Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

Here is a crazy idea.
Lets figure out a diplomatic solution and stop the war?

Clueless people say nonsense like this.

Putin's terms are for Ukraine to give away it's lands for nothing, even ones they control now like Kherson and Zaporozhye that Putin declared "Russian land forever"

So what "diplomatic solution" are you talking about?
Clueless people say nonsense like this.

Putin's terms are for Ukraine to give away it's lands for nothing, even ones they control now like Kherson and Zaporozhye that Putin declared "Russian land forever"

So what "diplomatic solution" are you talking about?
Kievan Rus founded the area now called Ukraine. The areas Russia legally annexed by majority vote are part of Novorossyia (New Russia)

As much as you all want to give land back to it's original people why don't you want that in this instance?
Kievan Rus founded the area now called Ukraine. The areas Russia legally annexed by majority vote are part of Novorossyia (New Russia)

As much as you all want to give land back to it's original people why don't you want that in this instance?
Ignorant nonsense.

Ukraine had clear, undesputed, internationally recognized borders. In 2008 Putin himself recognized that fact.

Ukraine did not conduct any votes in it's territories and Russia has no legal right to conduct any votes in foreign territories. There is not a shred of LEGALITY to it. Russia even declared Zaporozhie to be Russian territory, even though they never controlled the Zaporozhie city and there were never any votes there.
Ignorant nonsense.

Ukraine had clear, undesputed, internationally recognized borders. In 2008 Putin himself recognized that fact.

Ukraine did not conduct any votes in it's territories and Russia has no legal right to conduct any votes in foreign territories. There is not a shred of LEGALITY to it. Russia even declared Zaporozhie to be Russian territory even though they never controlled the actual city of Zaporozhie and there were never any votes there.

"The historical Novorossiya was a territory of the Russian Empire"

The people voted to join back with Russia, so why are you an election denier who hates democracy?

"The historical Novorossiya was a territory of the Russian Empire"

Moron that ancient empire DOES NOT EXIST, like many other empires no longer exist. And what is it you think you know that Putin didn't in 2008?

Maybe you are going to tell us that Russia has a right to Alaska because it was part of Russia at some point?
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Moron that ancient empire DOES NOT EXIST, like many other empires no longer exist. And what is it you think you know that Putin didn't in 2008?

Maybe you are going to tell us that Russia has a right to Alaska because it was part of Russia at some point?
Says the guy who thinks America doesn't belong to Americans
Ancient empire? LOL
Face it Crimea voted to join Russia, as did all the Novorossiya territories. So again why are you an election denier who hates democracy?
The people voted to join back with Russia, so why are you an election denier who hates democracy?
Voted ACCORDING TO WHAT LAW? And who in Zaporozhe city voted on Zaporozhe becoming Russia?

Maybe China should go conduct votes in Russia under a barrel of a gun. Surely they can get votes to go their way. :rolleyes-41:

You seriously naive if you are buying that bullshit.
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Maybe America should go conduct votes in Russia under a barrel of a gun. Surely we can get some numbers to go our way. You seriously don't know how the world works to be buying that bullshit.
I know how it works just fine, considering the Ukraine government has been illegitimate since 2014 but since you have problems "voting under the barrel of gun" I'm sure you also think coups are even less legit right fuckstick?
Again, Russia condemned it as a coup cause that's exactly what it was you lying buffoon

Nobody gives a shit what Russia says, they will peddle whatever bullshit they need to have their way....but since you do:

Nobody gives a shit what Russia says....but since you do:

"While President Vladimir Putin remained silent about the outcome"

You said he supported it. Wrong answer dumbass

So why do you think coups are legit and voting isn't you anti democratic piece of filth
So why do you think coups are legit and voting isn't you anti democratic piece of filth

Ukraine's government was VOTED IN. And then REPLACED by more voting in the next election. Yet you say Ukrainian gov is not legitimate. Stupid much?

You know how many times control of government was changed by votes in Russia's entire history? ZERO times.

Put that in your Russian pipe and smoke it.
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Moron, Ukraine's government was VOTED IN. And then a different government was voted in again.

Yet you say Ukrainian gov is not legitimate. Stupid much?

On 21 February, Yanukovych and the parliamentary opposition signed an agreement to bring about an interim unity government, constitutional reforms and early elections.[32] Police abandoned central Kyiv that afternoon and the protesters took control. Yanukovych fled the city that evening.[33]

The next day, 22 February, the Ukrainian parliament voted to remove Yanukovych from office by 328 to 0 (about 73% of the parliament's 450 members).[34][35][36][32] Yanukovych claimed this vote was illegal and asked Russia for help.[37] Russia condemned the events as a "coup".

And I bet you think Obama, Nuland, McCain and Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with it huh you brainlet

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