Gabbard Refuses To Concede - Keep Highlighting How DNC Attempting to Rig Consecutive Primaries AGAIN

Primaries, why? Why don't the two parties hold their conventions in July pick whoever the hell they want and spare us all this primary BS? Shorten the political cycle and spare us the debates until the parties have picked their candidates. This would also strengthen the chance for third party candidates and some better election cycles.
Bloomburg participated in ZERO debates thus far. He is third nationally. Tulsi participated in a number of debates, her support is within margin of error from 0%.

Proposition that changes to debate qualification have already helped Bloomberg and hurt Tulsi is OBVIOUSLY bullshit.
OK, now I see your problem.......

Gabbard did not say the rule change hurt her...and neither did I. Gabbard points out that the only way Bloomberg made the debate is because the Democrats changed the Grassroots' rule that allowed Bloomberg to spend approx. $4 MILLION to flood the airways with ads, thus 'buying' his way onto the stage...which Sanders, Buttigieg, and Warren are also saying.

Busy was declaring no such rule change was was.

YOU, it seems, are trying to say Gabbard is claiming something she ISN'T. The Rule Change didn't impact was all for Bloomnberg, the only person in the entire race who was able to take advantage of it.
Primaries, why? Why don't the two parties hold their conventions in July pick whoever the hell they want and spare us all this primary BS? Shorten the political cycle and spare us the debates until the parties have picked their candidates. This would also strengthen the chance for third party candidates and some better election cycles.

No thanks, I want to cast a my vote for a Democrat I feel best represents me going into the general election..
Primaries, why? Why don't the two parties hold their conventions in July pick whoever the hell they want and spare us all this primary BS? .
They like giving the snowflakes the ILLUSION that their voice / vote matters.... :p
Primaries, why? Why don't the two parties hold their conventions in July pick whoever the hell they want and spare us all this primary BS? Shorten the political cycle and spare us the debates until the parties have picked their candidates. This would also strengthen the chance for third party candidates and some better election cycles.

No thanks, I want to cast a my vote for a Democrat I feel best represents me going into the general election..

It has already been settled who wins. You have no choice. Bloomberg will be the candidate.
Bloomburg participated in ZERO debates thus far. He is third nationally. Tulsi participated in a number of debates, her support is within margin of error from 0%.

Proposition that changes to debate qualification have already helped Bloomberg and hurt Tulsi is OBVIOUSLY bullshit.
OK, now I see your problem.......

Gabbard did not say the rule change hurt her...and neither did I. Gabbard points out that the only way Bloomberg made the debate is because the Democrats changed the Grassroots' rule that allowed Bloomberg to spend approx. $4 MILLION to flood the airways with ads, thus 'buying' his way onto the stage...which Sanders, Buttigieg, and Warren are also saying.

There was NO CHANGE to spending rules. Bloomberg popularity is bought by ads and PR campaign that tout his record and guess what, they can buy more yet.

He probably doesn't even want to go get up on that debate stage. He already has wide name recognition(unlike Tulsi), he is not an exciting orator and taking the lumps tonight will be nothing but risk for him. You may recall what debates did to Biden. But of course he can't simply refuse to show up either, that would make him look weak.
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Hillary did not say she was working for the Russians.

No, she just paid a known lying, untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating, alternate agenda-driven foreign spy who was working with Russians for known false / debunked Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to alter the 2016 election even more....information the Obama administration used to committed FISA Court abuses, initiate a known bogus / illegal investigation in which they illegally spied on Trump and his team.....

That is a HUGE difference from personally working with Russians, as Barry did through Medvedev...

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Michael Steele was a private investigator and a former British Intelligence agent. There is not a bit of evidence that he was agenda driven and he was very trustworthy. He uncovered major corruption in FIFA which led to the top official resigning. His reports uncovered Russian interference in our elections which was not widely known at the time. He also uncovered a Russian spy who was working in the Russian Embassy as a diplomat. The Russians wanted Trump to win. They hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails. In 2020, they are using Giuliani to distribute misinformation.

No one spied on the Trump campaign. The original investigation was opened based on a referral from the Australian government. A investigation that the IG said was justified. We have not seen the FISA documents so no one knows what is in it. The FISA warrants were obtained AFTER Page left the Trump campaign.
Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”

There was no rule change. Rule changes have to be approved by the entire DNC in their regular meetings. This was a criteria that was set by the DNC not a rule. Certainly it was bound to be changed as the primaries got closer. It was a accommodation to the fact that Bloomberg is taking NO campaign contributions. Suppose Bloomberg became the frontrunner. and you face a situation where the frontrunner can't participate in the debates.
Gabbard 'said the fact that a billionaire like Bloomberg could enter the race with the ability to change DNC rules to benefit his candidacy does a disservice to the American electorate. "It's wrong, and it's voters in these primaries and caucuses that that are unfortunately losing out because of the DNC decisions in Washington".

