Gabby Giffords Turns Slimewad

she can want whatever she wants doesn't mean we are going bow down to her wants. I find her a disgusting woman for using her injuries and for using targets on a map to try and tear down palin while she was running for office

now those who want go kiss the ground she walks on

Ummmmm..... you have that backwards Steph. Palin drew the map targets.
And one of them was Giffords' office.
And Giffords' office was one of the ones that indeed got hit on the "break their windows -- break them now" night.

And you want to turn Gabby Giffords from the victim into the perpetrator?

I guess that somehow fits right in with the hole whole dishonest motif of this thread...
she's a typical progressive/Democrat who uses her injuries to beat people over the head with. and when she came out and blamed Sarah Palin that right there was the last respect or care I had about her

she's a slimy leftie/dem/commie

.... link?

... quote?

Anything? Or just making it up?

The woman was shot. In the head. And you want to twist it into "she was asking for it"? Really?

This is where this blind partisanship bullshit takes you, folks.
Quite ironic that Mrs. Giffords likely has contingent of armed bodyguards around her at any given time. Quite ironic indeed.

It would appear then that the "good guy with a gun" theory is pretty much useless. Not to even mention the "good guy with a gun" who nearly shot another "good guy with a gun" --- which is exactly the scenario the more rational among us keep noting about the idea of fighting a fire by pouring gasoline on it.

And again -- irony doesn't emanate from speculation ("likely").
that doesn't make her a hero SFB. that makes her a victim

people don't spit on her but assholes think her fraudulent claims should not be challenged

she's a took of her husband.

A woman who nearly had her brains blown out is a fraud for wanting sensible gun controls

Do you guys ever get tired of looking like idiots?

As a liberal you insult the intelligence of normal people every time you speak, but does this grave offense against dignity warrant you being denied the right to speak?

I didn't do anything to Gabbie Giffords, so why do you feel it proper to strip me of my rights? Should you have your free speech rights stripped from you when Obama says something stupid?

RW should define "sensible" before he starts playing with the 2nd Amendment rights of others. How would he like it if we started violating his constitutional rights because of how we felt? He would be objecting just the same. Liberals look to rule based on emotion, not on facts.
Given that no gun related legislation will ever be "sensible" to NRA bots, I fully expect what your response will be

But let's look at what Gabby Giffords considers to be sensible

We don't want crazies getting guns. If we don't check their background, we can't verify if they are a criminal or nutjob

There is no "sensible" reason you need a 30 round magazine
Hey Shit for brains. civilian police officers routinely have 30 round magazines. other civilians have just as much a reason for them as civilian cops

criminals won't buy from someone who is going to do a background check. Dopers don't buy dope with prescriptions either moron
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa
Wow, you are a piece of work. The woman gets shot in the head, her life turned upside down, her health for the rest of her life affected, and she almost died, all because some nut job with a gun shot her, and you attack her for wanting more gun control. You're pathetic. Calling her names and telling her to shut the fuck up. You are all for constitutional rights when it comes to guns but not for free speech. Your post illustrates a low character, a very low character. Of course, you think James Brady was a slimewad too and that he should have STFU too. You're beneath contempt.
emote much? sorry, people who want to piss on our constitutional rights are assholes
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa
Wow, you are a piece of work. The woman gets shot in the head, her life turned upside down, her health for the rest of her life affected, and she almost died, all because some nut job with a gun shot her, and you attack her for wanting more gun control. You're pathetic. Calling her names and telling her to shut the fuck up. You are all for constitutional rights when it comes to guns but not for free speech. Your post illustrates a low character, a very low character. Of course, you think James Brady was a slimewad too and that he should have STFU too. You're beneath contempt.
emote much? sorry, people who want to piss on our constitutional rights are assholes

And you see this "pissing" ................. where exactly?

Emote much?
Well, it was bound to happen.

Giffords is now utilizing her elevated position and all the sympathy she can muster to run ads against those who support the constitution.

Go figure.

She was never that good before and obviously isn't getting any better.

STFU Gabby.

