Gaetz has nominated President Donald J Trump for Speaker of the House!!!

What did the vote actually say? It said to Trump that no one wants him any longer. Not even his supporters in the House would still support him.

He might have got 20 votes if he hadn't aligned himself with McCarthy.

I guess that even Trump has grown tired of being blamed for everything.
I want Trump to make a comeback. The media treated him poorly as their words followed partisan trails, as they went all-out to discredit a man who plays his cards right. I don't expect others to agree with me, but I feel that Trump could fix issues in our land that can be fixed, such as fixing the border fiasco, bring people together to lower inflation and encourage the press and universities to clean up their Marxist push fibbies against himself and others. He now has understanding of politics that do not measure up to business standards of which Trump is a master, and hopefully he is a better man for his treacherous treatment by deep state insiders who before. That way, if he runs as a Republican as before, I may vote for him. If his own party rejects him, I don't think they can come up with someone with his skills in peacemaking that surprised everyone who noticed, since the press was getting bankrolled by Democrat supporters who had millions to burn on sundry character assassinations they figured would exhaust President Trump's options. Fair play is allowing people to put their best foot forward. I'm not sure the deep state cares a whole lot for supporting the Make america Great Again crowd. Falling asleep over my coffee. Y'all have a nice day. Love, beautress.
I want Trump to make a comeback. The media treated him poorly as their words followed partisan trails, as they went all-out to discredit a man who plays his cards right. I don't expect others to agree with me, but I feel that Trump could fix issues in our land that can be fixed, such as fixing the border fiasco, bring people together to lower inflation and encourage the press and universities to clean up their Marxist push fibbies against himself and others. He now has understanding of politics that do not measure up to business standards of which Trump is a master, and hopefully he is a better man for his treacherous treatment by deep state insiders who before. That way, if he runs as a Republican as before, I may vote for him. If his own party rejects him, I don't think they can come up with someone with his skills in peacemaking that surprised everyone who noticed, since the press was getting bankrolled by Democrat supporters who had millions to burn on sundry character assassinations they figured would exhaust President Trump's options. Fair play is allowing people to put their best foot forward. I'm not sure the deep state cares a whole lot for supporting the Make america Great Again crowd. Falling asleep over my coffee. Y'all have a nice day. Love, beautress.

Trump was treated in the same way he has always treated others.
Donald Trump as Speaker:

"The first order of business is to get rid of the House Ethics Committee."

"What do you mean I can't limit all bills to be no more than 280 characters?"

"What do you mean I can't abolish the Senate filibuster for bills I want passed?"

"What do you mean the Speaker of the House isn't allowed to issue Executive Orders?"

"The failing Senate is a bunch of losers. The House has higher ratings."

"What do you mean I can't be the only one who decides what laws get changed?"

"What do you mean I can't fire any Congressman I don't like?"

"What the hell does reconciliation mean? I don't do reconciliation for nobody!"

"Can I appoint Alex Jones as my Parliamentarian?"

"Nobody passed more bills than me. A lot of people are saying I'm the greatest Speaker who ever lived. Even better than Abraham Lincoln."
Everybody who doesn't march in lock-step with you and your Orange Baboon-God is a Nazi in your tiny little mind. You, too, can phukk-off.

Nope, only you Nazi vermin are.

Here's the thing stupid fuck, I can and have backed up the fact that you are in fact Nazis.

It's not an idle charge - it's a fact.

You are collectivist, totalitarian thugs who use race hatred to against a designated scapegoat - Der Juden, the white you bitterly hate - to consolidate your power.

Pretty much everything you scum do is right out of Mein Kampf.

Trump for Federal maximum security prison inmate... DeSantis for President.

Not quite... but the above "fix" tweaked it enough to make it work-able... :abgg2q.jpg:

Yes, like all Nazis, you want to kill or imprison your political rivals. Not defeat them at the ballot box, but kill them or throw them in prison - to make clear to any who would oppose you the price of defying your Reich.
Fuck off, Nazi.

Trump for speaker - DeSantis for President.

