Gabby Giffords back in Congress!!


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
Truly amazing. She's a woman with alot of guts, drive and determination. A real American Hero no matter how you slice it.

Congrats! :clap2::clap2::clap2:


Gabrielle Giffords Returns to Congress for Debt Ceiling Vote

August 01, 2011 7:09 PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., returned to Congress tonight for the first time since being shot in the head in January, casting a vote in support of the compromise debt ceiling bill.

"Gabrielle has returned to Washington to support a bipartisan bill to prevent economic crisis," read a message posted to Giffords' Twitter account while members began casting their votes on the House floor.

Minutes later, Giffords slowly entered the chamber to loud, sustained applause and a standing ovation by her colleagues, who huddled around her to give hugs, kisses and handshakes.

Gabrielle Giffords Returns to Congress for Debt Ceiling Vote - The Note
Glad to see she made it thru that terrible ordeal. I bet her and her husband are thrilled of this moment:)
A very very good day.

Congrats to the American Doctors that helped in her recovery!

I am very happy about this.
Really guys..not the place for politics per se.

She's an amazing woman.

And a fine example of the American Spirit.
Still? good for her then. Most turn on gun rights when they get shot in the head. Like Brady.
Kinda giddy about this..

Was one of the times..I sorta prayed..
Honor, dignity, strength and class you go Gabby!! One heck of a soul.

Edit to add: I really respect the fact that neither her husband nor herself allowed any person or persons to make political hay out of this tragedy once they had a real grip on what was going on, who the killer was, and they put an end to the political hype that others were trying to make out of this tragedy.

Talk about class!
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Sallow do you have an office email address for her so we can send her well wishes?

I'm so glad we have had a happy ending here.

thanks in advance.



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