GALLUP: Police are 3rd highest in American "Confidence in Institution"; Sorry OWS.

I know alcohol is a contributing factor.

I just corrected your misperception that heroin is not.

I don't promote anyone driving under the influence of any drug. But alcohol kills over 10,000 people per year and maims thousands more. But because your beloved government deems alcohol LEGAL and a relatively harmless drug like marijuana ILLEGAL, mindless statists like you goose step to government dictum.

That is what happens when people don't question government or profess 'less' government, but when confronted with MORE government, they show their TRUE colors; government enablers and cheerleaders.

If farting were deemed ILLEGAL, you turds would willfully evaporate into a puff of smoke.
If you don't like the law, contact your elected representatives and work to change it. But you can't just decide the law doesn't apply to you because you're special.

Zig heil statist dave...
I don't promote anyone driving under the influence of any drug. But alcohol kills over 10,000 people per year and maims thousands more. But because your beloved government deems alcohol LEGAL and a relatively harmless drug like marijuana ILLEGAL, mindless statists like you goose step to government dictum.

That is what happens when people don't question government or profess 'less' government, but when confronted with MORE government, they show their TRUE colors; government enablers and cheerleaders.

If farting were deemed ILLEGAL, you turds would willfully evaporate into a puff of smoke.
If you don't like the law, contact your elected representatives and work to change it. But you can't just decide the law doesn't apply to you because you're special.

Zig heil statist dave...
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like being reminded that he's not special. :lol:
If you don't like the law, contact your elected representatives and work to change it. But you can't just decide the law doesn't apply to you because you're special.

Zig heil statist dave...
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like being reminded that he's not special. :lol:

I am special. I have a deep and intelligent understand what freedom and liberty really means.

A statist like yourself never questions the state...

Right wing turds like you never even contemplate whether or not a law is just to begin with, or how the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target. Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.
Zig heil statist dave...
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like being reminded that he's not special. :lol:

I am special. I have a deep and intelligent understand what freedom and liberty really means.

A statist like yourself never questions the state...

Right wing turds like you never even contemplate whether or not a law is just to begin with, or how the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target. Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.
:lol: That's especially delicious coming from an Obamabot like you.
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like being reminded that he's not special. :lol:

I am special. I have a deep and intelligent understand what freedom and liberty really means.

A statist like yourself never questions the state...

Right wing turds like you never even contemplate whether or not a law is just to begin with, or how the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target. Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.
:lol: That's especially delicious coming from an Obamabot like you.

I don't heap praise on Obama. He is a bigger disappointment to liberals than he should be to conservatives. But parrots like you can only repeat what you are told.

You continue to use obfuscation, a sure sign I hit it out of the park...statist dave...
Zig heil statist dave...
Ooooh, somebody doesn't like being reminded that he's not special. :lol:

I am special. I have a deep and intelligent understand what freedom and liberty really means.

A statist like yourself never questions the state...

Right wing turds like you never even contemplate whether or not a law is just to begin with, or how the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target. Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.

Yet you lack even the most remedial grammar skills.

Christ, where did they conduct this poll - in a Tea-Tard church?
It's really not surprising. The U.S. is an increasingly authoritarian nation and if the objectives of OWS are unsuccessful we are headed straight for unconstrained fascism. As it is the corporatocracy is clearly in control of our government.
Usually it's the former schoolyard bullies turned roid using cops that make the rest look bad. Most cops are as reasonable as they are allowed to be but a few of them are truly dangerous people and should not be allowed anywhere near a badge.

That is so true (two relatives that are stae troopers). I hear it all the time how the few bad apples are ruining it. The bad cops make the job so much harder on the ones that do a great job.

That being said, my reply is...why don't the good cops run the bad cops off the force? The good cops know who the bad ones are, or so I've been told. If the good ones don't do anything to stop the bad ones does that make the good one accomplices? Aren't accomplices just as guilty as the ones who commit the crimes? It is when it is the public. Is the "Blue wall" just a myth? and if it isn't doesn't that make the police force a little like the mob? Who polices the police? and just how motivated are they to do so?
That's it in a nutshell. The police are your friend until they are ordered to crack your skull, at which time very few will even hesitate.

The vast majority of Americans are too ignorant to understand that police are agents of the state. They are a necessary evil who are endowed with a potentially dangerous power which must be rigidly controlled.

The primary function of America's police is to protect and serve the One Percent. And unless the OWS movement recedes we soon will be seeing them doing exactly that all over America.
SORRY OWS'ers, your recent outburst of cop-hate is NOT commonly held by the general public, or the 99% you supposedly represent.

Disapproval is not hatred -- except to the paranoid mind.

The primary function of America's police is to protect and serve the One Percent. And unless the OWS movement recedes we soon will be seeing them doing exactly that all over America.

More stupid, lefty hysteria. What a surprise.
This thread should have been directed at the conservatives who want to take away the collective bargaining rights of the police, pay them less, and take away their job security and benefits and workplace safety protections etc., etc., etc.

It won't matter. The police will continue to function as agents of the state. Because for the vast majority of them the power of authority is their drug. It becomes who they are.
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This thread should have been directed at the conservatives who want to take away the collective bargaining rights of the police, pay them less, and take away their job security and benefits and workplace safety protections etc., etc., etc.

It won't matter. The police will continue to function as agents of the state. Because for the vast majority of them the power of authority is their drug. It becomes who they are.

You're a greasy little insect who enjoys protection he doesn't at all deserve.
This thread should have been directed at the conservatives who want to take away the collective bargaining rights of the police, pay them less, and take away their job security and benefits and workplace safety protections etc., etc., etc.

