
And..another glitch. Once I go in a Ropey's or Aqua Athena's...I can't get back out. I try to back button and it does nothing. The only way to get back out again (this happened to both people I visited their galleries) is to close it all up and reopen a new window to usmb. my name, then go to content, then go to forum.

Can someone address these issues please?
And..another glitch. Once I go in a Ropey's or Aqua Athena's...I can't get back out. I try to back button and it does nothing. The only way to get back out again (this happened to both people I visited their galleries) is to close it all up and reopen a new window to usmb. my name, then go to content, then go to forum.

Can someone address these issues please?

Can't you just click on the "gallery" tab at the top of the page?
When I click on a pic to leave a comment, there is no GALLERY link to click.
Not on my end. Once I click on a certain pic...its twilight zone with no exit. Yes, I can leave a comment...but backing out...or scrolling...its nothing BUT pic. Maybe I will do a screen shot so you can see.
See? No gallery. And when I click the back button...nothing. I am stuck in there.
See? No gallery. And when I click the back button...nothing. I am stuck in there.

Okay, you went in to view the pictures in slideshow format. See the little X at the top right hand side of the picture displayed? Just click the X, and that will take you out of the slideshow, then you will have the regular tabs at the top of the page to navigate with. :)
Well DUH on me! I was looking EVERYWHERE on how to get OUT. Oy. And there it was. Iffen it twere a snake, itta done bit me. :lol:
Thank you.

ONE more question. I have to have pics in my harddrive to upload them to the gallery. Once they are uploaded to my album, can I then delete them from my harddrive and STAY in the album once I delete them from my computer? In short...once uploaded, are they then on usmb servers?

I would like to add more pics, but I don't want them in my pc files. I keep most in tiny pic.
Yay!! Thanks CK!!
Now..I gotta go treat me snake bite. ;)
What if the pics are hacked!? Then Gracie will have no pics??

I see they have personal Clouds now for home use...

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