Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

You should care, Because Ukraine is just the beginning. Putin's plan is to Take control of all European energy. All of the oil of Eastern Europe. He's probably going to try to retake Finland as well and get their oil and coal too. This will definitely affect the prices of oil and coal globally.
Finland does not have domestic production of crude oil. Finland also has no domestic coal production. Just how stupid are you?
We invested $2 trillion in Afghanistan
It was not worth it

Ukraine is

We should stayed 6 months and killed every taliban and foreign terrorist we could find

Then leave without fixing any damage that we caused
Russia is the reason we invest so much in NATO support and have for 80 years

Ukraine is removing the threat for us without losing US troops
Good investment
It's always been a good investment for America. It was the only way possible for America to wage war against Russia.
But now the investment is being questioned by half of the responders to this thread.

Defeating Russia is worth Trillions!
France, the UK and the US are the only NATO members with nuclear missiles with the UK and France having all theirs on submarines. Any use of nuclear weapons guarantees a nuclear response by the US. It's called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). I am surprised you never heard of it.
The discussion is based on Putin hitting Ukraine with a tactical nuke. What would the US or NATO do?
So you were wrong we didnt send 2 Trillion to the Afghan Government then?

I never said we sent them a check for $2 trillion
We have not sent Ukraine a $50 billion check

We spent $2 trillion on ridding Afghanistan of the Taliban and establishing a new Government and military……it lasted two weeks

Ukraine is a better investment
The United States, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and in coordination with the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the 'Department of State, is providing an additional $4.5 billion in direct budgetary support to the Government of Ukraine. The funding, which will help alleviate the acute budget deficit caused by Putin’s brutal war of aggression, was made possible with generous bipartisan support from Congress. The Government of Ukraine will receive the funding in two tranches before the end of 2022.

These funds, provided by the United States through the World Bank, allow the Government of Ukraine to withstand the immense economic, social, and political pressures from Russia’s aggression in Ukraine.'

A nation almost $32 Trillion in debt sending money it does not have to another country IOT 'help alleviate their acute budget deficit'.

What money? We send them actual weapons, not money to buy them.

Let's see you buy something with a 155mm shell!

Someone check my math here... I believe I am right.
We gave $59 billion to Ukraine in 2022 alone.
Unfortunately only 59% of US "taxpayers" actually pay any federal income tax.
That amounts to about 92 million people.
So... last year - those of us who ACTUALLY paid income tax - we personally gave Zelenski $641 of our earned income last year.
59 billion divded by 92 million
Someone check my math here... I believe I am right.
We gave $59 billion to Ukraine in 2022 alone.
Unfortunately only 59% of US "taxpayers" actually pay any federal income tax.
That amounts to about 92 million people.
So... last year - those of us who ACTUALLY paid income tax - we personally gave Zelenski $641 of our earned income last year.
59 billion divded by 92 million

$59 Billion out of a $4 trillion budget
Someone check my math here... I believe I am right.
We gave $59 billion to Ukraine in 2022 alone.
Unfortunately only 59% of US "taxpayers" actually pay any federal income tax.
That amounts to about 92 million people.
So... last year - those of us who ACTUALLY paid income tax - we personally gave Zelenski $641 of our earned income last year.
59 billion divded by 92 million
Your math sucks. Only 41% pay income tax. Try again to prove whatever stupid point you are trying to make.

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