Game of Thrones (HBO)

She is not a lesbian. She is a big woman who is still a virgin and considers herself a warrior..and IS a warrior. And for that she is considered a lesbian????

head slap.
What is wrong with being a lesbian? I referred to her as such because I don't know her name and that is the clear impression I have of her. She projects an entirely masculine persona.

If a male projects an entirely female persona I will perceive him to be a homosexual and, if I don't know his name, will refer to him as such. Does that mean I am homophobic or hostile toward homosexuals?
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Hey, that "big lesbian" kicks all the guys asses. I'm not sure, but I think she does 'forgive' Jaime Lanister and he learns something about nobility from her. You kind of see it coming, maybe they'll hook up?
I saw Danys' move with the dragon coming, too. I especially liked when she turned around and started speaking in the slave master's language...after all the smack he talked about her! And I still like Oleanna Tyrell. That old dame's got some of the best lines and an attitude.

Big Lesbian? Didnt she have the hots for Renly Baratheon?

Hey, don't blame me, I put that in quotes for a reason...see the post I quoted! Personally, I like to see more female warriors, they rock.
Hey, that "big lesbian" kicks all the guys asses. I'm not sure, but I think she does 'forgive' Jaime Lanister and he learns something about nobility from her. You kind of see it coming, maybe they'll hook up?
I saw Danys' move with the dragon coming, too. I especially liked when she turned around and started speaking in the slave master's language...after all the smack he talked about her! And I still like Oleanna Tyrell. That old dame's got some of the best lines and an attitude.

Big Lesbian? Didnt she have the hots for Renly Baratheon?

Renly? The gay guy?
She is not a lesbian. She is a big woman who is still a virgin and considers herself a warrior..and IS a warrior. And for that she is considered a lesbian????

head slap.
What is wrong with being a lesbian? I referred to her as such because I don't know her name and that is the clear impression I have of her. She projects an entirely masculine persona.

If a male projects an entirely female persona I will perceive him to be a homosexual and, if I don't know his name, will refer to him as such. Does that mean I am homophobic or hostile toward homosexuals?

I think her name on the show is Bria. To me, she is not homely as she is supposed to be according to the storyline. I find her exceptionally interesting. Then again, warrior women awe me anyway. Maybe because once upon a time, I was one too. Sigh.

Anyway...ok. I get what you are saying and why you said it. I am just saying she is not a least..not in the storyline. Yet. Who knows where all these characters will wind up? I hope Bria sticks around for awhile. And I hope some of her honor rubs off on Jamie.
Here name is Brienne (of Tarth). Yes, she was in love with Renly. Yes, he was gay (although I still don't think that was Martin's intent in the books).

As to the episode, it was a good one. They are writing Dany's scenes well. I get the impression they are going to skip a lot of what goes on with her in the books, but we'll see.

Pretty much every character has good and bad qualities shown. Very few are completely virtuous or villainous. I think that's part of the appeal. You rarely know, as the story progresses, if someone will remain a 'good guy' or 'bad guy', or if they will end up reversing roles.

I wonder why they decided to wait to introduce Meera and Jojen Reed? I can understand some of the changes (no mention of green or frogs, etc.), but did they need to bring them into the story after Winterfell was burned?

Are they giving Margery Tyrell a bigger chunk of story than in the books? I don't remember her involvement with Joffrey quite this way.

A lot of the enjoyment of watching this show, having read the books, is in just seeing what will or will not make the transition from print to film. :tongue:
Hey, that "big lesbian" kicks all the guys asses. I'm not sure, but I think she does 'forgive' Jaime Lanister and he learns something about nobility from her. You kind of see it coming, maybe they'll hook up?
I saw Danys' move with the dragon coming, too. I especially liked when she turned around and started speaking in the slave master's language...after all the smack he talked about her! And I still like Oleanna Tyrell. That old dame's got some of the best lines and an attitude.

Big Lesbian? Didnt she have the hots for Renly Baratheon?

That she did, she's no lesbian. just picky...........
Natalie Dormer (Margery Tyrell) is so good in these series. I remember her as Anne Boleyn in The Tudors. They probably are giving her a stronger role.
Natalie Dormer (Margery Tyrell) is so good in these series. I remember her as Anne Boleyn in The Tudors. They probably are giving her a stronger role.

I liked "The Tudors" too. I just could not help thinking what a tacky, sleazy bunch they were, though. I doubt such would happen nowadays. Somehow, I don't see the obamas pimping off their daughters for some slight political gain.
Here name is Brienne (of Tarth).

Ah. Yes. Her name is very similar to my real one but I couldn't remember the exact way it was pronounced. Now I'm tr ying to remember who Renly is. So many characters to remember!

Never mind. I googled. he is the gay guy that died.
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Here name is Brienne (of Tarth).

Ah. Yes. Her name is very similar to my real one but I couldn't remember the exact way it was pronounced. Now I'm tr ying to remember who Renly is. So many characters to remember!

Renly was the brother of Stannis and Robert. He was also making a bid at becoming king of Westeros, but the red lady killed him with a shadow spell.
Here name is Brienne (of Tarth).

Ah. Yes. Her name is very similar to my real one but I couldn't remember the exact way it was pronounced. Now I'm tr ying to remember who Renly is. So many characters to remember!

Renly was Stannis Baratheon's brother, claimant to the throne, who was killed by Stannis' shadow son that the Red Lady bore him. Brienne and Katlyn Stark were with Renly when he was killed and had to flee.
Montrovant...aren't you the one that used to have that polar bear avie that made me smile every time I saw it?
Here name is Brienne (of Tarth).

Ah. Yes. Her name is very similar to my real one but I couldn't remember the exact way it was pronounced. Now I'm tr ying to remember who Renly is. So many characters to remember!

Renly was the brother of Stannis and Robert. He was also making a bid at becoming king of Westeros, but the red lady killed him with a shadow spell.

Dang, you're quick on the trigger!
I don't hate Jaime as much as I did.
With that said....tonight's show was kind of a yawner.
It was a polar bear scooting along the ice with his head ON the ice. I think. I do know for sure it was a polar bear. :)
I am enjoying Game of Thrones but with a few exceptions I have no idea who any of the characters are or what side they are on. I know the young girl who is dressed up like a peasant boy is the daughter of a good guy who was beheaded. I know the little fellow is a member of the bad family but he's turned out to be pretty good. Things keep changing so I've resigned to just follow along while being thoroughly confused.

I know the fellow whose hand was cut off deserved it because he pushed a small boy off a ledge which paralyzed him. But I was surprised to see the big blond whom I'd thought was a lesbian flash this guy in the hot tub. The writers' technique seems to be dynamically constant change. Every time something good happens it's predictably followed by something bad and vice/versa.

One thing I've learned -- never trifle with a little blond who keeps dragons. Give her what she wants and be careful what you say.

I look forward to next episode, but I can't say why.
What I can't understand is why Circie doesn't want to marry Loras. It's a match made in heaven. She can keep his secret about being gay, and he can keep her secret about her relationship with Jamie. They would be the happiest couple in Westeros.
I am also reading the books. But, I find that I often forget who the players are. There are many and sometimes they don't show up again for a long time. So I'm rereading the books too.

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