Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

The Ukraine army hasn't diminished. When the war is over the Ukes will return home. The Russian animals are targeting civilian areas.

Zelensky is a warrior. He is getting all the military aid he needs to defeat Russia.

If Russia uses nukes they would regret it. That would trigger a conventional war with NATO. Or, nuclear if Putin prefers.
A nuclear attack by Russia begets a total nuclear war on our part. Why do you people not realize that?
Liberals quoting Reagan.
That's priceless.

Of course he did fund a proxy war with diverted funds, helped the Mujahedeen who later bit us in the ass, increased the debt, thought homosexuality was a disease and locked up minorities in his failed war on drugs and suffered dementia while in office.
So, he is rather similar to Biden

Your knowledge of this topic is underwhelming.
America is the superior military power beyond doubt.
Rather than act like a kid telling me that your dad can beat up my dad, how about staying with the adults in the room.
If America resorts to using it's great superior military power, is there any point in reminding you of MAD?
Exactly. Putin needs to remember that as well. There are no winners when nukes start flying.
Doubt it. The sum total of everything provided doesn't scratch the surface of US military buildup.

Russia won't negotiate with Ukraine if we remove support. They have no reason to. They'll just run them over.

Ultimately, they will run them over anyway unless we get involved in full scale war with ground troops, etc. We are throwing money away. My worry is that Zelensky may be on the take himself. Russia is crooked, but so is Ukraine.
Ultimately, they will run them over anyway unless we get involved in full scale war with ground troops, etc. We are throwing money away. My worry is that Zelensky may be on the take himself. Russia is crooked, but so is Ukraine.
I disagree with your assessment that they’ll run them over anyway. Russia is very seriously depleting its materiel and has limited number of friends to look to for help.
I disagree with your assessment that they’ll run them over anyway. Russia is very seriously depleting its materiel and has limited number of friends to look to for help.

I think Russia will launch a major offensive and it will ground to a halt, just like the last one.

They lack the resources and logistics to maintain an offensive
You may have, but that person is obviously an idiot, unfamiliar with US policy that has been in place for decades.
Depends on the nuke.

If Putin starts using Tactical Nukes, NATO will respond with a devastating conventional retaliation against Russian internal targets

If he uses Strategic Nukes, all bets are off
I disagree with your assessment that they’ll run them over anyway. Russia is very seriously depleting its materiel and has limited number of friends to look to for help.
We shall see, but I think you are very wrong.
We shall see, but I think you are very wrong.
There's a long list of people who have been wrong by predicting the demise of Ukraine.

How long do you think Russia can throw bodies at the problem?
There's a long list of people who have been wrong by predicting the demise of Ukraine.

How long do you think Russia can throw bodies at the problem?
They really haven't thrown that many relative to the size of their military. Like I said, they are costing us, the US taxpayers, a lot of money, and they are depleting our military resources.
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So what is the NATO & US response to a tactical nuke by Putin?
France, the UK and the US are the only NATO members with nuclear missiles with the UK and France having all theirs on submarines. Any use of nuclear weapons guarantees a nuclear response by the US. It's called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). I am surprised you never heard of it.
France, the UK and the US are the only NATO members with nuclear missiles with the UK and France having all theirs on submarines. Any use of nuclear weapons guarantees a nuclear response by the US. It's called Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). I am surprised you never heard of it.
You're assuming this US administration and this US military has the gonads to respond in kind. I'm not so sure anymore. If our enemies aren't convinced that we will respond, we have a real problem.

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