It won't matter. The police will continue to function as agents of the state. Because for the vast majority of them the power of authority is their drug. It becomes who they are.

Do you think it's the state, or the union that protects the few bad cops there are?
Do you think it's the state, or the union that protects the few bad cops there are?
That's a hard question to answer because "bad cop" is a relative concept. Many cops behave "badly" by abusing their authority but are never censured because they are clever enough and bureaucratically agile enough to avoid penalty.

The Rodney King beating is one example of what I mean. If the cops who did that number on King were not so arrogant as to believe they could do something like that in a public place they would have taken King in for booking, done the beating in a back room and added a charge of resisting, which is how it's usually done. If King went to arraignment busted up and charged the cops with brutality, provided there are no witnesses or other supportive evidence the state will protect the cops by dismissing the complaint -- even though everyone knows it's true.

Criminal trials are lying contests and one of the most important things a cop needs to learn is how to lie on paper and in court.
From CP model: " This is a difficult balance for police officers involved in a community policing department. It is difficult to have officers change their personalities overnight from hard-charging to warm and sociable".

How do you train a man to carry a gun, and be willing to run into a building of gunfire to save innocent people, at his own peril maybe, get him to possess that mindset of fearlessness and courage.....and then ask him to have the ability to change, like a light switch, from Andy Griffith to the mindset of a combat soldier in a matter of seconds? We are demanding our cops to possess both qualities, and be able to manage that mindset 100% of the time and switch it on and off at will. We can't expect a Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde where the cop is Andy Griffith until the gunshots are heard, then become GI Joe instantly. We are either gonna have tough, brave men who sometimes have that same personal attitude, OR, we'll have cuddly, soft men who would rather reason with a lunatic gunman than engage him. Which is it?
You've presented the Andy Griffith stereotype and "the mindset of a combat soldier" as an exclusive either/or choice. The fact is a community police officer should not and need not be either. Further, any police officer who thinks of himself in the combat soldier context and entertains the kind of "lunatic gunman" fantasies you seem preoccupied with will very likely end up creating problems rather than solving them.

While there is a certain level of risk involved in the police occupation no-one expects a police officer to take suicidal risks.
I am special. I have a deep and intelligent understand what freedom and liberty really means.

A statist like yourself never questions the state...

Right wing turds like you never even contemplate whether or not a law is just to begin with, or how the enforcers of the law go about nabbing their target. Conservatives, by and large, are not willing to challenge whether or not the law is morally just. Nor do they care to spend a lot of time looking at some of the corrupt and deceitful practices of the police, feds, judges and prosecutors. In the beloved Police State of the mainstream Right, the bad guys are always the accused and the good guys are always the State. The State can do no wrong.
:lol: That's especially delicious coming from an Obamabot like you.

I don't heap praise on Obama. He is a bigger disappointment to liberals than he should be to conservatives. But parrots like you can only repeat what you are told.
Yes, a far-left Marxist wanna-be like you criticizes Obama for being a socialist. :lol:
You continue to use obfuscation, a sure sign I hit it out of the park...statist dave...
Yes, you win. You're worn out my foot by repeatedly slamming your ass into it. :lol:
Ahh, yes, the ol' "It's society's fault!!" argument, popular among those who feel that minorities aren't capable of making their own decisions.

Are you really THAT obtuse? Seriously? Please tell me again how you used to be a Democrat? Did you have a lobotomy?

THINK about it turd brain...

In 1975, the rate of incarceration in the U.S. was 100 per 100,000 people, a rate that hadn't fluctuated much in the previous half century. And even after 1975, though the incarceration rate slowly climbed to its present-day 700 per 100,000. Americans did not commit crimes at any higher rate than previously; the United States simply grew more punitive.

You right wing bastards have NO comprehension of freedom and liberty. If farting became a crime, you mindless statists would call for the death penalty. There is ZERO contemplation inside your tiny little pea.

And you want to know what caused the sudden spike in crime in the 1980's and 90's?

Two simple words, the invention of the "crack rock".

Hard drugs fuck peoples minds, addicts them, causes them to steal, rape, do dumb illegal shit. Crack cocaine was the 1st. Heroine. Acid. Speed. And on the list goes.

But crack in the 80's is what fueled the spike in prison numbers.

Dont agree? Do the research. You'll find the truth.
You're almost right. It is the utterly counterproductive enforcement of senseless drug laws which are responsible for the prison census.

If it could be shown that drug law enforcement is effectively limiting the use of drugs it would make sense to continue the status quo, but such is not the case. The fact is any type of illegal drug one wishes to buy is readily available within a ten mile radius of any inhabited place in the U.S. (typically within a mile or two). And for every drug dealer who is arrested and imprisoned there is a substitute waiting in the wings. If a crack house is busted on First Street another opens on Second Street within hours.

What that means is drug law enforcement benefits only those who sell illegal drugs and those corrupt officials, from street-level cops to legislators, who facilitate them by perpetuating the fiasco.
Televangelist Pat Robertson stirred the pot by condemning the harsh penalties imposed on young people for marijuana possession – comments that delighted supporters of legalizing pot and surprised followers accustomed to his conservative views.

"We're locking up people that take a couple of puffs of marijuana, and the next thing you know they've got 10 years," Robertson told his "700 Club" audience last week. "I'm not exactly for the use of drugs – don't get me wrong – but I just believe that criminalizing marijuana, criminalizing the possession of a few ounces of pot and that kind of thing, I mean, it's just costing us a fortune and it's ruining young people."
That certainly softens my opinion of Pat Robertson.

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