Gabbard Refuses To Concede - Keep Highlighting How DNC Attempting to Rig Consecutive Primaries AGAIN

Truthfully no political party has to hold a primary for the nomination for their party.

Sure it is nice but Democrats can select whomever they want and it is the choice of the voter to agree with the Party leaders or not.

Simple as that...

It might be better they did it that way instead...
One way the Rs and Ds keep hold of the two party system is by holding primaries to determine the nominations for their parties. The so called 3rd parties don't generally do primaries to determine their nominations.
Gabbard 'said the fact that a billionaire like Bloomberg could enter the race with the ability to change DNC rules to benefit his candidacy does a disservice to the American electorate. "It's wrong, and it's voters in these primaries and caucuses that that are unfortunately losing out because of the DNC decisions in Washington".

"It's clear that the DNC would rather hear from Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire, rather than hearing from me -- the only person of color left in this race, the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, and the voice that I bring from so many Americans that really challenges the establishment of the powerful elite."

As the GOP / WH Counsel pointed out, the DNC is once again up to its old tricks, rigging its primaries again and trying to steal election #2.

Mini-Mike is an old white Billionaire who gives the appearance of being 'acceptably moderate'
Bernie is a Tales-From-The-Crypt'-looking old white Socialist they do not want to be the nominee
Warren is a Minority-Wannabe nut who has told so many lies about herself SHE doesn't know who she is Buttigieg's number #1 'motto' / push to be Pres is: 'We elected the 1st Black Pres, now lets elect the 1st Gay'

Gabbard is the only minority left in the DNC's 'All-White (Preferred)' Primary Race. Moderate - yes, but her military background means she is an independent thinker, uncontrollable, not 'Deep State Overlord material'.
Tulsi Gabbard won't quit race, says she is 'still very focused on being the Democratic nominee'
What gets me about the Tulsi "fanboys" is that there's no "birther" outrage over the fact that she's not a natural born citizen of the U.S.!!! :ack-1:

American Samoa - Wikipedia
Gabbard 'said the fact that a billionaire like Bloomberg could enter the race with the ability to change DNC rules to benefit his candidacy does a disservice to the American electorate. "It's wrong, and it's voters in these primaries and caucuses that that are unfortunately losing out because of the DNC decisions in Washington".

"It's clear that the DNC would rather hear from Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire, rather than hearing from me -- the only person of color left in this race, the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, and the voice that I bring from so many Americans that really challenges the establishment of the powerful elite."

As the GOP / WH Counsel pointed out, the DNC is once again up to its old tricks, rigging its primaries again and trying to steal election #2.

Mini-Mike is an old white Billionaire who gives the appearance of being 'acceptably moderate'
Bernie is a Tales-From-The-Crypt'-looking old white Socialist they do not want to be the nominee
Warren is a Minority-Wannabe nut who has told so many lies about herself SHE doesn't know who she is Buttigieg's number #1 'motto' / push to be Pres is: 'We elected the 1st Black Pres, now lets elect the 1st Gay'

Gabbard is the only minority left in the DNC's 'All-White (Preferred)' Primary Race. Moderate - yes, but her military background means she is an independent thinker, uncontrollable, not 'Deep State Overlord material'.

Give 'em hell, Gabby!

Tulsi Gabbard won't quit race, says she is 'still very focused on being the Democratic nominee'
Running for president is an enhancement to one's resume.
There are rumors that Gabbard AND Sanders are considering third-party runs as a contingency plan against Bloomberg.
Gabbard 'said the fact that a billionaire like Bloomberg could enter the race with the ability to change DNC rules to benefit his candidacy does a disservice to the American electorate. "It's wrong, and it's voters in these primaries and caucuses that that are unfortunately losing out because of the DNC decisions in Washington".

"It's clear that the DNC would rather hear from Michael Bloomberg, a billionaire, rather than hearing from me -- the only person of color left in this race, the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, and the voice that I bring from so many Americans that really challenges the establishment of the powerful elite."

As the GOP / WH Counsel pointed out, the DNC is once again up to its old tricks, rigging its primaries again and trying to steal election #2.

Mini-Mike is an old white Billionaire who gives the appearance of being 'acceptably moderate'
Bernie is a Tales-From-The-Crypt'-looking old white Socialist they do not want to be the nominee
Warren is a Minority-Wannabe nut who has told so many lies about herself SHE doesn't know who she is Buttigieg's number #1 'motto' / push to be Pres is: 'We elected the 1st Black Pres, now lets elect the 1st Gay'

Gabbard is the only minority left in the DNC's 'All-White (Preferred)' Primary Race. Moderate - yes, but her military background means she is an independent thinker, uncontrollable, not 'Deep State Overlord material'.

