Game is afoot in WI

Why didn't the Democrats "cheat" here to win this election?
Why didn't the Democrats "cheat" here to win this election?

Because it is a non-partisan election where none of the candidates are listed by party

The OP is full of crap once again
Drop boxes, ballot harvesting, abuse of the indefinitely confined status, and outside private influences were already barred by the Supreme Court a few years back.

See what a difference enforcing the laws already on the books makes?

Cool. So we can drop it. I'm all for that.
Do tell dumbass

The winner take all system just strengthens the duopoly and the choke hold on our country the two parties have.

The winner take all system makes the voting for POTUS in 2/3 of the states a waste of time if you do not vote for who everyone knows will win, this drives down voter turnout as there is no real reason to vote for Trump in Illinois or Cali or Biden in Wy or Utah or NE.

The winner take all system does not represent the mix in most states. Take Ill for example, all the EC votes go to the Dem, yet the state looks like this...

The winner take all system just strengthens the duopoly and the choke hold on our country the two parties have.

The winner take all system makes the voting for POTUS in 2/3 of the states a waste of time if you do not vote for who everyone knows will win, this drives down voter turnout as there is no real reason to vote for Trump in Illinois or Cali or Biden in Wy or Utah or NE.

The winner take all system does not represent the mix in most states. Take Ill for example, all the EC votes go to the Dem, yet the state looks like this...

View attachment 926628
Perhaps better candidates eh.
Perhaps better candidates eh.

We will never get better candidates because of the winner take all system and the control of the duopoly over the process. The two parties have no need to give better candidates as they people like you will vote for whomever they tell you to vote for.

How do you think we ended up with the national embarrassment of Trump vs Biden II?
Repub party didn't want Trump......ooooops......if a pro wrestler can be Gov running third party in blue MN it can be done on national scale.
Repub party didn't want Trump......ooooops......if a pro wrestler can be Gov running third party in blue MN it can be done on national scale.
Can't be done in Minnesnowta anymore....Shitlibs have rigged the elections beyond repair, and MNGOP is corrupt AF.

Only cuck "republicans" like Pawlenty and Coleman will be elected ther for the forseeable future.
Lot of scandals under Waltz. 131 million per mile of light rail and still going up. COVID despotism while over 250 million vanished into thin air feeding starving chirren that didn't exist and probably was abetted by state employees for a share.

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