Gaige Grosskreutz testifies in rittenhouse trial

Wearing that shirt, to him, had more to do with proclaiming his innocence in spite of a corrupt DA than anything else.

And hanging about with racists and giving a racist hand gesture...

Sadly, it looks like the Judge is doing everything he can to sabotage the case. Hopefully, the fear of more riots will get the jury to do the right thing.
And hanging about with racists and giving a racist hand gesture...

Sadly, it looks like the Judge is doing everything he can to sabotage the case. Hopefully, the fear of more riots will get the jury to do the right thing.

Proud boys aren't racists...the democrat party is racist...and you vote for them.
Sure, you keep thinking "No, you are!" works any time past the fifth grade.

Moron...their most recent leader was a black cuban guy, you isn't a race based matter how many times you lie about them.
Sure, you keep thinking "No, you are!" works any time past the fifth grade.

You are a are all of the racist leftists you support...


Henry "Enrique" Tarrio (born 1984 or 1985[2]) is an American activist who serves as chairman of the Proud Boys,[1]

Political views

In regard to his views on extremist groups and ideologies, Tarrio has been quoted as saying, "I denounce white supremacy. I denounce anti-Semitism. I denounce racism. I denounce fascism. I denounce communism and any other -ism that is prejudiced towards people because of their race, religion, culture, tone of skin."[28] In regard to his own ethnicity, he has said, "I'm pretty brown, I'm Cuban. There's nothing white supremacist about me."[11]

Only a moron leftist like you could call a group that has a black, cuban leader a white supremacist group...

You guys are so stupid you would be funny if you didn't like to fill mass graves with innocent people when you take control of a country....
Moron...their most recent leader was a black cuban guy, you isn't a race based matter how many times you lie about them.

yes, he's the face they've put up.. But the Founder of the Proud Boys is a racist white guy named Gavin McInnes.

Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right.” They insist they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

Other hardcore members of the alt-right have argued that the “Western chauvinist” label is just a “PR cuck term” McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance. “Let’s not bullshit,” Brian Brathovd, aka Caerulus Rex, told his co-hosts on “The Daily Shoah,” an antisemitic podcast popular with the alt-right. If the Proud Boys “were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of ‘Hitler was right. Gas the Jews

Sadly, the jury is never going to hear about how Rittenhouse hung out with racists or frequented racist message boards.
yes, he's the face they've put up.. But the Founder of the Proud Boys is a racist white guy named Gavin McInnes.

Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right.” They insist they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

Other hardcore members of the alt-right have argued that the “Western chauvinist” label is just a “PR cuck term” McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance. “Let’s not bullshit,” Brian Brathovd, aka Caerulus Rex, told his co-hosts on “The Daily Shoah,” an antisemitic podcast popular with the alt-right. If the Proud Boys “were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of ‘Hitler was right. Gas the Jews

Sadly, the jury is never going to hear about how Rittenhouse hung out with racists or frequented racist message boards.

Gavin isn't a racist, you guys lie and lie.......

They are the ones who show up opposed to blm and antifa, so you guys smear them as racists.....typical race card tactic of morons like you...
Gavin isn't a racist, you guys lie and lie.......

They are the ones who show up opposed to blm and antifa, so you guys smear them as racists.....typical race card tactic of morons like you...

yes thinking black lives matter and that anti-fascism is a bad thing... what crazy ideas...

Clearly black lives don't matter and fascism is wonderful. What was I thinking.
yes, he's the face they've put up.. But the Founder of the Proud Boys is a racist white guy named Gavin McInnes.

Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right.” They insist they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

Other hardcore members of the alt-right have argued that the “Western chauvinist” label is just a “PR cuck term” McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance. “Let’s not bullshit,” Brian Brathovd, aka Caerulus Rex, told his co-hosts on “The Daily Shoah,” an antisemitic podcast popular with the alt-right. If the Proud Boys “were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of ‘Hitler was right. Gas the Jews

Sadly, the jury is never going to hear about how Rittenhouse hung out with racists or frequented racist message boards.