Give 'em hell, Gabby!

Tulsi Gabbard won't quit race, says she is 'still very focused on being the Democratic nominee'

What specific rules were changed to benefit Bloomberg? She can't name any because no rules were changed. She clearly is lying. Worth noting that there is no evidence that even minorities supported minority candidates. How did the DNC engineer that? If the DNC is so powerful then how did Obama defeat Hillary in 2008? Gabbard is a embittered candidate who is lashing out at others for her failure. She gave up her House seat because she had no path to victory. She is the Ron Paul of the Democrat Party.
Remember, Hillary said she was a Putin puppet. She said the same of Stein of the Green Party. As they will change rules of the Super Delegates when it comes time to have their voices heard. They pretended they would change after Trump won, to allow a "fair, vote of the people". Rumours suggest this won't be the case when it's crunch time if Bernie is the nominee.

This is all of their chances, Bernie in particular, to crush Bloomberg. Hit him hard and hit him often. This is their opportunity to have their Harris moment. Will they take it? Will they tackle the rich guy and steal his voters?

I guess it remains to be seen. If someone can't fight for the nomination, they sure as hell won't fight for Americans if president.

Hillary did not say she was working for the Russians. Clearly Putin wanted Trump to win in 2016 and they want him re-elected in 2020. So Stein and Gabbard are and were useful to the Russians. Hillary was correct when she said that. There will be no changes in the super-delegate rules for 2020. It is being discussed but if it happens, it will not happen until after 2020. Try telling the truth for a change.
What specific rules were changed to benefit Bloomberg? She can't name any because no rules were changed.

Don't you ever get tired of running off at the mouth prematurely only to find you are wrong...again?

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”
Hillary did not say she was working for the Russians.

No, she just paid a known lying, untrustworthy, biased, Trump-hating, alternate agenda-driven foreign spy who was working with Russians for known false / debunked Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence propaganda she intended to use to alter the 2016 election even more....information the Obama administration used to committed FISA Court abuses, initiate a known bogus / illegal investigation in which they illegally spied on Trump and his team.....

That is a HUGE difference from personally working with Russians, as Barry did through Medvedev...


Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”
Virtually all the support for Gabbard comes from Trumpers.

Funny that huh?
Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”

Tulsi did not qualify for ANYTHING, under ANY rules, prior or new.

"Previous debates have required candidates to meet a minimum requirement of donors, blocking the former New York mayor, a billionaire who is self-funding his bid and not accepting campaign contributions, from appearing on the debate stage.

New rules for the Feb. 19 debate in Nevada allow two methods to make the stage with no donor requirement: receive at least one nominating delegate to the Democratic National Convention as a result of the Feb. 3 Iowa caucuses or Feb. 11 New Hampshire primary, or meet a polling threshold by receiving 10% support in at least four DNC-approved state or national polls or 12% support in two early state polls in South Carolina and Nevada. The polls must be released between Jan. 15 and midnight on Feb. 18."

Republicans have NEVER had any donor # requirements. To say that Democrat primary rules are not fair because they made it optional it is to at very least say that Republican primaries were never fair either.
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Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”

Moron, Tulsi did not qualify for ANYTHING, under ANY rules.

Wow, what a f*ing BRILLIANT observation...but we are talking about what rules the DEMOCRATS changed to benefit BLOOMBERG.....

If we are going to fast for you just let us we can laugh at your ass while we leave you behind. :p
Name the rules that were changed.

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg

Rule change by Democrats could help Bloomberg
Critics say wealthy self-funded candidates could benefit while keeping most of the leaders in the racially diverse Democratic Party white.

'New Rule Change Scraps Grassroots Threshold....'

This is totally an accommodation for a big-time spender who does have some traction”

Moron, Tulsi did not qualify for ANYTHING, under ANY rules.

Wow, what a f*ing BRILLIANT observation...but we are talking about what rules the DEMOCRATS changed to benefit BLOOMBERG.....

If we are going to fast for you just let us we can laugh at your ass while we leave you behind. :p

1. Bloomburg participated in ZERO debates thus far. He is third nationally. Tulsi participated in a number of debates, her support is within margin of error from 0%.

Proposition that changes to debate qualification have already helped Bloomberg and hurt Tulsi is OBVIOUSLY bullshit.

2. You are saying in order for the primaries to be fair there must be minimum donor requirements to get into debates. Yes? Under this standard Republicans have NEVER had fair primaries.

3. Not participating in the debates was a CRITICISM of Bloomberg, if DNC disqualified him with minimal donor requirement he would simply say that he was excluded despite his popularity. DNC gets slammed again.
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