Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

Russias lack of planning for a long term war proved it
According to who? You rubes got took, sucking up whatever swill was served to you. Russia knows what it needs to do to win, that means bleeding the West dry and forcing them to abandon the Ukraine. You folks only hear what you want to hear. Our own military was warning of a protected conflict from the beginning, that wasn't what rubes wanted to hear, so they stopped mentioning it.
Russia can't even deliver long range missiles accurately in Ukraine.

"Superior ability to deliver it". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You useful idiots are identical to the pinko fags in the 80s who wet their pants when Reagan delivered intermediate nukes to Europe. "He's gonna start WWIII!"

There is only thing Russia and mass murdering KGB thugs like Putin understand, and that's strength!

Reagan's resolve drained the USSR and ultimately led to their collapse. Our resolve now will lead to Putin's collapse.


Where as the modern GOP's policy toward Russia amounts to "Head Down, Ass Up"
There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.
According to who? You rubes got took, sucking up whatever swill was served to you. Russia knows what it needs to do to win, that means bleeding the West dry and forcing them to abandon the Ukraine. You folks only hear what you want to hear. Our own military was warning of a protected conflict from the beginning, that wasn't what rubes wanted to hear, so they stopped mentioning it.
According to the Russian military that ground to a halt due to lack of fuel, food, ordinance, spare parts, logistics support
There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.

Forget the 'right thing to do'. It can be easily justified by strict self interest.

The Russian military is pathetic. They wouldn't stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. Russia's only hope in a direct military conflict between NATO and Russia would be nuclear war.

Russian MPs have already indicated that Poland is the ultimate goal. Poland is a NATO country. Russia attacks Poland and NATO goes to war with Russia. And Russia, with its pathetic military, has no choice but to use nukes.

The war in the Ukraine gives the US the opportunity to support a war with Russia through proxies........with non-NATO soldiers fighting and killing Russians. This prevents the conventional war between NATO and Russia directly. And the nuclear war that would likely follow when Russia's shit military collapsed.

What we're paying for with support for the War in Ukraine is a conventional proxy war rather than a direct nuclear one.

Every penny we spend depletes Russian military and economic capacity and costs the Russian military in their soldier's lives. Without a single American soldier shedding a drop of their blood.

Its a bargain at twice the price.
The GOP is the appeasement party. Child sex trafficker Matt Gaetz is just one of many performative asshole useful idiots working for Putin.
The GOP recognizes that Russia isn't a threat to America. Meanwhile a real threat just flew a balloon across the whole country as the Biden clownshow watched. Not to mention that our open southern border is allowing tons of drugs into the country that are killing thousands of Americans. Yet the liberal idiots are caught in a Cold War timewarp whining about Russia.
According to who? You rubes got took, sucking up whatever swill was served to you. Russia knows what it needs to do to win, that means bleeding the West dry and forcing them to abandon the Ukraine. You folks only hear what you want to hear. Our own military was warning of a protected conflict from the beginning, that wasn't what rubes wanted to hear, so they stopped mentioning it.
Russian rubes got took when they thought they had a powerful military to be feared
The GOP recognizes that Russia isn't a threat to America. Meanwhile a real threat just flew a balloon across the whole country as the Biden clownshow watched. Not to mention that our open southern border is allowing tons of drugs into the country that are killing thousands of Americans. Yet the liberal idiots are caught in a Cold War timewarp whining about Russia.

Russia s a powerful ally of the GOP
Zelensky: "negotiate peace agreement? A president of Ukraine doesn't know the meaning of the word negotiate!"

*Putin nukes Kyiv*

Zelensky: ok ok we will negotiate!

Gaetz is another Russian whore, just like Trump.
The GOP recognizes that Russia isn't a threat to America. Meanwhile a real threat just flew a balloon across the whole country as the Biden clownshow watched. Not to mention that our open southern border is allowing tons of drugs into the country that are killing thousands of Americans. Yet the liberal idiots are caught in a Cold War timewarp whining about Russia.


You're saying that nuclear bombs aren't a threat to the United States. But a balloon is.

Party City must be a nightmare for you to walk into.
According to the Russian military that ground to a halt due to lack of fuel, food, ordinance, spare parts, logistics support
When was that? Funny thing is the Russian strategy hasn't changed. The Ukrainians have only taken territory the Russians walked away from. All the while spreading the Ukrainians thinner and thinner. This Chechnya writ large, not sure why you folks can't see that.
Reagan would call Gaetz a supporter of our enemies.
One day we will read about the amazing amount of corruption that occurred with all the money we sent to the Ukraine. We are sending enormous amounts of money and arms to one of the most corrupt nation in the world and I doubt if anyone knows where all of it is going.

Of course some of our politicians are making big bucks from our helping Ukraine.

When was that? Funny thing is the Russian strategy hasn't changed. The Ukrainians have only taken territory the Russians walked away from. All the while spreading the Ukrainians thinner and thinner. This Chechnya writ large, not sure why you folks can't see that.
March-April 2022
That's because they are retards serving Putin.

Russia interferes in our elections. And you're scared of a balloon! :auiqs.jpg:

Hardly, Russia simply isn't a threat. Russia didn't interfere in our elections nearly as much as the DNC did with suppression of conservatives on social media and the news.

It's not the balloon, it's who it belongs to. China is a threat to us and you folks ignore it for Cold War era fantasies.
March-April 2022
Really? Actually not. The Ukrainians were forced to redeploy their troops away from Donbas to defend Kiev. The Russians regrouped and redeployed to Donbas. The Ukrainians then had little choice but to spread themselves even thinner to 'recapture' the areas in the north the Russians never wanted. You folks have selective memories.
Really? Actually not. The Ukrainians were forced to redeploy their troops away from Donbas to defend Kiev. The Russians regrouped and redeployed to Donbas. The Ukrainians then had little choice but to spread themselves even thinner to 'recapture' the areas in the north the Russians never wanted. You folks have selective memories.

Russia overplayed their hand in attempting a rapid invasion to topple the Ukraine Government. Instead of running, Ukraine held fast and forced the Russians to withdraw abandoning tanks and supplies as thousands of troops surrendered

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