GALLUP: Police are 3rd highest in American "Confidence in Institution"; Sorry OWS.

Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

It's certainly occurred to those who support the crooks on Wall Street. The reason Republicans were able to bring down the largest economy in the world is because if you deregulate everything, nothing is illegal. They want to prosecute women and gays, but not bankers and CEO's. Not something you could really argue with. We just lived through it.
Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

It's certainly occurred to those who support the crooks on Wall Street. The reason Republicans were able to bring down the largest economy in the world is because if you deregulate everything, nothing is illegal. They want to prosecute women and gays, but not bankers and CEO's. Not something you could really argue with. We just lived through it.

That is one idiotic statement. More then proving you havent the slightest clue.

You are good for a laugh though. As your side made sure those crooks got large bonuses.
Lets face it,more & more Americans are now fearing & despising our Police Force. They've been given too much power. It's all part of America's Authority-Worship fetish they've been indoctrinated on for so many decades. For these people the Police are always right. You can't reason with them. Just like you couldn't reason with Germans who worshipped their Gestapo thugs. It's all about the indoctrination. We have militarized our entire Society.

The Police are now only trained on paramilitary jack-booted tactics. Look at em all in their black 'Call of Duty' uniforms armed with tasers,pepper spray,clubs,and automatic weapons. All for some unarmed peaceful kids sitting down protesting? Why all the weapons and paramilitary tactics against them? It makes no sense. We need revolutionary changes in how we train our Police Force. They are public servants who work for us. They should be treated as our equals. They should not be treated as Gods who should be feared or worshipped. They've just been given too much power. Time for change.
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Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

It's certainly occurred to those who support the crooks on Wall Street. The reason Republicans were able to bring down the largest economy in the world is because if you deregulate everything, nothing is illegal. They want to prosecute women and gays, but not bankers and CEO's. Not something you could really argue with. We just lived through it.

That is one idiotic statement. More then proving you havent the slightest clue.

You are good for a laugh though. As your side made sure those crooks got large bonuses.

Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. Look at the Bush tax cuts. Obama nor the Democrats wanted them extended. Republicans held millions of unemployed hostage threatening to cut off their unemployment and leave them destitute. Republicans don't care about regular Americans, that much is plain. Look at you.

Now try to argue with that fact even after the conservative Christian Science Monitor called Republicans out on their hostage taking. Of course, you will call it a lie. You maybe will even convince yourself that it couldn't be true. But deep down you know it is. That's why you are in such denial.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -
It's certainly occurred to those who support the crooks on Wall Street. The reason Republicans were able to bring down the largest economy in the world is because if you deregulate everything, nothing is illegal. They want to prosecute women and gays, but not bankers and CEO's. Not something you could really argue with. We just lived through it.

That is one idiotic statement. More then proving you havent the slightest clue.

You are good for a laugh though. As your side made sure those crooks got large bonuses.

Sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. Look at the Bush tax cuts. Obama nor the Democrats wanted them extended. Republicans held millions of unemployed hostage threatening to cut off their unemployment and leave them destitute. Republicans don't care about regular Americans, that much is plain. Look at you.

Now try to argue with that fact even after the conservative Christian Science Monitor called Republicans out on their hostage taking. Of course, you will call it a lie. You maybe will even convince yourself that it couldn't be true. But deep down you know it is. That's why you are in such denial.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

NOT ONCE BUT TWICE. The fact you only wish to call it one way more then proves you classify as a useful idiot. Why did they need more unemployment when the stimulus had all of that covered.

Because you lying POSs were all about crony payoffs. There is a wealth of that from this admin, but its the repubs. Stupid is as stupid does. Mini stimulus 2 Buying votes at the local governments one at a time.
Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

Well there is the epitome of how the conservative mind works...

SUDDENLY, in the early 1970's, there was a drastic change in human nature...WOW!

You are a fucking genius...Sigmund Freud move over!!!

You right wing turds are not 'tough on crime'. You are tough on freedom and liberty.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Lets face it,more & more Americans are now fearing & despising our Police Force. They've been given too much power. It's all part of America's Authority-Worship fetish they've been indoctrinated on for so many decades. For these people the Police are always right. You can't reason with them. Just like you couldn't reason with Germans who worshipped their Gestapo thugs. It's all about the indoctrination. We have militarized our entire Society.

The Police are now only trained on paramilitary jack-booted tactics. Look at em all in their black 'Call of Duty' uniforms armed with tasers,pepper spray,clubs,and automatic weapons. All for some unarmed peaceful kids sitting down protesting? Why all the weapons and paramilitary tactics against them? It makes no sense. We need revolutionary changes in how we train our Police Force. They are public servants who work for us. They should be treated as our equals. They should not be treated as Gods who should be feared or worshipped. They've just been given too much power. Time for change.

Are you an expert in how police are trained all across the country? Do you have any fucking idea what you are talking about or are you just off your meds AGAIN?
Lets face it,more & more Americans are now fearing & despising our Police Force. They've been given too much power. It's all part of America's Authority-Worship fetish they've been indoctrinated on for so many decades. For these people the Police are always right. You can't reason with them. Just like you couldn't reason with Germans who worshipped their Gestapo thugs. It's all about the indoctrination. We have militarized our entire Society.

