Game Changer: Donald Trump Offers To Release His Detailed Medical Records If Hillary Does The Same

That there is no reason for Hillary to release any more medical information than she already has because the morons on the right will just claim they're fake anyway.

Exactly how stupid are you that you couldn't see that was the point I was making?
If some doctors, or other medical professionals, were to release information showing that she has epilepsy (as suspected), or some other neurological disorder, then NO, conservatives would NOT "claim they're fake" You're smart enough to know that, no ? :biggrin:
They should both release their detailed medical records. Trump is 70 and Hillary is only 16 months younger and at that age, there is reason to be concerned about their ability to withstand the stress of the job. Reagan was 70 when he took office and he seemed so fit no one suspected he would soon be suffering from dementia. Under the stress of the campaign in 2008, Hillary became confused and had trouble telling the difference between fantasy and reality when describing landing in Bosnia under sniper fire when nothing like that had happened, and also under the stress of that campaign, Hillary threatened to "obliterate" Iran, killing 80,000,000 people if Iran nuked Israel she should have known Iran had no capability of nuking Israel. These events strongly suggest Hillary has trouble maintaining her mental stability under stress and even if this only happens occasionally she cannot be trusted to have her finger on the nuclear trigger. The fact that her campaign does not trust her to hold press conferences adds weight to suspicions of mental health problems.
Her doctor has already summarized her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
If there is nothing more to hide, why not release those records? If she refuses, it is a fair assumption for voters to assume there is something to hide. She is about the same age as Reagan was when he became president and before too long he showed signs of dementia, so why wouldn't you want to know if Hillary will? Do you really not care if the president loses contact with reality in the middle of a national security crisis?
Because her physician already conveyed her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
But you've got to wonder, when her doctor said Hillary was fit to serve, did she mean Hillary has serious physical or mental health conditions that are presently controlled with medications or did she mean Hillary has no such health conditions? In any case, there are no reasons for her to refuse if there are no serious conditions that might lead voters to think she was unfit, and there is no reason for you to be so opposed to her releasing the records unless you think there are health conditions that would lead voters to think she was unfit.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax records, but if he did it wouldn't tell us how he would be able to function as president in a crisis, however Hillary's medical records might tell us if she is healthy enough to be able to function properly in a crisis. The fact that all of her supporters seem to be afraid to have her release these records suggests that even those who support her are fearful she is not healthy enough to be president.
You are such a wing nut idiot.
Every jurisidiction in the United States has its own voting systems. In my own jurisdiction we still vote on paper- yes the results are tallied electronically- but there is an absolute paper trail.
Chalk one up for another delusional Birther.
A true Trumpster- I fully expect when Trump loses for you to crow how that just shows the system is rigged.
The system could be rigged in various ways having to do with voting machines OR paper ballots (as occured in 2000) But the biggest rigging of the system, is the support given to illegal aliens by Democrats, to stack the ballots with millions of illegal votes.
And again, I have a licensed medical doctor corroborating my claims. You have nothing corroborating your lies.
And licensed medical doctors don't ever lie ? HA HA HA HA!! Is there a doctor in the house ?

All one need do, is look at these short seizures Hillary keeps getting, to know she is gone "daf" (as the Brits would say) - as well as her constant need to grab onto things around her, as she can't stand up without a physical support of some kind (a railing, table, chair, etc)

She's a basket case.

I believe a licensed medical professional before I believe some schmo posting a youtube video. Which, btw, he grossly mischaracterizes. He claims the video with her exaggerated head movements is an "involuntary petit mal seizure." Here's what an involuntary petit mal seizure really looks like. There's no jerky head movements. Individuals suffering from this go blank for about at least 5 seconds, as if their brain turned off. Look in tbe mirror for an example since you idiots seem to suffer from this during most of the day.

Notice Alex Jones go blank 17 seconds into this video. Then compare his lack of head movements with Hillary's exaggerated head movements to see why so many here think you're an imbecile.

Meanwhile, you're still lying about her having a blood clot.
YOU are lying by having that Trump video in your posts. Trump was NOT mocking disability. He didn't know anything of the guy having a disability. How the hell could he know that ? Typical Democrat lies.
Bullshit. He had personally met that reporter in the past.
That there is no reason for Hillary to release any more medical information than she already has because the morons on the right will just claim they're fake anyway.