Utterly perfect.
Nope, only you Nazi vermin are.
Define "Nazi vermin" in a credible, coherent fashion, pi$$ant...
Here's the thing stupid fuck, I can and have backed up the fact that you are in fact Nazis.
You haven't back-up jack-$hit... and I seriously doubt you possess the intelligence to even give it a decent attempt...
It's not an idle charge - it's a fact.
Newsflash, loser... you declaring it thus does not render it thus... :cool:
You are collectivist, totalitarian thugs who use race hatred to against a designated scapegoat - Der Juden, the white you bitterly hate - to consolidate your power.
I am neither a collectivist nor a totalitarian nor a race-baiter nor a Hate-Whitey or any of those other things your paranoid and tiny little mind can conjure.

You confuse vigorous opposition to your Orange Baboon-God with Leftism and you couldn't possibly be more wrong.

But I forgive you... it is painfully obvious by now that you simply don't "run" deep enough to be able to perceive nor understand the distinction.

Pretty much everything you scum do is right out of Mein Kampf.
I have no idea what you are talking about here, but, then again, neither do you, so it's a wash. :cool:
Yes, like all Nazis, you want to kill or imprison your political rivals. Not defeat them at the ballot box, but kill them or throw them in prison - to make clear to any who would oppose you the price of defying your Reich.
Nope. What is called-for her is for violent Insurrectionists - and those who summoned and incited and aimed them - to be brought to justice for their crimes.
I love how the herd like Gaetz rant & rave how they are now the majority & the American people want them to 'git er done & stop big gubmint'! Riiiiight. There's a slew of those Bozos who owe their election wins to gerrymandered districts, otherwise they'd be mopping floors, wiping asses & emptying bedpans in nursing homes.

Absolute BS. Nursing homes are not hiring. Leftists killed most of their clientele during Covid.
Yeah, yeah...talking point, talking point.

Now let's talk about something interesting... Like the pickle this puts the 200 McCarthy supporters in.

What do they do now?

Vote against Donald Trump?

How many of their own constituents will never ever forgive them for that?

I mean... This is brilliant!
True enough...

And what if he wins?

I will be celebrating for months!
Define "Nazi vermin" in a credible, coherent fashion, pi$$ant...

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • The Opposition Candidate for 2024 is polling well ahead of Biden, so he had his goons kick their door in.

You haven't back-up jack-$hit... and I seriously doubt you possess the intelligence to even give it a decent attempt...

That you are not capable of grasping anything not transmitted by pheromones from your Reich doesn't mean it hasn't been posted.

You ignore anything that challenges your absolute obedience to your Reich.

Newsflash, loser... you declaring it thus does not render it thus... :cool:

Of course not. What I state is fact not because I state it, but because it is demonstrably so.

I am neither a collectivist nor a totalitarian nor a race-baiter nor a Hate-Whitey or any of those other things your paranoid and tiny little mind can conjure.

Your party, your Reich is all of those things. That you are a drone of the Reich, a mindless minion of the Nazi democrat party, means that you too are those things.

You confuse vigorous opposition to your Orange Baboon-God with Leftism and you couldn't possibly be more wrong.

You confuse vigorous opposition to your Reich and the destruction of the Constitutional Republic as fealty to Donald Trump, you couldn't possibly be more wrong.

I didn't even vote for him in 2016. Wish I had, but I didn't. I prefer Ron DeSantis for 2024.

But I understand, your Reich has the 24/7 Hate that conditions you drones to hate Emanuel Goldstein - and you do.

But I forgive you... it is painfully obvious by now that you simply don't "run" deep enough to be able to perceive nor understand the distinction.

I have no idea what you are talking about here, but, then again, neither do you, so it's a wash. :cool:

Nope. What is called-for her is for violent Insurrectionists - and those who summoned and incited and aimed them - to be brought to justice for their crimes.

There has been one insurrection in the last 20 years, and it was in Seattle. That you lie about the Reichstag Fire to promote the agenda of your Reich further shows that you are just a drone.

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