Gabby Gifford's Husband Caught Buying A Gun

They are not anti-gun, they are just anti high capacity clips, expanding background checks (which I support) and they are anti semi-automatic rifles. Hell if that happens, people might take ol Joes advice and start murdering people with shotguns :)
Only a numb-nuts partisan hack cannot see the hypocrisy here.

The laws for background checks have already been changed by Obama. Used to be you had to be convicted of an offense. Now all it takes is an accusation that leads to a dismissal. It still goes on your record.

30 rd mags and scary looking bang-bangs aren't the problem. It's the nut pulling the trigger.

BTW, Kelly is a friggen idiot buying that gun then turning it in. What are the cops supposed to do with a clean firearm?

Friggen idiot if you ask me.

I'm sure they wanted to refuse the sale to an astronaut. Might as well been a cop. What was he thinking?
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Mark Kelly, the Astronaut and Air Force Officer is entitled to purchase any weapon he wishes.

The fact is nobody would have known about it if he had not posted this on his facebook;

"I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a .45. As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too. Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes. I don't have possession of it yet but I'll be turning it over to the Tucson PD when I do. "

If he had not posted that on his facebook page I would say his privacy had been violated. What he does with his legally purchased weapons is up to him. I commend him for donating it to the Tucson PD.

The guy is not only a hero, his wife was shot while serving this country.

Who made this a "news" story? Some sad little powerless and jealous person I would guess.

He's going to buy an AR 15 and give it to the police.

So he's not only a hippocrite but an idiot as well.
What a hypocrite.
You really are a fucking moron, mudwhistle. They have said all along they are pro-gun, and Gabby's record reflects that.

Sorry fuckwad. Being pro-gun does not mean taking them out of current gun owners hands in any shape or form.

They like guns but they want to take them away from others. That would be more accurate.
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Kelly caught caught red-handed, then lied about the reason he purchased the AR15.

Only if he had a criminal record that would not allow him to own a gun, and was able to walk out with them, would he have made any point. He went through the NICS background check and passed. No story here folks, except one about a hypocrite who is lying like a child caught stealing the last cookie from the cookie jar ("I stole it to show how easy it was to steal").

Good news is that now he and his wife are now OUT of the issue, having been exposed as liars and hypocrites. No more parading Giffords around like they did Brady.
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Idiocy is speaking out in an attempt to deny someone the right to do as they wish within the bounds of the law because you do not like what you think they said.

If what you think they said is what they really said it should be no problem finding a link to prove they said it.

otherwise idiocy just leads to more idiocy.
What a hypocrite.
You really are a fucking moron, mudwhistle. They have said all along they are pro-gun, and Gabby's record reflects that.

Sorry fuckwad. Being pro-gun does not mean taking them out of current gun owners hands in any shape or form.

They like guns but they want to take them away from others. That would be more accurate.

links? I have heard neither kelly or his wife say anything about taking guns from the law-abiding. If they have you should be able to link it here.
Idiocy is speaking out in an attempt to deny someone the right to do as they wish within the bounds of the law because you do not like what you think they said.

If what you think they said is what they really said it should be no problem finding a link to prove they said it.

otherwise idiocy just leads to more idiocy.

If you made any sense you'd graduate from the short bus.
Idiocy is speaking out in an attempt to deny someone the right to do as they wish within the bounds of the law because you do not like what you think they said.

If what you think they said is what they really said it should be no problem finding a link to prove they said it.

otherwise idiocy just leads to more idiocy.

If you made any sense you'd graduate from the short bus.

Thank you for proving my point.
So what the hell is Gabby's husband mad about?

He went to a gun shop and they did a background check, he passed in a matter of minutes, and they let him purchase weapons.

We're supposed to be outraged by this?

What a dumbfuck.
Idiocy is speaking out in an attempt to deny someone the right to do as they wish within the bounds of the law because you do not like what you think they said.

If what you think they said is what they really said it should be no problem finding a link to prove they said it.

otherwise idiocy just leads to more idiocy.

If you made any sense you'd graduate from the short bus.

Thank you for proving my point.

You have yet to make a point.
...purchased an AR-15 assault rifle in Tucson recently as a demonstration of what he says are unobtrusive background checks....

And you believe that? This was his plan all along but he only spoke about it AFTER it was revealed he purchased the very firearms he and his wife advocate banning?

Sure, that's believable...:eusa_liar:
If you made any sense you'd graduate from the short bus.

Thank you for proving my point.

You have yet to make a point.

It is up to you and your ilk to prove your statements by providing links, thus far you have failed to do so.

link to kelly supporting gun ban?

Thats what i thought, you can't produce it because it ain't out there. That means you and the others are simply spouting off in ignorance, and are showing a total lack of respect for two people who have served this country.

What does that say about you?
...purchased an AR-15 assault rifle in Tucson recently as a demonstration of what he says are unobtrusive background checks....

And you believe that? This was his plan all along but he only spoke about it AFTER it was revealed he purchased the very firearms he and his wife advocate banning?

Sure, that's believable...:eusa_liar:

Yes, you caught him

Kelly was really planning to shoot up a movie theater
This subject is very clear cut, there would be no mistake in a public statement from Kelly calling for gun bans, as the clown car choir here keeps parrotting without proof.

In a case involving something that can be so clear-cut, parroting without proof(link) is spreading propaganda.
...purchased an AR-15 assault rifle in Tucson recently as a demonstration of what he says are unobtrusive background checks....

And you believe that? This was his plan all along but he only spoke about it AFTER it was revealed he purchased the very firearms he and his wife advocate banning?

Sure, that's believable...:eusa_liar:

Yes, you caught him

Kelly was really planning to shoot up a movie theater

No, he was planning to acquire the firearms HE wants before they're banned. But thanks for the over-the-top claim about shooting innocents. It takes a pretty sick mind to go there. Good luck with that.
Thank you for proving my point.

You have yet to make a point.

It is up to you and your ilk to prove your statements by providing links, thus far you have failed to do so.

link to kelly supporting gun ban?

Thats what i thought, you can't produce it because it ain't out there. That means you and the others are simply spouting off in ignorance, and are showing a total lack of respect for two people who have served this country.

What does that say about you?

I haven't made any claims that needed to be supported by a link.. I stated my opinion and for that .... no link is required.

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