Mad Gabby Former Congresswoman Unleashes Nasty Ads Against Pro-Second Amendment Candidates - Matt Vespa

Holy shit, can you imagine it? Gabby Giffords supporting real background checks on people before they buy a gun, so that insane mother fuckers can't just buy a gun. Unfortunately it's a bit late for that, because we have millions of insane idiots in possession of all sorts of firearms already. You idiots on the right are so concerned that the boogie man is going to take your guns away that you don't give a shit who can buy a gun, even if that person may end up using it to kill you or one of your family.

Hey asswipe.....

This has little to do with guns.

It has to do with a former congresswoman (and not a very good one at that) playing on the sympathies of others to fund a pac which is openly engaged in political lying....not at all for the purposes of gun control.

So you're now admitting that your OP and all those posts you made to that effect had their collective proverbial head up its ass? After pissing away bandwidth denying just that?

Having it both ways: Priceless.
Truthfully what in the hell do you expect?

SHE is the VICTIM of gun violence for no reason that I can see.

What do you expect her to say, it was just an accidental discharge of a weapon no big deal?

What would you say if your head was opened up by some gun toting lunatic?

Sorry but posts like this do a disservice to those who want to own guns responsibly. What the NRA and second amendment rights groups need to do is figure out, if possible, how to keep guns out of the hands of lunatics and criminals.

I don't think that is even possible but tearing down a person who is a victim of a gun crime does not really help the cause of gun ownership one bit.

Boy, you said a mouthful.

There's a whole cast of characters on this forum - TemplarKormac, TurtleDude, AZ Guy... Just in this thread - who are such odious douchebags that they push me away from the remaining traces of conservatism in my political perspective.
So what is your excuse ?

Being shot in the head will do what ?

Cause you to take a personal tragedy and play it up for political clout ?

You go Gabby...right down the toilet. Along with Lakhota.

What makes a personal tragedy off-limits politically, if that personal tragedy involves a political issue?

If its not off limits, then you won't object when we call her a scumbag.
So what is your excuse ?

Being shot in the head will do what ?

Cause you to take a personal tragedy and play it up for political clout ?

You go Gabby...right down the toilet. Along with Lakhota.

What makes a personal tragedy off-limits politically, if that personal tragedy involves a political issue?

If its not off limits, then you won't object when we call her a scumbag.

only a scum bag IDIOT would see it that way. (like you) :lol:

"Being shot in the head will do what ?

Cause you to take a personal tragedy and play it up for political clout ?"

Only if you're a Democrat.

i'm not a democrat. what else you got, IDIOT ..?

You vote Democrat, don't you?
It's sad, and comical in a way too, to see the gun rights extremists fighting so desperately to protect loopholes in the background check system in this country.

You HAVE to be deranged to do that.

They protect the loopholes making legislation ineffective, then mock you

See? We told you background checks don't work

What "loopholes?"

Gun shows and private sales

Loopholes big enough to drive a truck through

Hmmmmm, you are required to get a background check to buy a gun at a gun show. It's ridiculous to demand that private sales require a background check. That would make a father into a criminal if he failed to perform a background check on his son before buying him a gun, and similar outrages. That demand is nothing less than granting government totalitarian powers.
I do hope the gop runs with the current theme of this thread. That a woman who was shot in the head is a scumbag. Think of all the voters who will want to vote for your line of thinking.

There is a reason you are t the bottom of the barrel in the political world. This thread is it. No politician would touch your line of thought with a 10 foot pole.

You'll notice that no GOP politicians are even commenting on the matter. Politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth.
Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
i know its like when those women who get raped decide to fight for other rape victims or sum fat ass moron

Sure, but she wasn't raped. Idiot.
it was an example stupid......christ on a stick you are dumb

"it was an example stupid......christ on a stick you are dumb."

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (KJV), (also "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God" (NRSV) and variants) is one of the Ten Commandments.

It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. Exodus 20:7 reads:

"Thou shalt not take the nameof the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV).[1]

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (KJV), (also "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God" (NRSV) and variants) is one of the Ten Commandments.

It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. Exodus 20:7 reads:

"Thou shalt not take the nameof the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV).[1]
I do hope the gop runs with the current theme of this thread. That a woman who was shot in the head is a scumbag. Think of all the voters who will want to vote for your line of thinking.

There is a reason you are t the bottom of the barrel in the political world. This thread is it. No politician would touch your line of thought with a 10 foot pole.

