Game of Thrones (HBO)

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Fantasy and dragons and knights in shining armor aren't for everyone - but this one is done Very Well.
It's a different story arc. I just hope Martin finishes the saga before he dies. At the rate he's going, it will be 2030 before he's done.
I think they've done a pretty good job of editing and script writing for the series.

Books 4 and 5 in particular had Way Too Many characters, and didn't advance the story much. Martin says he's not going to introduce anymore POV characters. I hope he narrows the set of the ones he has already.
Indeed he does...but no spoilers!
I think they've done a pretty good job of editing and script writing for the series.

Books 4 and 5 in particular had Way Too Many characters, and didn't advance the story much. Martin says he's not going to introduce anymore POV characters. I hope he narrows the set of the ones he has already.

^^^ Ding ding ding

WE have a winna!!!
I HATE the Walking Dead. I am SO SICK of zombies!!!!

Game of Thrones RULES. Pun intended. lol

You need to get a mini dvd player, Dot Com, and watch it. the books.
It's a different story arc. I just hope Martin finishes the saga before he dies. At the rate he's going, it will be 2030 before he's done.

I already went through that with Robert Jordan. Admittedly, Jordan had a disease which led to his death, and he prepared for it by getting as many outlines and notes/dictation done as he could for the author that followed, but it was still annoying, in a very tragic way, that the series wasn't completed by the original author.

While I am unaware of any such issues with Martin, the man is NOT young.
I think they've done a pretty good job of editing and script writing for the series.

Books 4 and 5 in particular had Way Too Many characters, and didn't advance the story much. Martin says he's not going to introduce anymore POV characters. I hope he narrows the set of the ones he has already.

2 seasons of the show complete, and I'm STILL unconvinced I'd enjoy it if I hadn't read the books. It often seems to me that they are forced to shorten or skip too much, and it ends up leaving the characters too thin. If I hadn't read the books, would I really understand at all why they do many of the things they do?

As far as too many characters, and specifically PoV characters, in the books....yeah, he went a bit overboard. Still, I continue to love the series, and I read them fast enough that the many characters don't usually get confusing. :tongue:
I tuned in to Game Of Thrones somewhere in the middle of Season Two. Because of my late arrival I was totally confused by everything I'd seen and so I dismissed the series as pointless childish fantasy. But all the positive attention and commentary this series received caused me to look more closely, so I went to HBO-GO, started Season Two from the beginning, and soon came to enjoy it.

Game Of Thrones is a well-made, thoroughly enjoyable series and I look forward to the beginning of Season Three tomorrow night. HBO showed a brief preview tonight and the cello stacatto theme music was a very welcome sound.
Back to back episodes all day today on tv. I am watching them refresh my memory for tonight's new season!!
Back to back episodes all day today on tv. I am watching them refresh my memory for tonight's new season!!

I did the same thing.

It looks like there is a set up for Joffrey to change his ways and Margery to bring out his gentler side AND cause a major rift between Joffrey and Cercei. Clearly his loyalties are beginning to shift. Cat fight between Margery and Cercei.
I don't get it, why do people hate Sansa?

Sure she was a bit snobby at first, but now when she figured out what's what I think she's quite a likable character.

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