Game of Thrones (HBO)

Oiy. Jamie got some comeuppance! But I wish it was Joffrey. I so hate that dweeb and can't wait for his downfall. Jamie is kinda like Gollum. Love to hate him but still love to see him.
I watched the last episode...this Book 3 pre-Red Wedding stuff seems like ancient history to me.
Yeah, I like Tyrion best so far, too. At least in the series he seems to be one of the few who has some sense, and humor.

My favorites are Tyrion, Arya, Jon Snow, and Davos Seaworthy.

Jamie, Theon, and Sansa are less likable, but they develop in interesting ways - and have more character than one sees earlier in the series.
Yeah, I like Tyrion best so far, too. At least in the series he seems to be one of the few who has some sense, and humor.

My favorites are Tyrion, Arya, Jon Snow, and Davos Seaworthy.

Jamie, Theon, and Sansa are less likable, but they develop in interesting ways - and have more character than one sees earlier in the series.

There will be surprises you like and some you don't.......nuff said.....
I honestly don't remember what happens to a number of the characters anymore. I find myself trying to remember where they are at the end of the last book (assuming they are still around) as I watch the show.

I doubt anyone else knew, but the guy that saved Theon in this episode used to star in the British show Misfits, which I think was great. :)
I have a hard time remembering some of the names. Like Davos. And is Tyrion the dwarf? I LOVE him! He cracks me up.
I think the minute the slave army is loyal to Danny, she turns them against the slave traders! I think that is why she wanted all 8K. Leave the city defenseless and she isn't giving up a dragon! I think she is disgusted by the slave trader and his heartless treatment of the slaves. I think the previews made that clear.

I was missing the Walking Dead, but Game of Thrones easily makes up for that loss.
Yeah, I like Tyrion best so far, too. At least in the series he seems to be one of the few who has some sense, and humor.

My favorites are Tyrion, Arya, Jon Snow, and Davos Seaworthy.

Jamie, Theon, and Sansa are less likable, but they develop in interesting ways - and have more character than one sees earlier in the series.

There will be surprises you like and some you don't.......nuff said.....

I've read all of the books, so no surprises for me except when the series veers from the storyline.
I have a hard time remembering some of the names. Like Davos. And is Tyrion the dwarf? I LOVE him! He cracks me up.

Davos is The Onion Knight, wonderful character.

And yes, Tyrion is The Imp.
I need to read the books. Soon as I can find some cheap used ones, I plan to do exactly that.
I have that song in my head every morning. The GoT opening song. And it will stay there all day until I play some music to remove it.
Me too. I catch myself humming it sometimes!
I wish Dani would hook up with whatshisname. The guy that is her adviser. Not too shabby to look at, and he loves her.

And I hope she does NOT give a dragon away and sic's it on that scummy guy she is buying the army from.

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