Exactly how stupid are you that you couldn't see that was the point I was making?
If some doctors, or other medical professionals, were to release information showing that she has epilepsy (as suspected), or some other neurological disorder, then NO, conservatives would NOT "claim they're fake" You're smart enough to know that, no ? :biggrin:
Thanks for admitting you only believe professionals when they tell you what you want to hear. :cuckoo:
Trump raises the stakes and calls Hillary's bluff. Once again, Trump sets the narrative for the upcoming week. Now, what will Hillary do?

TRUMP Calls Hillary's Bluff, Offers to Release Detailed Medical Records if Hillary Does Same
Trump has the best medical records, bleev me. He's the most physically fit candidate for President ever. His colon is in such good shape it will make your head spin.

In fact, Trump knows his medical condition better than any doctor, so he will write his own medical records.
Trump doctor wrote health letter in just 5 minutes as limo waited

"If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency," Bornstein wrote.

Asked how he could justify the hyperbole, Bornstein said, "I like that sentence to be quite honest with you and all the rest of them are either sick or dead."

Holy shit, this guy's a total quack!

"I think I picked up his kind of language and then just interpreted it to my own," Bornstein said.

I think it was more like Trump dictated to him what to write.
No, you're losing the debate about Hillary's medical records and you need to change the subject. Pretty obvious.

Ultimately Trump will decide whether to release his tax records and whether to release his medical records- based upon what he thinks will help his election chances.
Ultimately Clinton will decide whether to release her medical records- based upon what she thinks will help her election chances.

The difference is of course- is that Hillary Clinton's tax returns are released- and Trump is still hiding his.

And you are as usual a hypocrite....and its fun to point out.
Still trying to change the subject, I see. Bottom line is Hillary has serious medical problems and refuses to release her medical records. And you won't make it go away by deflecting to Trump's tax returns.

Still trying to ignore Trump's hypocrisy and lies I see.

Trump has a serious honesty and integrity problem.

Trump said if Obama showed his birth certificate he would give $5 million to charity- Obama did- and Trump never gave the money to charity.

Trump said if he ran for President he would release his tax returns- now Trump is saying he won't release his tax returns.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.

You must be proud.

Barrypuppet's "live birth certificate" that was finally released was a piss poor forgery and one that was easily taken apart by Adobe being that it was a PDF file that was full of "cut and paste" layers. Whomever did it and released it, realized too late that they should have printed the forgery and THEN posted it but by that time, over 100,000 people had taken screenshots of it. That was why the old lady that validated it had to be "bumped" off before more questions could be asked. The powers that be know all about the Barrypuppet and that is how they control him because he is not legit...those are the facts and you need to learn to deal with them.
View attachment 87585
Basically, his team of investigators got a free trip to Hawaii on Crazy Donald's dime.

Yeah, boss, we're finding big, big stuff down here! We're gonna need another 2, 3 weeks. We can't believe what we're finding! Big, BIG stuff!!!
So why are Hillary's supporters so afraid of having her release detailed medical records unless they suspect she is not mentally or physically fit to be president?
Your strawman is dismissed. We have her personal physician summarizing her health status. That's good enough.

Shouldn't you be more concerned with Crazy Donald's health since his personal physician said Crazy Donald is "positive" for every ailment for which he tested him?

Why in the hell should she release her medical records, when Donald Trump hasn't produced one single tax return, and still refuses to citing you're too stupid to figure it out--LOL

This is her game, not his & she's not going to let him set her pace.

Welcome to politics 101
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

You wanted Trump--Now you own it!
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

If there is nothing in her medical records that would indicate she is mentally or physically unfit to serve, why wouldn't she want to release them? Your concern over this issue suggests you think her medical records might show she is unfit. That would certainly be a fair assumption for voters to make if she refuses.
She could see the circus around Obama's birth certificate.
After he released it they demanded his 'long form' certificate...after he released that Trump 'sent his people down there' and 'they couldn't believe what they were finding' and all sorts of other right-wing talking heads and 'experts' frothed at the mouth challenging the authenticity of the document.

Hillary can see that there'd be no end to it and no advantage to her in indulging the howls from the fringe.
In fact, it would likely prolong the foaming and howling.
If there is nothing to hide, how could releasing her detailed medical records do anything but put an end to theories about her poor mental and physical health? What you are suggesting is that there are things in those medical records that would worry voters.
Dayam, that's sounding eerily familar..... if has nothing to hide, why doesn't Obama release his detailed birth certificate. If nothing else, it'll put an end to all the theories about him being born in Kenya.

