Gaetz “Ukraine Fatigue” Resolution suspends additional military & financial aid to Ukraine & urge combatants to reach a peace agreement immediately

Regardless of what you're talking about, there's no denying Russia's response if all the mutually agreed upon limitations of the war are thrown out by America.
See? Blame America First.

Just like the pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

Putin is the aggressor, fool. How does this fact constantly escape you useful idiots?
Russia is a paper tiger, just as they have always been. The war in Ukraine has shows just how weak Russia really is.

When the USSR collapsed, it was revealed they were nowhere near the strong bear the pinkos in the US kept saying they were.

It's the same now.

Just look at you, getting wet between the legs about Russia's missiles, when the fact is their missiles completely suck.

Why it is so critical that NATO supports Ukraine.

Russia has demonstrated how inept they are from top to bottom. Not the Super Power that NATO has prepared for.

We have seen Russian tactics, discipline, training, leadership
It is not worthy of a modern Army
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Just look at you, getting wet between the legs about Russia's missiles, when the fact is their missiles completely suck.
The only point I tried to make is that Russia's ballistic missile delivery capability is superior to America's at this point, and is equal to the world's best.

If you're saying that Russia's missiles suck, are you saying that Russia couldn't wipe out America with an attack or a counter attack?
See? Blame America First.
I"ve made it clear that America is to blame and so have the military analysts I mentioned earlier. It's America's attempt at regime change for Russia to a more cooperative regime.
Just like the pinkos of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.
Pinkos? Communists? The side that won reunification for the Vietnamese people. Let's try to not stray too far afield on this topic!
Putin is the aggressor, fool. How does this fact constantly escape you useful idiots?
America has been the aggressor in the Ukraine since 2014 and even earlier. America has continually started wars since the end of WW2.
Why is is so critical that NATO supports Ukraine.

Russia has demonstrated how inept they are from top to bottom. Not the Super Power that NATO has prepared for.

We have seen Russian tactics, discipline, training, leadership
It is not worthy of a modern Army
It's foolish to think that Russia could fight a conventional war against America alone. Take that feather and stick it in your cap!

But it's just as foolish to think that Russia will accept defeat while sitting on the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

The goal of America's war with Russia was a prize of regime change. That's the reason why the biggest factor to influence Russia's defensive success is Putin's soaring popularity.

Of course America's main goal was to intimidate Russia;s people into a revolt against Putin's leadershiip.

That is America's victory that has been slipping away.
It's foolish to think that Russia could fight a conventional war against America alone. That that feather and stick it in your cap!

But it's just as foolish to think that Russia will accept defeat while sitting on the world's largest nuclear arsenal.

The goal of America's war with Russia was a prize of regime change. That's the reason why the biggest factor to influence Russia's defensive success is Putin's soaring popularity.

Of course America's main goal was to intimidate Russia;s people into a revolt against Putin's leadershiip.

That is America's victory that has been slipping away.

Putin has painted himself into a corner

A war that is not winnable
Worldwide isolation
A military that no longer supports him
Growing public outrage
A crippled economy

Not the makings of a lengthy tenure
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To make it crystal for all: America's victory is as close or as far from causing the Russian people to lose confidence in Putin and their leadership.

America is finally going to allow the Ukrainians to end the war. It won't be spun as America's loss and it won't be America's win either.

Mearsheimer and Ritter have had this pinned down for nearly a year now.
The only point I tried to make is that Russia's ballistic missile delivery capability is superior to America's at this point, and is equal to the world's best.

If you're saying that Russia's missiles suck, are you saying that Russia couldn't wipe out America with an attack or a counter attack?
I already provided you a link which shows just how much Russia's missiles suck. Their missiles land with an embarrassing thud, way off course.

They are nowhere near US technological capabilities. They are a paper tiger.
Putin has painted himself into a corner

A war that is not winnable
Worldwide isolation
A military that no longer supports him
Growing public outrage
A crippled economy

Not the makings of a lengthy rule
Now you're finally addressing the questions that are applicable!
For those weak-kneed cowards who are sweating themselves silly about Putin:

There are many good reasons for the West to support Ukraine's fight against imperialist Russia.

First, it's the right thing to do.

Second, the Ukraine is a major food source for the world. We cannot allow a mass murdering genocidal dictator to control the world's food supply.

Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future. He is a paper tiger and now the whole world knows it.
I already provided you a link which shows just how much Russia's missiles suck. Their missiles land with an embarrassing thud, way off course.

They are nowhere near US technological capabilities. They are a paper tiger.
See my reply to rightwinger.
He's stated your side of the debate for you.

My side is now obvious and so I won't belabour the question any further for now.
Third, this enables the West to see the military capabilities, tactics, and logistics of Russia. This is an invaluable strategic opportunity. We are learning our greatest enemy's strengths and weaknesses at a very cheap price!

Also, one of our biggest global adversaries is depleting their military reserves with no way of replacing them.
Russia has taken to begging N Korea and Iran for equipment
The more we hurt Putin, the less saber rattling he will do in the future.
That's the key. At least now we're on the same page as to America's reason for starting the war and it's simple goal for a win.
Russian peaceful solution
-You let us keep captured territory
- You stop attacking us
- The West drops sanctions

Ukraine peaceful solution
-Russia withdraws from Ukraine territory
- Russia pays reparations
- Russian war criminals prosecuted

We've given more money to Ukraine in the last year than we gave the Afghan military in over 20. And no one said Ukraine has to agree to anything, they are free to continue to fight as long as they like. We aren't obligated to fund it though. Since we are footing the bill we get a say.
That's the key. At least now we're on the same page as to America's reason for starting the war and it's simple goal for a win.
"America's reason for starting the war."

Also, one of our biggest global adversaries is depleting their military reserves with no way of replacing them.
Russia has taken to begging N Korea and Iran for equipment
Who is this great and biggest adversary to America?

You can't make tactical slipups that won't be noticed.
Also, one of our biggest global adversaries is depleting their military reserves with no way of replacing them.
Russia has taken to begging N Korea and Iran for equipment
You're aware that literally every war Russia has fought has gone this way, right? The first year is a shit show then they ramp up the Russian war machine and throw huge amounts of men and material at the problem. That's not to say that they will win but just because this first year has gone terrible for them, given history that shouldn't have been unexpected.
Zelensky: "negotiate peace agreement? A president of Ukraine doesn't know the meaning of the word negotiate!"

*Putin nukes Kyiv*

Zelensky: ok ok we will negotiate!

The right's support for the fascist Putin continues.

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