Gaff Machine Joe Biden To Save The Day


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Hillary's "Hands Off" campaign isn't working for her, so she announcing that she's going to start showing more heart and more humor. She's gonna be more funny and really show she cares from now on.

Previous attempts to introduce Mrs. Clinton’s softer side to voters have backfired amid criticism that the efforts seemed overly poll tested. This time the strategy will compete with news coverage on the latest developments over her email.

“The same force and energy that is giving a lift to Donald Trump is dooming Hillary Clinton, and that is authenticity,” said Eric Fehrnstrom, a Republican strategist and former aide to Mitt Romney. “Experience does not matter to them. What matters is you appear genuine.”

Meanwhile the left's big money, unions and billionaires, hope that Joe Biden can come in and save the day. I listened to his speech this morning. He was stuttering so much I thought he had Parkinson's. The fact is, Biden is a total gaff machine. He comes off as a nice guy, unlike Hillary, but he sounds like he doesn't know the issues. And what's worse, his rhetoric sounds like the same old mess that Democrats have been saying since Jimmy Carter. He claims that he stands up for workers. He claims that Republicans want to put blacks back in chains. Neither is true. He's just a continuation of the same policies that Obama and Hillary have brought us. Biden hears Labor Day cheers: 'Run, Joe, run' -


Run Joe Run

Pittsburgh (CNN)Make no mistake about it. Joe Biden was definitely running.

He's not yet launched a bid for president, but Biden sent a well-timed signal of exuberance and political vitality on Monday, leaving reporters and Secret Service agents in his wake as he jogged through adoring crowds on Labor Day in Pittsburgh.

The old Joe was back. And the crowd was cheering "Run, Joe, run!"

"I am hot. I am mad, I am angry," Biden roared as he bemoaned the way workers have been "clobbered" in recent years, and vowed to fight to ensure a share for the middle class of the profits the rich have enjoyed from rising productivity.

"Something is wrong, folks.... the level playing field doesn't exist."

I wonder if Joe knows his speech is essentially bad-mouthing his own administration? Isn't Joe the current VP?


Pittsburgh crowd encourages Joe Biden to run for president
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Bernie Sanders wasn't the answer, because despite his reputation, he can't admit that Hillary is going down in the polls because of the email scandal. This interview puts the BS campaign in perspective. At the same time he's whining about low wages he's also complaining about jobs leaving the US and going to places that pay low wages. His Socialist/Marxist agenda is on full display in this lousy interview by Andrea Mitchell:

Bernie says we have problems, but his only answer is to get the rich man....because he claims the rich man is the cause of all of the rising medical costs.....and rising energy costs.

This is the guy responsible for rising costs, Bernie.....Barrack H. Obama.

I listened to part of Biden's speech to the steelworkers yesterday and it reconfirmed my longheld belief that against any one of the motley crew of characters the GOP is offering up,

he is unbeatable.
To think a politician who has been in DC since 1973 would make a good POTUS, is to not think.
I listened to part of Biden's speech to the steelworkers yesterday and it reconfirmed my longheld belief that against any one of the motley crew of characters the GOP is offering up,

he is unbeatable.
I work with industrial union workers all the time, IEW, Steel workes, Milwright ect. Industrial union members are pissed at Obama and Biden, they are shutting down industries the these union workers have jobs in. The only unions that Obama cares about are the in Service Sector and Public employee.
I think it's the funniest thing ever that the RWnuts' big weapon! against Biden is going to be to throw a handful of his gaffes back at him.

"The middle class has been buried these past four years" -- Joe Biden Oct 2012

The Republicans captured the House 4 years ago.

Obama/Biden had veto proof majority the first 2 years

First of all there's no such thing as a veto proof majority. Second of all you're using the term wrong.
Well, if Vice President Biden jumps into the race, great!

But, uh, he's not announced anywhere.....

So, uh, mud, buddy, mud, you need to check your meds.


Uh......I guess you didn't read the OP.

Go back and read it, dummy, and let me know where it says he has announced he's officially running a presidential campaign.
First of all there's no such thing as a veto proof majority. Second of all you're using the term wrong.
If there is no such thing, how can he be using the term wrong?

A bit early in the day for this level of stupidity.

For two reasons.

1. He meant 'filibuster proof', and

2. there's no such thing as either since no Senator is required to vote according to his party.
Bernie says we have problems, but his only answer is to get the rich man....because he claims the rich man is the cause of all of the rising medical costs.....and rising energy costs.

This is the guy responsible for rising costs, Bernie.....Barrack H. Obama.


socialism and marxism must have a poor, weak "victim" and a rich evil "exploiter" in order to grow.

"The cultural divide between the conservative white majority versus leftwing white minority means that minority must seek non-whites to build its power base.
Class warfare and racism "sells".
It's interesting to watch the RW support Trump "he speaks his mind and doesn't worry about PC" and when Biden does the same thing, it's suddenly bad.
The biggest difference is when Trump speaks his mind it's usually 100% correct. When Biden speaks his mind it's the cheap talking-points that he can remember....when he's semi-sober.
Suddenly there are more RWnut threads attacking Biden on the front page than those attacking Hillary?

lol, someone must have broken out a bottle of Biden fear pills over the weekend.

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