Don't you people have more than one page in your playbook?

You're the new Birthers. We need to come up with a good name for y'all. Truthers and Birthers are taken. How about.... Neurologers?
Her doctor has already summarized her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
If there is nothing more to hide, why not release those records? If she refuses, it is a fair assumption for voters to assume there is something to hide. She is about the same age as Reagan was when he became president and before too long he showed signs of dementia, so why wouldn't you want to know if Hillary will? Do you really not care if the president loses contact with reality in the middle of a national security crisis?
Because her physician already conveyed her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
But you've got to wonder, when her doctor said Hillary was fit to serve, did she mean Hillary has serious physical or mental health conditions that are presently controlled with medications or did she mean Hillary has no such health conditions? In any case, there are no reasons for her to refuse if there are no serious conditions that might lead voters to think she was unfit, and there is no reason for you to be so opposed to her releasing the records unless you think there are health conditions that would lead voters to think she was unfit.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax records, but if he did it wouldn't tell us how he would be able to function as president in a crisis, however Hillary's medical records might tell us if she is healthy enough to be able to function properly in a crisis. The fact that all of her supporters seem to be afraid to have her release these records suggests that even those who support her are fearful she is not healthy enough to be president.

As I mentioned- and you choose to ignore- I said I am fine with either or both Hillary and Trump releasing their medical records.

I will point out that you are not asking for the same medical proof from Trump that you are asking from Trump.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
Your strawman is dismissed. We have her personal physician summarizing her health status. That's good enough.

Shouldn't you be more concerned with Crazy Donald's health since his personal physician said Crazy Donald is "positive" for every ailment for which he tested him?

Why in the hell should she release her medical records, when Donald Trump hasn't produced one single tax return, and still refuses to citing you're too stupid to figure it out--LOL

This is her game, not his & she's not going to let him set her pace.

Welcome to politics 101
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

You wanted Trump--Now you own it!
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

If there is nothing in her medical records that would indicate she is mentally or physically unfit to serve, why wouldn't she want to release them? Your concern over this issue suggests you think her medical records might show she is unfit. That would certainly be a fair assumption for voters to make if she refuses.
She could see the circus around Obama's birth certificate.
After he released it they demanded his 'long form' certificate...after he released that Trump 'sent his people down there' and 'they couldn't believe what they were finding' and all sorts of other right-wing talking heads and 'experts' frothed at the mouth challenging the authenticity of the document.

Hillary can see that there'd be no end to it and no advantage to her in indulging the howls from the fringe.
In fact, it would likely prolong the foaming and howling.
If there is nothing to hide, how could releasing her detailed medical records do anything but put an end to theories about her poor mental and physical health? What you are suggesting is that there are things in those medical records that would worry voters.
Dayam, that's sounding eerily familar..... if has nothing to hide, why doesn't Obama release his detailed birth certificate. If nothing else, it'll put an end to all the theories about him being born in Kenya.

Don't you people have more than one page in your playbook?

You're the new Birthers. We need to come up with a good name for y'all. Truthers and Birthers are taken. How about.... Neurologers?
In other words, you can't think of any reason for Hillary to refuse to release her detailed medical records unless they contain evidence she is unfit to serve.
You are such a wing nut idiot.
Every jurisidiction in the United States has its own voting systems. In my own jurisdiction we still vote on paper- yes the results are tallied electronically- but there is an absolute paper trail.
Chalk one up for another delusional Birther.
A true Trumpster- I fully expect when Trump loses for you to crow how that just shows the system is rigged.
The system could be rigged in various ways having to do with voting machines OR paper ballots (as occured in 2000) But the biggest rigging of the system, is the support given to illegal aliens by Democrats, to stack the ballots with millions of illegal votes.

Millions of illegal votes that you Right Wing Nut Jobs haven't been able to find any evidence of.

So you still voting for Trump now that he supports pseudo-Amnesty- aka Amnesty in everything but name only.
If there is nothing more to hide, why not release those records? If she refuses, it is a fair assumption for voters to assume there is something to hide. She is about the same age as Reagan was when he became president and before too long he showed signs of dementia, so why wouldn't you want to know if Hillary will? Do you really not care if the president loses contact with reality in the middle of a national security crisis?
Because her physician already conveyed her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
But you've got to wonder, when her doctor said Hillary was fit to serve, did she mean Hillary has serious physical or mental health conditions that are presently controlled with medications or did she mean Hillary has no such health conditions? In any case, there are no reasons for her to refuse if there are no serious conditions that might lead voters to think she was unfit, and there is no reason for you to be so opposed to her releasing the records unless you think there are health conditions that would lead voters to think she was unfit.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax records, but if he did it wouldn't tell us how he would be able to function as president in a crisis, however Hillary's medical records might tell us if she is healthy enough to be able to function properly in a crisis. The fact that all of her supporters seem to be afraid to have her release these records suggests that even those who support her are fearful she is not healthy enough to be president.