You'll notice that no GOP politicians are even commenting on the matter. Politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth.
Nobody is talking because nobody is going to go after her...dipshit
I do hope the gop runs with the current theme of this thread. That a woman who was shot in the head is a scumbag. Think of all the voters who will want to vote for your line of thinking.

There is a reason you are t the bottom of the barrel in the political world. This thread is it. No politician would touch your line of thought with a 10 foot pole.

You'll notice that no GOP politicians are even commenting on the matter. Politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth.
Nobody is talking because nobody is going to go after her...dipshit

That's right, because politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth and point out what a slimewad she is.
I do hope the gop runs with the current theme of this thread. That a woman who was shot in the head is a scumbag. Think of all the voters who will want to vote for your line of thinking.

There is a reason you are t the bottom of the barrel in the political world. This thread is it. No politician would touch your line of thought with a 10 foot pole.

You'll notice that no GOP politicians are even commenting on the matter. Politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth.
Nobody is talking because nobody is going to go after her...dipshit

That's right, because politicians aren't allowed to speak the truth and point out what a slimewad she is.

Well because she isnt, but hey you are a bottom feeder
Tis the nature of politics... to bash your opponent with highly outrageous claims. I mean who wouldn't believe her after being a victim of gun violence? Anyhow, turning a tragedy into a political matter is pretty sad.
i know its like when those women who get raped decide to fight for other rape victims or sum fat ass moron

Sure, but she wasn't raped. Idiot.
it was an example stupid......christ on a stick you are dumb

"it was an example stupid......christ on a stick you are dumb."

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (KJV), (also "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God" (NRSV) and variants) is one of the Ten Commandments.

It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. Exodus 20:7 reads:

"Thou shalt not take the nameof the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV).[1]

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (KJV), (also "You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord your God" (NRSV) and variants) is one of the Ten Commandments.

It is a prohibition of blasphemy, specifically, the misuse or "taking in vain" of the name of the God of Israel. Exodus 20:7 reads:

"Thou shalt not take the nameof the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV).[1]

We're a little ... uh, generous sticking Christianist rules on everybody, are we not?
that doesn't make her a hero SFB. that makes her a victim

people don't spit on her but assholes think her fraudulent claims should not be challenged

she's a took of her husband.

A woman who nearly had her brains blown out is a fraud for wanting sensible gun controls

Do you guys ever get tired of looking like idiots?

As a liberal you insult the intelligence of normal people every time you speak, but does this grave offense against dignity warrant you being denied the right to speak?

I didn't do anything to Gabbie Giffords, so why do you feel it proper to strip me of my rights? Should you have your free speech rights stripped from you when Obama says something stupid?

RW should define "sensible" before he starts playing with the 2nd Amendment rights of others. How would he like it if we started violating his constitutional rights because of how we felt? He would be objecting just the same. Liberals look to rule based on emotion, not on facts.
Given that no gun related legislation will ever be "sensible" to NRA bots, I fully expect what your response will be

But let's look at what Gabby Giffords considers to be sensible

We don't want crazies getting guns. If we don't check their background, we can't verify if they are a criminal or nutjob

There is no "sensible" reason you need a 30 round magazine
Hey Shit for brains. civilian police officers routinely have 30 round magazines. other civilians have just as much a reason for them as civilian cops

criminals won't buy from someone who is going to do a background check. Dopers don't buy dope with prescriptions either moron
Sorry shit for brains

You are not entitled to the same weapons as cops
It's sad, and comical in a way too, to see the gun rights extremists fighting so desperately to protect loopholes in the background check system in this country.

You HAVE to be deranged to do that.

They protect the loopholes making legislation ineffective, then mock you

See? We told you background checks don't work

What "loopholes?"

Gun shows and private sales

Loopholes big enough to drive a truck through

Hmmmmm, you are required to get a background check to buy a gun at a gun show. It's ridiculous to demand that private sales require a background check. That would make a father into a criminal if he failed to perform a background check on his son before buying him a gun, and similar outrages. That demand is nothing less than granting government totalitarian powers.
I don't care Fingerboy

As far as I'm concerned, if you sell a private weapon to a felon, you deserve some time in prison

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