Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

Stop right there my friend. Ukraine is already close to ceasing to exist as a country. Nearly half the people have moved on.
Zelensky is a willing lamb to the slaughter, on behalf of his people. He may never surrender.
Russia will nuke Kiev before accepting defeat to America. The Ukraine has nothing to do with it, other than their donation of the battle field.
My comments are for the purpose of facing reality but are second to my interest in a humanitarian peace before the rest of the Ukrain's population are either displaced or killed.
The Ukraine army hasn't diminished. When the war is over the Ukes will return home. The Russian animals are targeting civilian areas.

Zelensky is a warrior. He is getting all the military aid he needs to defeat Russia.

If Russia uses nukes they would regret it. That would trigger a conventional war with NATO. Or, nuclear if Putin prefers.
America didn't say Russia would be easy.

America was confident in Russia no longer being a power to be reckoned with. Check it out, as Biden would say.

But it turned out that Russia was still a world superpower. Did you forget?

Fwiw, Russia didn't enter the war with an agenda of a complete victory over the Ukraine.

As Ritter suggests, increasing the UKraine's range in weapons to 150 miles, determines how much of a no man's land Russia will have to secure.
Do you have a link that states anyone in the Russian government or military ever claimed it would be a quick war? That silly claim was debunked as Ukrainian propaganda long ago. A quick war and long insurgency was the Western goal. Russia watched what happened in Iraq, what makes you think they would use the same strategy in Ukraine? It doesn't even make sense.
Russia thought that they could parachute into Kiev and decapitate the government.

How Russia's 'three-day' Ukraine invasion became Putin's humiliation - full timeline​

The West is re-supplying the items as they are being shipped to Ukraine. I don't know how much time lag there is until the items are fully restored.
No they aren't. Much of the surplus is out of date and not in production. Our so-called Eurotrash allies flooded the Ukraine with old Soviet era junk because they never upgraded their own inventories. They counted that junk as inventory to meet their NATO requirements, now they are screwed and under supplied to meet their own needs. The ability to continue supplying Ukraine is almost up.
Do you have a link that states anyone in the Russian government or military ever claimed it would be a quick war? That silly claim was debunked as Ukrainian propaganda long ago. A quick war and long insurgency was the Western goal. Russia watched what happened in Iraq, what makes you think they would use the same strategy in Ukraine? It doesn't even make sense.
Russias lack of planning for a long term war proved it
America was confident in Russia no longer being a power to be reckoned with. Check it out, as Biden would say.
But it turned out that Russia was still a world superpower. Did you forget?
Fwiw, Russia didn't enter the war with an agenda of a complete victory over the Ukraine.
As Ritter suggests, increasing the Ukraine's range in weapons to 150 miles, determines how much of a no man's land Russia will have to secure.
Russia is NOT a super-power. Its economy is about the size of Zambia's.
Russia is a nuclear power, not a superpower.
The Ukes want jets and tanks. They sound like they're going to attack, not just defend.
Zelensky: "negotiate peace agreement? A president of Ukraine doesn't know the meaning of the word negotiate!"

*Putin nukes Kyiv*

Zelensky: ok ok we will negotiate!

And by 'peace agreement immediately', conservatives mean surrender by Ukraine.

So much of the GOP just radiates loser energy. Capitulation as a pathway to peace doesn't have a great record. Especially when Russian MPs are affirming that the target isn't Ukraine......but Poland.

What the GOP *actually* want is a wholesale abandonment of NATO.
If Russia uses nukes they would regret it. That would trigger a conventional war with NATO. Or, nuclear if Putin prefers.
The whole world will regret if Russia has to use their nuclear weapons.
Russia can never succeed in fighting a non-nuclear war against the US, Nato included or not.

I am of the opinion that there can be no nuclear war. Precautions have been taken since the beginning to avoid that, by both America and Russia. I'm pretty confident that peace is the only way out now. Peace on whose terms is our difference to discuss.
Russia thought that they could parachute into Kiev and decapitate the government.

How Russia's 'three-day' Ukraine invasion became Putin's humiliation - full timeline​

That's a Ukrainian and UK propaganda piece without a single confirmed Russian source. Try again.
No, more likely that the disputed territories are proclaimed to be neutral and possibly administered by the UN.
But Russia is going to be demanding an ironclad agreement that can't be reneged upon by America.

Even so, the peace will contain facesaving mechanisms for America, and claims of victory. It has to be!

Russia destroyed the infrastructure in those territories and left them in rubble

How do they remain neutral?
And he is right. We can't continue to give money and weapons indefinitely. Basically, Russia is bleeding us dry with their war.
Doubt it. The sum total of everything provided doesn't scratch the surface of US military buildup.

Russia won't negotiate with Ukraine if we remove support. They have no reason to. They'll just run them over.
Russia is NOT a super-power. Its economy is about the size of Zambia's.
Russia is a nuclear power, not a superpower.
The Ukes want jets and tanks. They sound like they're going to attack, not just defend.
My interpretation, based on Russia's nuclear arsenal and it's superior ability to deliver it, that they are the world's leading superpower, with an economy the size of Zambia or etc.
The GOP is the appeasement party. Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is just one of many performative asshole useful idiots working for Putin.
No they aren't. Much of the surplus is out of date and not in production. Our so-called Eurotrash allies flooded the Ukraine with old Soviet era junk because they never upgraded their own inventories. They counted that junk as inventory to meet their NATO requirements, now they are screwed and under supplied to meet their own needs. The ability to continue supplying Ukraine is almost up.
Germany is giving Leopard tanks, Poland is giving Leopard tanks. The US is giving Abrams tanks. These are top 10 tanks. The US is giving Patriot missiles, the Brits are giving their Challenger-2 tanks. I'm not seeing the NATO countries emptying their attics of old shitty equipment.

I can provide links proving what is above. Can you post links proving that NATO is sending old outdated equipment?
The GOP is the appeasement party. Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is just one of many performative asshole useful idiots for Putin.
Got a link that Gaetz was indicted or convicted for child sex trafficking? I just saw him on TV. So you must be a LIAR, huh?
The GOP is the appeasement party. Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is just one of many performative asshole useful idiots for Putin.

Gaetz is my favorite example of the 'family value' party. His defense basically boils down to;

"But your honor, but I thought the teen whore that my buddy and I hired to double team was 18, not 17!"
My interpretation, based on Russia's nuclear arsenal and it's superior ability to deliver it, that they are the world's leading superpower, with an economy the size of Zambia or etc.
The US nuclear submarine fleet trumps whatever you think Russia has.
My interpretation, based on Russia's nuclear arsenal and it's superior ability to deliver it, that they are the world's leading superpower, with an economy the size of Zambia or etc.
Russia can't even deliver long range missiles accurately in Ukraine.

"Superior ability to deliver it". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You useful idiots are identical to the pinko fags in the 80s who wet their pants when Reagan delivered intermediate nukes to Europe. "He's gonna start WWIII!"

There is only thing Russia and mass murdering KGB thugs like Putin understand, and that's strength!

Reagan's resolve drained the USSR and ultimately led to their collapse. Our resolve now will lead to Putin's collapse.


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