"It's clear that the DNC would rather hear from Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire, rather than hearing from me -- the only person of color left in this race, the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, and the voice that I bring from so many Americans that really challenges the establishment of the powerful elite."

As the GOP / WH Counsel pointed out, the DNC is once again up to its old tricks, rigging its primaries again and trying to steal election #2.

Mini-Mike is an old white Billionaire who gives the appearance of being 'acceptably moderate'
Bernie is a Tales-From-The-Crypt'-looking old white Socialist they do not want to be the nominee
Warren is a Minority-Wannabe nut who has told so many lies about herself SHE doesn't know who she is Buttigieg's number #1 'motto' / push to be Pres is: 'We elected the 1st Black Pres, now lets elect the 1st Gay'

Gabbard is the only minority left in the DNC's 'All-White (Preferred)' Primary Race. Moderate - yes, but her military background means she is an independent thinker, uncontrollable, not 'Deep State Overlord material'.

Give 'em hell, Gabby!

Tulsi Gabbard won't quit race, says she is 'still very focused on being the Democratic nominee'
She better be careful. Hillary is still at the top of that party. Tulsi may find herself committing suicide by a double-tap to the back of her head if she don't shut the fuck up and drop out of the race.

Bloomburg participated in ZERO debates thus far. He is third nationally. Tulsi participated in a number of debates, her support is within margin of error from 0%.

Proposition that changes to debate qualification have already helped Bloomberg and hurt Tulsi is OBVIOUSLY bullshit.
OK, now I see your problem.......

Gabbard did not say the rule change hurt her...and neither did I. Gabbard points out that the only way Bloomberg made the debate is because the Democrats changed the Grassroots' rule that allowed Bloomberg to spend approx. $4 MILLION to flood the airways with ads, thus 'buying' his way onto the stage...which Sanders, Buttigieg, and Warren are also saying.

Busy was declaring no such rule change was was.

YOU, it seems, are trying to say Gabbard is claiming something she ISN'T. The Rule Change didn't impact was all for Bloomnberg, the only person in the entire race who was able to take advantage of it.

You are lying as she is. There were no rule changes. The DNC head cannot change rules without the entire DNC approving it. Bloomberg is not accepting individual contributions so the debate criteria had to be changed. In this case, he has shown some support.
The DNC does not rig primaries, People vote in them.
DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile publicly admitted the DNC did in 2016....their leaked emails talked about how they did. Seek professional help, lil' reality-denying snowflake.
Bloomburg participated in ZERO debates thus far. He is third nationally. Tulsi participated in a number of debates, her support is within margin of error from 0%.

Proposition that changes to debate qualification have already helped Bloomberg and hurt Tulsi is OBVIOUSLY bullshit.
OK, now I see your problem.......

Gabbard did not say the rule change hurt her...and neither did I. Gabbard points out that the only way Bloomberg made the debate is because the Democrats changed the Grassroots' rule that allowed Bloomberg to spend approx. $4 MILLION to flood the airways with ads, thus 'buying' his way onto the stage...which Sanders, Buttigieg, and Warren are also saying.

Busy was declaring no such rule change was was.

YOU, it seems, are trying to say Gabbard is claiming something she ISN'T. The Rule Change didn't impact was all for Bloomnberg, the only person in the entire race who was able to take advantage of it.

You are lying as she is. There were no rule changes. The DNC head cannot change rules without the entire DNC approving it. Bloomberg is not accepting individual contributions so the debate criteria had to be changed. In this case, he has shown some support.
Truly sad how you deny reality, posted links, articles....your mental instability is frightening.
Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”

There was no rule change. Rule changes have to be approved by the entire DNC in their regular meetings. This was a criteria that was set by the DNC not a rule. Certainly it was bound to be changed as the primaries got closer. It was a accommodation to the fact that Bloomberg is taking NO campaign contributions. Suppose Bloomberg became the frontrunner. and you face a situation where the frontrunner can't participate in the debates.

No way man, corrupt DNC is making special arrangements for big money Bloomberg at expense of small money salt-of-the-earthers like Tulsi.

Thats why they changed the rules on the Bloomberg, who so far has been floating on infinite feel-good ads, can get on up there and get himself ripped a new one in prime time.

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No way man, corrupt DNC is making special arrangements for big money Bloomberg at expense of small money salt-of-the-earthers like Tulsi. Thats why they changed the rules on the Bloomberg, who so far has been floating on infinite feel-good ads, can get on up there and get himself ripped a new one in prime time.

Yeah, I did 'changing the rules' / CHEATING work out for the Democrats?

In 2016 The Democrats BROKE the rules by rigging their primaries for Hillary.
-- How'd that work out for 'em?

In 2019 the IC IG changed the rules to allow a hearsay-spreading Deep State non-witness / non-whistle blower take his non-crime-containing complaint to Schiff to be blown up into another coup attempt.
-- How'd that work out for 'em?

Now in 2020 the Democrats, desperate to have anyone but Bernie as their nominee, changed the rules for Bloomberg so he could make it up onto the debate stage.
-- How'd that work out for 'em?


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