Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

How does nuking Ukraine a country he wants to occupy further Putins aims exactly?
Well, tactical nukes against troop and tank concentrations are a known weapon capacity ---- it's theoretically a way to win battles. It's what MacArthur wanted to do to the Chinese and Truman wouldn't allow it.
Well, tactical nukes against troop and tank concentrations are a known weapon capacity ---- it's theoretically a way to win battles. It's what MacArthur wanted to do to the Chinese and Truman wouldn't allow it.
Why MacArthur got fired
Why MacArthur got fired
Yeah. What a scene on the airfield between them.

My husband is still indignant that Truman refused to let MacArthur win the war with nukes.

But it's been, let's see, 72 years since then and no nuclear war ----- all our full lifetimes. I'm thinking, just as well we didn't get endless nuclear war started at that time. I'm going with Truman on that.
Well, tactical nukes against troop and tank concentrations are a known weapon capacity ---- it's theoretically a way to win battles. It's what MacArthur wanted to do to the Chinese and Truman wouldn't allow it.
We weren’t trying to occupy those areas though.
We weren’t trying to occupy those areas though.
I think we were: that was North Korea! The area the Chinese were "helping" the NKs fight for. Chinese poured over the border by the millions (surely that's an exaggeration? One reads it ---) or certainly could have, anyway, with five times our population ---- countless soldiers, no hope for us to win, not without something that would take them all out.

Which didn't happen, so we lost.

That was the first of our almost unrelenting war losses ever since.
And he is right. We can't continue to give money and weapons indefinitely. Basically, Russia is bleeding us dry with their war.
We have enough problems in our own country and yet the President is more focused on Ukraine.
Yeah. What a scene on the airfield between them.

My husband is still indignant that Truman refused to let MacArthur win the war with nukes.

But it's been, let's see, 72 years since then and no nuclear war ----- all our full lifetimes. I'm thinking, just as well we didn't get endless nuclear war started at that time. I'm going with Truman on that.
Mac Arthur was a great tactician but strategically he was a moron.
That was evident in WWII and Korea where he led us to 40,000 deaths
Did you support the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions?
Having fought both those wars heres my perspective. The Afghanistan invasion initially yes. Just not the 20 years of mission creep. Iraq no. Though our biggest mistake in Iraq was disbanding the Iraq army because they were “Baathists“. Had we not done that the insurgency doesn’t happen and Iraq is likely a completely different outcome.
Having fought both those wars heres my perspective. The Afghanistan invasion initially yes. Just not the 20 years of mission creep. Iraq no. Though our biggest mistake in Iraq was disbanding the Iraq army because they were “Baathists“. Had we not done that the insurgency doesn’t happen and Iraq is likely a completely different outcome.

Both were exercises in Nation Building unrelated to fighting terrorism
The initial invasion of Afghanistan wasnt. That was to hunt and kill OBL. It was the subsequent mission creep that turned it into Nation building.
That is what we were told

But when OBL escaped into Pakistan, Bush called off the hunt

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