Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

You don't know wtf you are talking about, after Afghanistan Gorbachev was weakened and removed as USSR fell apart.

Putin OWNS this invasion and un-spinnable defeat will mean his removal - 100%.
Which will change little in our relations with Russia. Gorbachev was succeeded by Yeltsin who invaded Chechnya, gave the country over to the oligarchs you all love so much, and set the stage for Putin to take over in 2000. We have had and continue to foster for no good reason really an adversarial relationship with Russia. Is it any wonder they believe the expansion of NATO is a threat to them? And are they really wrong? The reason NATO was created was as a hedge against the Soviet Union. Once that was dissolved what exactly was NATO's purpose other than to transfer that focus to Russia. NATO then, contrary to what we promised Russia when they gave all their satellite countries their independence started to expand ever closer to Russia's borders. Add to that the US backed coup of the pro-Russian leader of Ukraine 8 years ago and the installation of pro US leadership and we all act surprised when Russia feels threatened. What do you think the US response would be if South American countries created an alliance with themselves and China. China was stationing troops there and supplied these countries with advanced weaponry and money to produce their own. This goes on for a couple decades and then the membership starts to move north into Central America. Pretty soon there's talk of Mexico joining their alliance, maybe Canada. Or lets say they tried to put missiles on an island like oh CUBA. What do you think we would do?
That because we didn't you fucking moron. Russia faced no imminent threat from anyone.

This was absolutely a war of Putin's choice.

Thanks for showing you have zero ability to see this situation from any direction other than the one you've been told to see it from.
How does it help the American taxpayer to send $100 billion to Ukraine to kill thousands of Russian and Ukrainian citizens?

HILLARY’S Russian reset was a smashing success, huh?

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