Yes....please explain how white supremacist groups use black and cubans as their "leaders," simply to throw people off of their racism.....

Are you really this fucking stupid.... was quite normal for the national socialists to use blacks and other minorities as their leaders to hide their racism...dittos the democrat party ku klux klan who often had blacks in their leadership postions to hide their racism...

Do you now see how stupid you are?
yes thinking black lives matter and that anti-fascism is a bad thing... what crazy ideas...

Clearly black lives don't matter and fascism is wonderful. What was I thinking.

Blm is a communist group exploiting blacks to get power, and antifa isn't anti-racist, they are actual fascists..........
Yes....please explain how white supremacist groups use black and cubans as their "leaders," simply to throw people off of their racism.....

Same way the GOP props up Uncle Toms like Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes to say, "We're not racist, see, we got a black guy up here and we are letting him rant like a loon!"

But the whole notion of the Proud Boys is to promote "Western" (read White) superiority.
Same way the GOP props up Uncle Toms like Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes to say, "We're not racist, see, we got a black guy up here and we are letting him rant like a loon!"

But the whole notion of the Proud Boys is to promote "Western" (read White) superiority.

Yeah....those guys are really uncle toms.....

Do you believe this crap, or are you simply trolling?
Same way the GOP props up Uncle Toms like Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes to say, "We're not racist, see, we got a black guy up here and we are letting him rant like a loon!"

But the whole notion of the Proud Boys is to promote "Western" (read White) superiority.

Again...tell us how the national socialists and the democrat party ku klux klan had blacks in leadership positions to hide their racism....go on.....we'll wait....
And hanging about with racists and giving a racist hand gesture...

Sadly, it looks like the Judge is doing everything he can to sabotage the case. Hopefully, the fear of more riots will get the jury to do the right thing.
It looks like the prosecutor is guilty of witness tampering and inducing purjery...
Yeah....those guys are really uncle toms.....

Do you believe this crap, or are you simply trolling?

THey are simply trolling. They know that they are on the wrong side, and the only way to defend their side is to lie.

So, they lie. All the time.
yes, he's the face they've put up.. But the Founder of the Proud Boys is a racist white guy named Gavin McInnes.

Established in the midst of the 2016 presidential election by VICE Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists” who adamantly deny any connection to the racist “alt-right.” They insist they are simply a fraternal group spreading an “anti-political correctness” and “anti-white guilt” agenda.

The Proud Boys’ actions belie their disavowals of bigotry: Rank-and-file Proud Boys and leaders regularly spout white nationalist memes and maintain affiliations with known extremists. They are known for anti-Muslim and misogynistic rhetoric. Proud Boys have appeared alongside other hate groups at extremist gatherings such as the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Former Proud Boys member Jason Kessler helped organize that event, which brought together a broad coalition of extremists including Neo-Nazis, antisemites and militias. Kessler was expelled from the group after the violence and near-universal condemnation of Charlottesville rallygoers.

Other hardcore members of the alt-right have argued that the “Western chauvinist” label is just a “PR cuck term” McInnes crafted to gain mainstream acceptance. “Let’s not bullshit,” Brian Brathovd, aka Caerulus Rex, told his co-hosts on “The Daily Shoah,” an antisemitic podcast popular with the alt-right. If the Proud Boys “were pressed on the issue, I guarantee you that like 90% of them would tell you something along the lines of ‘Hitler was right. Gas the Jews

Sadly, the jury is never going to hear about how Rittenhouse hung out with racists or frequented racist message boards.

McCinnes, didn't like the look of the Unite the Right rally and ordered all Proud Boys to stay away. Any Proud Boys there were NOT representing the group.

Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys for being a w.s. infiltrator.

You are a lying, race baiting whore.
Same way the GOP props up Uncle Toms like Ben Carson, Herman Cain and Alan Keyes to say, "We're not racist, see, we got a black guy up here and we are letting him rant like a loon!"

But the whole notion of the Proud Boys is to promote "Western" (read White) superiority.
blacks can be just as racist. even more so these days.

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