Gabbard predicts a Trump victory and Republican gain in the House

The bitch admits knowing that Trump isn't guilty of any impeachment allegation but didn't have the courage to vote no on the impeachment. Instead she took the chickenshit way out by voting "present".

I don't like you calling her a bitch, but ------------------- yeah.

What's this voting "present" business? Major cowardice attack.
The bitch admits knowing that Trump isn't guilty of any impeachment allegation but didn't have the courage to vote no on the impeachment. Instead she took the chickenshit way out by voting "present".

I don't like you calling her a bitch, but ------------------- yeah.

What's this voting "present" business? Major cowardice attack.

Tulsi is being attacked by the commies because:
1. Her one vote would've convinced the republican controlled senate to suddenly decide to find Trump guilty.
2. Her one vote would've allowed the Dem controlled House to override the GOP controlled Senate trial.
3. Her one vote would've meant soooo much to those who already opposed her.

So you see, to a bunch of die hard democrat commie supporting socialist, who dismissed Tulsi as soon as Hitlery lied about her, her one vote would meant soooo much to them.

Nevermind the 3 democrats who voted a solid "NO" on impeachment. Their votes don't count.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.
You just pick and choose what you want to hear lol
I don't like you calling her a bitch, but ------------------- yeah.

What's this voting "present" business? Major cowardice attack.

What's with the business of the majority of Republicans and Democrats voting YEA on putting the electorate in cages without charge nor trial? What's with that major cowardice attack on the very principles of the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happinesss?
Tulsi is a smart women, even more impressive is that she is also a smart democrat

Respectfully, I cannot agree.

Had she any "smarts" she'd have Bolted The Democrat Party months ago.

It took Amash more years to leave the GOP. But he's extremely smart, constitutional and an actual conservative.

But the fact that the R & D's aren't going anywhere (soon enough), makes it hard to leave. It would seem that bringing some common sense, transparency a few other decent things to the democrat party would be easier than going 3rd party. Especially when you consider that going third party is a death sentence to anyone's political career.
Seeing that she's not running for her seat in congress, I take it she doesn't wanna make a career out of politics. Too many liars and thieves.
Makes absolutely no sense to me. I've said many times that the only thing that separates the two parties are some social issues and they are mostly talking points.

They get too many free passes, to be honest. It's beyond time they had a mirror put in front of them.
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Watch and learn. I believe after Trump is acquitted, she announces she is joining The GOP, and taking a position with The Trump Administration or she decides to run for her office as a Republican.

Sad thing is for your party, she is actually your best chance to beat Trump and you all hate her so why would she stick around and allow The Democrats to Continue to disrespect her?

Well, she gets that much anyway. Were I her, I'd break from the party before I got permanently stained.
She should join the GOP. She’s more a Republican than Romney is.

She has too much self respect to become a Republican.
Watch and learn. I believe after Trump is acquitted, she announces she is joining The GOP, and taking a position with The Trump Administration or she decides to run for her office as a Republican.

Sad thing is for your party, she is actually your best chance to beat Trump and you all hate her so why would she stick around and allow The Democrats to Continue to disrespect her?

Well, she gets that much anyway. Were I her, I'd break from the party before I got permanently stained.
She should join the GOP. She’s more a Republican than Romney is.

She has too much self respect to become a Republican.

My party? I'm (I).
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.

Gabbard is in a position to lead the Democrats into a new direction OR leave and secure a spot among the Republicans which would damage the credibility of Democrats for the next four years. Gabbard is well positioned.

I don't like a lot of her stances, but she has proven to be an excellent political strategist, providing she capitalizes on it.
Gabbard has a case of sour grapes. Her ridiculous right leaning presidential run has ended her career and she's not happy about it.

Gabbard is in a position to lead the Democrats into a new direction OR leave and secure a spot among the Republicans which would damage the credibility of Democrats for the next four years. Gabbard is well positioned.

I don't like a lot of her stances, but she has proven to be an excellent political strategist, providing she capitalizes on it.

If she joined the Republicans she would lose most of her actual support.
The bitch admits knowing that Trump isn't guilty of any impeachment allegation but didn't have the courage to vote no on the impeachment. Instead she took the chickenshit way out by voting "present".

She voted NAY on putting people in cages without charge nor trial.

You stuff...NDAA?

How many chickenshit Republicans or Democrats had the courage to vote for the constitution? Not very many.

She is a confused little bitch that probably doesn't even know how to spell "Constitution", no less know what is in it.

Protecting our border from invasion is one of the primary functions of the government and one of the few legitimate functions but she wasn't smart enough to know that.

She is for anti Constitutional oppression like infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms so don't give me any of this horseshit about her caring about the Constitution because she doesn't.

She is just another dumbass Democrat, confused on most the issues. Piss on her.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

So she's blathering the same talking points as the folks at Fox. She's a fucking fence-sitter is what she is.

The Senate is going to acquit Trump but Trump wants a trial because it will be the best reality TV special he can EVER offer to his rednecked, dirty t-shirted, MAGA-hat-wearing, dentistry-challenged neanderthals.

But behind the scenes the real re-election will be the result of a ton of money coming in from all those grateful large corporations that didn't pay a dime in taxes in 2018, due to his tax "reform".

The bitch admits knowing that Trump isn't guilty of any impeachment allegation but didn't have the courage to vote no on the impeachment. Instead she took the chickenshit way out by voting "present".

I don't like you calling her a bitch, but ------------------- yeah.

What's this voting "present" business? Major cowardice attack.

All these Democrats that are running for President are bitches and that is one of the more kind things I can say about her.

She is confused on most issues and borderline being an idiot.

She approaches getting it right on non interventionism but she is certifiable Moon Bat crazy on all the other issues. The bitch even raised her hand with all the other Democrat assholes when asked if she would give free health care to everybody and their little brown dog.
Gabbard says impeachment will only 'embolden' Trump

"I think impeachment, unfortunately, will only further embolden Donald Trump, increase his support and the likelihood that he'll have a better shot at getting elected while also seeing the likelihood that the House will lose a lot of seats to Republicans," she told ABC News.

At least one dem sees the writing on the wall.

So she's blathering the same talking points as the folks at Fox. She's a fucking fence-sitter is what she is.

The Senate is going to acquit Trump but Trump wants a trial because it will be the best reality TV special he can EVER offer to his rednecked, dirty t-shirted, MAGA-hat-wearing, dentistry-challenged neanderthals.

But behind the scenes the real re-election will be the result of a ton of money coming in from all those grateful large corporations that didn't pay a dime in taxes in 2018, due to his tax "reform".


The corporations that backed Warren, Booker, Biden and Buttigieg?
The bitch even raised her hand with all the other Democrat assholes when asked if she would give free health care to everybody and their little brown dog.

Hey! What have you got against Toto?
She is for anti Constitutional oppression like infringing upon the right to keep and bear arms so don't give me any of this horseshit about her caring about the Constitution because she doesn't.

She is just another dumbass Democrat, confused on most the issues. Piss on her.

''Take guns first, go through due process second.'' - President Trump.

As far as the border, bring em home and build more bases here. That's real national defense. That's real defense spending. It seems to me she's the only one saying that aside from maybe Massie, Amash and Rand.

Republicans and Democrats just largely voted YEA on empowering the President to wage war any place in the world at any time he pleases for any arbitrary reason without any constitutional congressional approval. And President Trump signed it.

Gabbard was one of the very few who voted NAY.

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