As I mentioned- and you choose to ignore- I said I am fine with either or both Hillary and Trump releasing their medical records.

I will point out that you are not asking for the same medical proof from Trump that you are asking from Trump.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
Then you agree with me that both of them should release their detailed medical records.
Why in the hell should she release her medical records, when Donald Trump hasn't produced one single tax return, and still refuses to citing you're too stupid to figure it out--LOL

This is her game, not his & she's not going to let him set her pace.

Welcome to politics 101
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

You wanted Trump--Now you own it!
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

If there is nothing in her medical records that would indicate she is mentally or physically unfit to serve, why wouldn't she want to release them? Your concern over this issue suggests you think her medical records might show she is unfit. That would certainly be a fair assumption for voters to make if she refuses.
She could see the circus around Obama's birth certificate.
After he released it they demanded his 'long form' certificate...after he released that Trump 'sent his people down there' and 'they couldn't believe what they were finding' and all sorts of other right-wing talking heads and 'experts' frothed at the mouth challenging the authenticity of the document.

Hillary can see that there'd be no end to it and no advantage to her in indulging the howls from the fringe.
In fact, it would likely prolong the foaming and howling.
If there is nothing to hide, how could releasing her detailed medical records do anything but put an end to theories about her poor mental and physical health? What you are suggesting is that there are things in those medical records that would worry voters.
Dayam, that's sounding eerily familar..... if has nothing to hide, why doesn't Obama release his detailed birth certificate. If nothing else, it'll put an end to all the theories about him being born in Kenya.

Don't you people have more than one page in your playbook?

You're the new Birthers. We need to come up with a good name for y'all. Truthers and Birthers are taken. How about.... Neurologers?
In other words, you can't think of any reason for Hillary to refuse to release her detailed medical records unless they contain evidence she is unfit to serve.

No- I can think of other reasons. A persons medical records are deeply personal and private. There can be things in her medical records she just doesn't want to share with all of America.

But I think you are saying you can't think of any reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax returns unless they contain evidence that would revolt Independent and Republican voters.
Because her physician already conveyed her health. If that's not good enough for you, don't vote for her.
But you've got to wonder, when her doctor said Hillary was fit to serve, did she mean Hillary has serious physical or mental health conditions that are presently controlled with medications or did she mean Hillary has no such health conditions? In any case, there are no reasons for her to refuse if there are no serious conditions that might lead voters to think she was unfit, and there is no reason for you to be so opposed to her releasing the records unless you think there are health conditions that would lead voters to think she was unfit.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax records, but if he did it wouldn't tell us how he would be able to function as president in a crisis, however Hillary's medical records might tell us if she is healthy enough to be able to function properly in a crisis. The fact that all of her supporters seem to be afraid to have her release these records suggests that even those who support her are fearful she is not healthy enough to be president.

As I mentioned- and you choose to ignore- I said I am fine with either or both Hillary and Trump releasing their medical records.

I will point out that you are not asking for the same medical proof from Trump that you are asking from Trump.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
Then you agree with me that both of them should release their detailed medical records.

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick

And you agree with me that both of them should release their tax returns.
Why in the hell should she release her medical records, when Donald Trump hasn't produced one single tax return, and still refuses to citing you're too stupid to figure it out--LOL

This is her game, not his & she's not going to let him set her pace.

Welcome to politics 101
RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

You wanted Trump--Now you own it!
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

If there is nothing in her medical records that would indicate she is mentally or physically unfit to serve, why wouldn't she want to release them? Your concern over this issue suggests you think her medical records might show she is unfit. That would certainly be a fair assumption for voters to make if she refuses.
She could see the circus around Obama's birth certificate.
After he released it they demanded his 'long form' certificate...after he released that Trump 'sent his people down there' and 'they couldn't believe what they were finding' and all sorts of other right-wing talking heads and 'experts' frothed at the mouth challenging the authenticity of the document.

