Gallup Shocker: Bush more popular than Obama!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Bush More Popular Than Obama


Should we start one of those "Best Presidents" threads about now??!!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

What a laugh......seems that first inauguration speech is about 30 years ago now!!! At this point, in terms of legacy, I think Carter has Obama beat for the biggest disaster award......but its getting close. And who knows what doo-doo is still to come, but you certainly bet your ass that its not done yet!!:2up:
Did you ever think you would see the day?
Actually it was only a matter of time.
Did you ever think you would see the day?
Actually it was only a matter of time.

Limbaugh said it waaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009.......that these lefties cant deal with success and would over-reach. He predicted epic failure.....and wait'll Obamacare starts kicking in next year in full force. The regular folks are going to hate this MOFU and it'll become fashionable to publically denounce Obama, just as it became social dogma to hate Bush by 2007. And still.......and clearly the funniest shit of all......90% of the blacks will still consider him an icon.:coffee:
obama is loved throughout the world!

How many more liberal lies can we come up with?
Obama's popularity will decline the more that average citizens and moderately successful professionals feel the pinch...

He will still have his hard core worshipers.. The Obamabots.. the blind race appologists.. the leftover hippies.. and the big government entitlement junkies... but the 'average Joes and Janes' and the independents that elected him will leave in droves
Obama's popularity will decline the more that average citizens and moderately successful professionals feel the pinch...

He will still have his hard core worshipers.. The Obamabots.. the blind race appologists.. the leftover hippies.. and the big government entitlement junkies... but the 'average Joes and Janes' and the independents that elected him will leave in droves

As the costs continue to grow to pay for all this liberal lunacy, it's those folks, like us, that are going to start to realize just exactly what it's costing US taxpayers! We, the makers, are footing the bills for all the many millions of takers/non-taxpayers. And then layer in those wonderful unionized government workers who spend our money as we've recently learned the IRS does, multiply that times dozens and dozens of other government agencies, departments, etc., and lots and lots of those Joes and Janes and independents are gonna realize what suckers they've been supporting all the freeloaders who support the Dimocrat party.

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