The Police are now only trained on paramilitary jack-booted tactics. Look at em all in their black 'Call of Duty' uniforms armed with tasers,pepper spray,clubs,and automatic weapons. All for some unarmed peaceful kids sitting down protesting? Why all the weapons and paramilitary tactics against them? It makes no sense. We need revolutionary changes in how we train our Police Force. They are public servants who work for us. They should be treated as our equals. They should not be treated as Gods who should be feared or worshipped. They've just been given too much power. Time for change.


You couldnt be more wrong. Google "Community Policing Philosophy".

PD"s have gotten softer, more wussified and more politically correct over the years.

The kids didn't get sprayed for sitting and protesting. They got sprayed for surrounding cops and trying to prevent the transport of some people the cops had just arrested. You can't do that. And you can't block public roads or obstruct a business from operating.

But yeah, read up on Community Policing, and you'll see just how much softer PD's have become over the years.
Community Policing: Introduction to Community Policing Model of Law Enforcement - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

THe cops have tried the "Mayberry Model" and tried to coddle the people, be softer, kinder, gentler. And in 99% of situations, it works and all sides are happy. But with some, like OWS, reason and dialogue just doesnt work. They tried telling the UC Davis kids "Hey, you need to move, we are transporting arrestees and you're in the way". Did they meet reason with reason? Nope.
From CP model: " This is a difficult balance for police officers involved in a community policing department. It is difficult to have officers change their personalities overnight from hard-charging to warm and sociable".

How do you train a man to carry a gun, and be willing to run into a building of gunfire to save innocent people, at his own peril maybe, get him to possess that mindset of fearlessness and courage.....and then ask him to have the ability to change, like a light switch, from Andy Griffith to the mindset of a combat soldier in a matter of seconds? We are demanding our cops to possess both qualities, and be able to manage that mindset 100% of the time and switch it on and off at will. We can't expect a Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde where the cop is Andy Griffith until the gunshots are heard, then become GI Joe instantly. We are either gonna have tough, brave men who sometimes have that same personal attitude, OR, we'll have cuddly, soft men who would rather reason with a lunatic gunman than engage him. Which is it?
Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

It's certainly occurred to those who support the crooks on Wall Street. The reason Republicans were able to bring down the largest economy in the world is because if you deregulate everything, nothing is illegal. They want to prosecute women and gays, but not bankers and CEO's. Not something you could really argue with. We just lived through it.
Blah, blah, blah.
Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

Well there is the epitome of how the conservative mind works...

SUDDENLY, in the early 1970's, there was a drastic change in human nature...WOW!

You are a fucking genius...Sigmund Freud move over!!!

You right wing turds are not 'tough on crime'. You are tough on freedom and liberty.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Ahh, yes, the ol' "It's society's fault!!" argument, popular among those who feel that minorities aren't capable of making their own decisions.
Fuck the police.

You can't hate all the police because of the actions of a few bad apples. I have friends who are police and they are very, very good people.

It's like hating the military because Republicans lied them into Iraq. It's not the fault of the military. They have done they best they could with the old and rusty equipment the Republicans left them with.

Both the military and the police are good people. Like I said, just a few bad apples.

hey Dean.....Salt is just like you.....he hates White People too.....maybe you guys can hang.....and you both can wear your "I hate White People Hats"......

Perhaps people should stop breaking the law.

Never occurred to you, did it, Bfgrn?

Well there is the epitome of how the conservative mind works...

SUDDENLY, in the early 1970's, there was a drastic change in human nature...WOW!

You are a fucking genius...Sigmund Freud move over!!!

You right wing turds are not 'tough on crime'. You are tough on freedom and liberty.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Ahh, yes, the ol' "It's society's fault!!" argument, popular among those who feel that minorities aren't capable of making their own decisions.

Are you really THAT obtuse? Seriously? Please tell me again how you used to be a Democrat? Did you have a lobotomy?

THINK about it turd brain...

In 1975, the rate of incarceration in the U.S. was 100 per 100,000 people, a rate that hadn't fluctuated much in the previous half century. And even after 1975, though the incarceration rate slowly climbed to its present-day 700 per 100,000. Americans did not commit crimes at any higher rate than previously; the United States simply grew more punitive.

You right wing bastards have NO comprehension of freedom and liberty. If farting became a crime, you mindless statists would call for the death penalty. There is ZERO contemplation inside your tiny little pea.
Well there is the epitome of how the conservative mind works...

SUDDENLY, in the early 1970's, there was a drastic change in human nature...WOW!

You are a fucking genius...Sigmund Freud move over!!!

You right wing turds are not 'tough on crime'. You are tough on freedom and liberty.

Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.
Edmund Burke
Ahh, yes, the ol' "It's society's fault!!" argument, popular among those who feel that minorities aren't capable of making their own decisions.

Are you really THAT obtuse? Seriously? Please tell me again how you used to be a Democrat? Did you have a lobotomy?

THINK about it turd brain...

In 1975, the rate of incarceration in the U.S. was 100 per 100,000 people, a rate that hadn't fluctuated much in the previous half century. And even after 1975, though the incarceration rate slowly climbed to its present-day 700 per 100,000. Americans did not commit crimes at any higher rate than previously; the United States simply grew more punitive.

You right wing bastards have NO comprehension of freedom and liberty. If farting became a crime, you mindless statists would call for the death penalty. There is ZERO contemplation inside your tiny little pea.

Another illogical, irrational, whiny little emo-btich leftist...


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