Hillary can see that there'd be no end to it and no advantage to her in indulging the howls from the fringe.
In fact, it would likely prolong the foaming and howling.
If there is nothing to hide, how could releasing her detailed medical records do anything but put an end to theories about her poor mental and physical health? What you are suggesting is that there are things in those medical records that would worry voters.
Dayam, that's sounding eerily familar..... if has nothing to hide, why doesn't Obama release his detailed birth certificate. If nothing else, it'll put an end to all the theories about him being born in Kenya.

Don't you people have more than one page in your playbook?

You're the new Birthers. We need to come up with a good name for y'all. Truthers and Birthers are taken. How about.... Neurologers?
In other words, you can't think of any reason for Hillary to refuse to release her detailed medical records unless they contain evidence she is unfit to serve.
Sure I can... Trump didn't release his. Trump refuses to keep his promise to release his tax records. She's already released her medical report. The lesson from Obama's long form birth certificate is don't waste your time.

There's four valid reasons right there.
If there is nothing in her medical records that would indicate she is mentally or physically unfit to serve, why wouldn't she want to release them? Your concern over this issue suggests you think her medical records might show she is unfit. That would certainly be a fair assumption for voters to make if she refuses.
She could see the circus around Obama's birth certificate.
After he released it they demanded his 'long form' certificate...after he released that Trump 'sent his people down there' and 'they couldn't believe what they were finding' and all sorts of other right-wing talking heads and 'experts' frothed at the mouth challenging the authenticity of the document.

Hillary can see that there'd be no end to it and no advantage to her in indulging the howls from the fringe.
In fact, it would likely prolong the foaming and howling.
If there is nothing to hide, how could releasing her detailed medical records do anything but put an end to theories about her poor mental and physical health? What you are suggesting is that there are things in those medical records that would worry voters.
Dayam, that's sounding eerily familar..... if has nothing to hide, why doesn't Obama release his detailed birth certificate. If nothing else, it'll put an end to all the theories about him being born in Kenya.

Don't you people have more than one page in your playbook?

You're the new Birthers. We need to come up with a good name for y'all. Truthers and Birthers are taken. How about.... Neurologers?
In other words, you can't think of any reason for Hillary to refuse to release her detailed medical records unless they contain evidence she is unfit to serve.

No- I can think of other reasons. A persons medical records are deeply personal and private. There can be things in her medical records she just doesn't want to share with all of America.

But I think you are saying you can't think of any reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax returns unless they contain evidence that would revolt Independent and Republican voters.
I have already said I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax returns but if he did it wouldn't tell me anything about how well he would be able to function under stress in the WH, but Hillary's detailed medical records might well tell us if she is capable of performing her duties under stress.
But you've got to wonder, when her doctor said Hillary was fit to serve, did she mean Hillary has serious physical or mental health conditions that are presently controlled with medications or did she mean Hillary has no such health conditions? In any case, there are no reasons for her to refuse if there are no serious conditions that might lead voters to think she was unfit, and there is no reason for you to be so opposed to her releasing the records unless you think there are health conditions that would lead voters to think she was unfit.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
I have no idea why Trump won't release his tax records, but if he did it wouldn't tell us how he would be able to function as president in a crisis, however Hillary's medical records might tell us if she is healthy enough to be able to function properly in a crisis. The fact that all of her supporters seem to be afraid to have her release these records suggests that even those who support her are fearful she is not healthy enough to be president.

As I mentioned- and you choose to ignore- I said I am fine with either or both Hillary and Trump releasing their medical records.

I will point out that you are not asking for the same medical proof from Trump that you are asking from Trump.

So you agree that there is no reason for Trump to refuse to release his tax records if there are no serious tax issues he doesn't want voters to see?

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick.
Then you agree with me that both of them should release their detailed medical records.

I am fine with either Trump or Clinton releasing their medical records. I am just amused at the hypocrisy of the Trumpsters who insist that Clinton must show her medical records while having no curiousity about Trump's refusal to release his medical records- or his tax records.

Remember- Trump is the only Presidential candidate in decades to refuse to show his tax returns- Clinton has- even Tricky Dick did while he was under audit.

Tricky Trump- less Transparent than Tricky Dick

And you agree with me that both of them should release their tax returns.
As I have already said I am less interested in Hillary's or Trump's tax returns because they will tell us nothing about how they would be able to function under stress in the WH but their detailed medical records might.

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