Gaetz Bombshell!

Oh goodness - Buh Bye Mattie! :bye1:

Right !!! A guy with 19 misc charges against him goes to ROGER STONE for help with a pardon????

Is this a fucking joke or what? Greenberg and Stone.. What a pair.. And you're betting on THEM like you doubled down on that creepy porn lawyer (now in jail) because he had "dirt" on Trump and a stripper?

A guy THAT desperate to get off will say or do anything... ESPECIALLY if he's scum...
Watch for more deep state lies directed towards FOT's...friends of Trump...

Trump's thing is actually fucking chicks decades his junior.
View attachment 485802


So if my daughter gives her daddy a kiss on the cheek, what does that mean?

Well it depends.

Did her daddy have a photo op planned?
Did her daddy tell her, "Daddy has a photo op, get into bed and kiss me"?'re not under the impression that this was some sort of impromptu photograph taken without Trump's knowledge...are you? Are you that delusional? Have you drank that much kool aid?

What kind of a "man" tells his young daughter to get into bed and kiss him while a third person in the room snaps photographs?
Oh goodness - Buh Bye Mattie! :bye1:
Daily BEAST? You gotta be kidding. Why not quote the STAR? Or the Enquirer?
....or The Onion.
I always consider the source.
As do I. If I check a source on Media Bias/Fact Check and get a Left/MIXED (or lower) result, I write the source off as unreliable.

For items that have some measure of plausibility, I'll have to see it in a trusted source also before giving it credence.

Daily Beast doesn't impress me.

Yea, taking a picture just proves he’s guilty, right?

View attachment 485744

lol ... i didn't vote for slick willy ... so my conscience is clear no matter what he may have done. or not.


is yours?

Oh wow, Epstein got his pic taken with Donald Trump many years ago, at big parties in NYC.

Did Donald Trump go to Epstein’s island? No.
Did BJ Clinton? Yes.
Did President Trump invite Epstein to the White House? No.
Did President BJ Clinton invite Epstein to the White House? Yes.

Legit link to Clinton ever spending a night on Pedo Island please.

He also took the Lolita Express to an African Island with Pedo Kevin Spacey to rape or do whatever Satanic shit they do:

View attachment 485761

okey dokey. like i said, i never voted for clinton.

Jeffrey Epstein had 14 phone numbers connected to Trump in his contacts
Jeffrey Epstein had 14 phone numbers connected to Trump in his contacts

^^^ that's the dude YOU voted for.... twice.

Nice try asshole...Trump was having a huge party to attract new club members and dems were there with Epstein and so was Trump's wife...a few visits later Trump banned Epstein and booted him out for messing with a young hostess...told him to never come back...and he kept his club membership money and made Epstein sue him for it....

riiiiiiiight ..... that's the story the biggest manwhore that NYC has ever seen, wanted you to believe. why did ol' jeff still have all them thar phone numbers of donny, 'eh?
These hypocrites don't care about the 17 year old hooker and you all know it...if this were a dem this thread wouldn't even have been started...Paying a hooker is the crime...not sure they come with their age stamped on the forehead like an expiration date on a milk carton....give it up tards...we've seen worse from dems....

So the 17 year old high school kid is the criminal here? Check! :icon_rolleyes:
Accepting money for sex makes you a hooker not a school girl....

so does paying for it - & as a 17 yr old, one is not 'legally' responsible for any 'contract' ; which is exactly what a john/prostitute involves.

it's a 'fee for service' contract that the 17 yr old cannot enter into.
These hypocrites don't care about the 17 year old hooker and you all know it...if this were a dem this thread wouldn't even have been started...Paying a hooker is the crime...not sure they come with their age stamped on the forehead like an expiration date on a milk carton....give it up tards...we've seen worse from dems....

So the 17 year old high school kid is the criminal here? Check! :icon_rolleyes:
Accepting money for sex makes you a hooker not a school girl....

Wrong ^ Worst defense I’ve ever heard.
Is this you Rudy? :laugh2:

Watch for more deep state lies directed towards FOT's...friends of Trump...

Trump's thing is actually fucking chicks decades his junior.
View attachment 485802
A daughter saying thank you to her dad for the new car....give it up you hater of America first....
The man staged a photo op of his daughter in bed, kissing him.
I don't know who's a sicker or him.
Oh goodness - Buh Bye Mattie! :bye1:
A “letter” written by the guy already being charged with crimes, Greenberg. :cuckoo:

Keep in mind this “girl” who supposedly was 17 at the time has yet come out to accuse Gaetz of anything.

The Deep State is desperate.

So much for the “bombshell.” :backpedal:

She was a minor at the time. The prosecutor doesn’t need her blessing to arrest him.
Right !!! A guy with 19 misc charges against him goes to ROGER STONE for help with a pardon????

Is this a fucking joke or what? Greenberg and Stone.. What a pair.. And you're betting on THEM like you doubled down on that creepy porn lawyer (now in jail) because he had "dirt" on Trump and a stripper?

A guy THAT desperate to get off will say or do anything... ESPECIALLY if he's scum...

I concur that Greenberg is scum. But if his statement doesn't check out at some point, he'll face additional perjury charges and even more jail time. Baby Gaetz is in a bit of a bind. Hopefully, you will support his conviction and incarceration if he indeed diddled and traveled with a 17 year old high schooler - - - Yes?

By all accounts, Trump has been a magnificent father. He has five children and, thus far, ALL of them are upstanding, educated, law-abiding, and successful people. A LOT of rich kids end up on drugs and/or are otherwise despicable people but Trump's kids have all turned out to be very solid people. That is undeniable.
Thanks to his many wives!

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