonder you vote Democrat.

When I did qualify for subsidies, I took them. Being off work for several months meant I had to cut back on things to continue keeping the lights on and the kids fed. The subsidy was all I took. But that's what it was for. And that's what I used it for. Afterwards, after returning to work, I no longer qualified. So the $460 a month went to over $1000 a month. Then the next year it went to $1400 a month and I dropped it, like a hot rock.

We all can't be rich wealthy guys like you (or suck off an employer's teet) for our health insurance needs. Small business owners, like myself, don't really have a lot of help.
Based on what facts?

There are no facts that support Trumps reelection, in fact, there are more scenarios where he isn't. But that's not saying it won't happen.

As far as Republicans taking the House, not by a long shot. It appears Democrats will take at least another 11, and as many as another 19 seats.

The Senate is the question. The Democrats have a chance at 4 of 23 seats up by Republicans in November. That same scenario plays out again just two years later in 2022.

There is a better than even chance that with a Trump reelection, Democrats control both houses of Congress for his full second term, assuming he has a full second term, or even a second term at all, and at least controlling both houses of Congress and the White House in 2023, and beyond.

There are no favorable scenarios for Trump Republicans beyond 2024. It gets worse for them every election going forward. They are the party of Trump now. The Republican party is dead. Between Millennials, and GenZ becoming the voting power by then, it's only a matter of how badly Republicans lose elections after that, including turning other red states blue.
right leaning presidential run

Have you looked at her positions? They certainly aren't "right" leaning lol
Oh yeah they are.

Her positions are neither (D) or (R). Neither party is for getting us out of the wars.

Funny how the D's are only anti war, when a pro war president is in office. But even then, they ALL still support the NDAA, Patriot Act, FISA 702, and the MIC (Military Industrial Complex)

Makes absolutely no sense to me. I've said many times that the only thing that separates the two parties are some social issues and they are mostly talking points.
Actually I'm against some wars, and for others.

Syria? Never shoulda been there.

Kuwait I was for (gulf war 1)

Just as a for instance.
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.

Gabbard is in a position to lead the Democrats into a new direction OR leave and secure a spot among the Republicans which would damage the credibility of Democrats for the next four years. Gabbard is well positioned.

I don't like a lot of her stances, but she has proven to be an excellent political strategist, providing she capitalizes on it.
She's gonna lose her seat. She's done.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.
You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.

Democrats got Trump elected yet again.
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.

Gabbard is in a position to lead the Democrats into a new direction OR leave and secure a spot among the Republicans which would damage the credibility of Democrats for the next four years. Gabbard is well positioned.

I don't like a lot of her stances, but she has proven to be an excellent political strategist, providing she capitalizes on it.
She's gonna lose her seat. She's done.

I disagree. Don't be surprised if she leaves elective office and gets a nice, high paying job as an ambassador or adviser - even under Trump.

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