Gallup: 55% Oppose Re-election of Obama


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
More Than 4 in 10 Say Obama Deserves Re-Election

1. "Voters' views about President Obama's re-election fall in between their views of most members of Congress and of their local representative. Forty-three percent say Obama deserves to be re-elected, while 55% say he does not. The "deserves" percentage is slightly lower than Gallup measured in August and May of this year, but above the low point of 37% measured in October 2010."

2. And this is testimony to firm decisons by those who responded. Only 2% couldn't make a choice.

3. And Gallup's results are based on 'registered voters' not the more valid 'likely voters:'
"Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

For results based on the total sample of 903 registered voters used in this analysis, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points."
Record High Anti-Incumbent Sentiment Toward Congress

4. Interesting that Gallup hid the negative news way down in the poll, after questions and graphs about whether or not Obama deserves re-election. Wouldn't you think that the question about the President's chances would be prime news?
You think it's an accident, huh?

First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.
Next, analyze why your choice was such a blunder....
...what does it say about your politics?

Then apologize.
First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.

You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... They do not have a get-out-the-vote quality.

Rightfully so, Gingrich is a joke of a candidate. He has zero appeal to anyone. Romney has too many strikes against him and he doesn't come across as a genuine person.

Nobody will vote for them because they suck as candidates. There is not a "Not Obama" lever in the booth.

This is absolutely the weakest offering I've ever seen from the GOP. They should all travel together to the debates in a clown car.
What's interesting is if you interface this poll with the ones showing Obama waxing the floor with every Republican candidate.

I have a theory about a good chunk of those 55%: they're like me. I, personally, don't believe Obama deserves to be reelected. But there is absolutely ZERO chance that I will vote Republican next year.

Well, unless the party somehow resurrects Theodore Roosevelt and nominates him. Which is damned unlikely.

There are a lot of people in this country who voted for Obama in 2008 and have been disappointed at his CENTER-RIGHT PRESIDENCY, so different from the Obama of the campaign. Many of those people, like me, say that Obama doesn't deserve to be reelected. But most of them will, nonetheless, vote for him.

That there are many such voters out there is the only hypothesis I can see that explains BOTH the fact that a majority of voters think he doesn't deserve reelection, AND the fact that he is ahead of any possible challenger.
First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.

You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... They do not have a get-out-the-vote quality.

Rightfully so, Gingrich is a joke of a candidate. He has zero appeal to anyone. Romney has too many strikes against him and he doesn't come across as a genuine person.

Nobody will vote for them because they suck as candidates. There is not a "Not Obama" lever in the booth.

This is absolutely the weakest offering I've ever seen from the GOP. They should all travel together to the debates in a clown car.

Weak is a good word but I see it as deliberately trying to throw an election. It is the only explanation for that collection of knuckleheads and empty suits.
First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.

You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... They do not have a get-out-the-vote quality.

Rightfully so, Gingrich is a joke of a candidate. He has zero appeal to anyone. Romney has too many strikes against him and he doesn't come across as a genuine person.

Nobody will vote for them because they suck as candidates. There is not a "Not Obama" lever in the booth.

This is absolutely the weakest offering I've ever seen from the GOP. They should all travel together to the debates in a clown car.

Weak is a good word but I see it as deliberately trying to throw an election. It is the only explanation for that collection of knuckleheads and empty suits.
I'm convinced Newt is a ringer for the Democrats.
Maybe they should look into running someone else? Oh wait, they already are:
Will Hillary Clinton Run for President?

They cannot afford to dump's why:

But what exactly would that mean? In how many states do black voters make the difference? I ran some rough numbers over at Robert Emmet -- check them out. Depending on how much of a drop-off you assume, it could cost the Democrats 10 to 76 electoral votes.
Robert Schlesinger: The Democrats and the Black Vote

"...what would happen if a smaller percentage of blacks turned out:

- At 90 percent black turn-out, Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes slide into the GOP column.

- At 75 percent black turn-out, Pennsylvania’s 21 electoral votes go Republican.

- At 70 percent Michigan’s 17 electoral votes turn from blue to red.

- At 50 percent the GOP collects Delawre’s three electoral votes.

I don’t know what a realistic number to project is for the effects of angry black apathy, but I’ll stop at 50 percent. It may be that going as low as 75 percent is unrealistic. Most likely it’s impossible to say. (And this doesn’t take into account things like congressional districts where black voters make the margin of difference.)"
Do Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet Democrats need the black vote? | RobertEmmet

If they could, they's throw him under the bus in a hot New York second.
First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.

You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... They do not have a get-out-the-vote quality.

Rightfully so, Gingrich is a joke of a candidate. He has zero appeal to anyone. Romney has too many strikes against him and he doesn't come across as a genuine person.

Nobody will vote for them because they suck as candidates. There is not a "Not Obama" lever in the booth.

This is absolutely the weakest offering I've ever seen from the GOP. They should all travel together to the debates in a clown car.

"You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... "


You win in the category of longest post written while in a coma!
First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.

You can't vote against somebody. That's the thing about our democracy. Nobody will vote for Romney or Gingrich.... They do not have a get-out-the-vote quality.

Rightfully so, Gingrich is a joke of a candidate. He has zero appeal to anyone. Romney has too many strikes against him and he doesn't come across as a genuine person.

Nobody will vote for them because they suck as candidates. There is not a "Not Obama" lever in the booth.

This is absolutely the weakest offering I've ever seen from the GOP. They should all travel together to the debates in a clown car.

Weak is a good word but I see it as deliberately trying to throw an election. It is the only explanation for that collection of knuckleheads and empty suits.

You have a point...partially.
There is a weaker slate: Democrats.

You win in the category of longest post written while in a coma!

See, this sort of thing is how I know that you cut and paste your OPs, PC. When you have to respond to a genuine argument, all you can come up with is invective and insult. I'm not sure who writes your OP material, but I am completely sure it's all plagiarized.
9.0% unemployment, maybe higher.

increased food prices

increased gas prices

decreased prices of homes


Fast and Furious


and that damn pipeline that could put 20 thousand Americans to work and reduce our need for arab oil and obamalllama won't do it..

not to mention his shutting down wells in the gom and putting thousands out of work

not to mention the damage to the coal industry in West Virgina..

He's pissed off the old people and he's pissed off the Jewish people too..
I have a theory about a good chunk of those 55%: they're like me. I, personally, don't believe Obama deserves to be reelected. But there is absolutely ZERO chance that I will vote Republican next year.
Gingrich will not win his party's nomination. He simply isn't Presidential material. He says smart stuff, but he also says idiotic things that do nothing but provoke those who might vote for him into voting for the other side. If Gingrich does get the GOP nod then Obama will have to do absolutely nothing to gain another 4 years. Newt will spring his own October surprise on himself. Whatever chance he may have, he'll blow it by saying something vaguely racist of sexist or something.

Romney will win the nomination and there will be an actual race for the White House. Obama will win without too much difficulty. Romney's a robot. You won't see any people lining up around the block to vote for him.

It will be 4 more years of Obama. No question.
More Than 4 in 10 Say Obama Deserves Re-Election

1. "Voters' views about President Obama's re-election fall in between their views of most members of Congress and of their local representative. Forty-three percent say Obama deserves to be re-elected, while 55% say he does not. The "deserves" percentage is slightly lower than Gallup measured in August and May of this year, but above the low point of 37% measured in October 2010."

2. And this is testimony to firm decisons by those who responded. Only 2% couldn't make a choice.

3. And Gallup's results are based on 'registered voters' not the more valid 'likely voters:'
"Results for this Gallup poll are based on telephone interviews conducted Nov. 28-Dec. 1, 2011, with a random sample of 1,012 adults, aged 18 and older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

For results based on the total sample of 903 registered voters used in this analysis, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±4 percentage points."
Record High Anti-Incumbent Sentiment Toward Congress

4. Interesting that Gallup hid the negative news way down in the poll, after questions and graphs about whether or not Obama deserves re-election. Wouldn't you think that the question about the President's chances would be prime news?
You think it's an accident, huh?

First, Obama-supporters...say bye-bye to the Pres.
Next, analyze why your choice was such a blunder....
...what does it say about your politics?

Then apologize.

Gallup? Are you sure this isn't a Faux or Rassmussen Poll?
It's Gallup. Follow the link.

Of course, she neglected to mention that for Congress, it's 76/21 against from the same poll.
You have a point...partially.
There is a weaker slate: Democrats.

Women don't understand that there's a difference between not liking a candidate and thinking that the candidate is a weak candidate. Men watch alot of sports so we understand that the team we most hate might be really good.

If you're going to win an election against a sitting president you need 2 things.

1. You need to have a bad economy that you can blame on him. I think that the GOP is going to have a hard time with that.
2. You need to energize your own base. Romney and Gingrich cannot and will not.

Therefore, on Jan 21, 2013, the President of the United States of America will be Barack Obama.
You have a point...partially.
There is a weaker slate: Democrats.

Women don't understand that there's a difference between not liking a candidate and thinking that the candidate is a weak candidate. Men watch alot of sports so we understand that the team we most hate might be really good.

If you're going to win an election against a sitting president you need 2 things.

1. You need to have a bad economy that you can blame on him. I think that the GOP is going to have a hard time with that.
2. You need to energize your own base. Romney and Gingrich cannot and will not.

Therefore, on Jan 21, 2013, the President of the United States of America will be Barack Obama.

Talk about one ignorant statement, dude.
lol...come on.....You still have Obama beating every GOP runner as of right now. 55% saying he doesnt deserve the seat is a far cry from 55% saying they wont vote for Obama period.

You WISH it was the other way, but its not. This is merely grasping for something.

I certainly do wish that the tenure of this wind-bag was at an end.

He will lose....the only question remaining is how badly he will lose.

Afterwards, it will take a post of booklength to ascertain the myriad the reasons.
I look forward to writing that post.

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