Game of Thrones (HBO)

I wish Dani would hook up with whatshisname. The guy that is her adviser. Not too shabby to look at, and he loves her.

And I hope she does NOT give a dragon away and sic's it on that scummy guy she is buying the army from.

That's actually a departure from the books, where Mormont is supposed to be a larger man.
I really like Daenerys over the last two epis and also Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister. The series is getting good but I just can't stand some of the violence.

I wish Dani would hook up with whatshisname. The guy that is her adviser. Not too shabby to look at, and he loves her.

And I hope she does NOT give a dragon away and sic's it on that scummy guy she is buying the army from.

She is up to something, I don't think she'd give up her dragon. Heck, I even love those dragons.
I really like Daenerys over the last two epis and also Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister. The series is getting good but I just can't stand some of the violence.


That's actually a good thing about the show. The books are part of a gritty, more 'real' type of fantasy that's become popular of late. It's not the basic sword-and-sorcery story which has been the mainstay of the genre probably since Tolkein.
I really like Daenerys over the last two epis and also Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister. The series is getting good but I just can't stand some of the violence.


That's actually a good thing about the show. The books are part of a gritty, more 'real' type of fantasy that's become popular of late. It's not the basic sword-and-sorcery story which has been the mainstay of the genre probably since Tolkein.

It is more "low" fantasy, where magic does exist, but it is mostly passive, and workable by a small amount of people.

As compared to high fantasty, with its fireballs, and other flashy spells.
WOOHOOO!!! Dani kicked some BUTT!!!!!

I agree, but I kind of saw that coming. She wasn't going to give up her dragons and that slave master was a true prick. I loved how she did it. Had the dragon burn the prick, then had the unsullies slaughter all the slave masters who did have a slave army to protect their kingdom anymore.

I loved how she won over their loyalty. She freed them all and then asked them to come fight with her. Looks like she will have a tough army now. She might even be able to get more Dothraki to enlist in her army also!

I like where her story is going.

I have to say there wasn't even one week scene in this episode. Theon thinking he is saved to just be lead back to his torture chamber. As much as dislike him, I felt bad for him and wonder what will happen to him.

The guy with no balls telling his tale of how he lost them and then showing how he got revenge, showed why he is a great character.

The killing of the douche in village that rapes all his daughters couldn't have come any sooner!
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WOOHOOO!!! Dani kicked some BUTT!!!!!

Didn't you already know that's what she was going to do? I figured it out long before she did it. It's what I would have done. The set up was both her advisors telling her not to give her dragon up.
Persistent turnabout seems to be the way the tempo of suspense is retained in this series. That is apparent in this episode in the humiliation and chopping off the hand of one (I can't recall the characters' names) who had been seen as a despicable but admirable villain. There now is cause to pity him, forgive his former persona, and allow him opportunity to redeem himself by some final and heroic action, which seems to be forthcoming. Even the big lesbian is showing concern for him.
Hey, that "big lesbian" kicks all the guys asses. I'm not sure, but I think she does 'forgive' Jaime Lanister and he learns something about nobility from her. You kind of see it coming, maybe they'll hook up?
I saw Danys' move with the dragon coming, too. I especially liked when she turned around and started speaking in the slave master's language...after all the smack he talked about her! And I still like Oleanna Tyrell. That old dame's got some of the best lines and an attitude.
Hey, that "big lesbian" kicks all the guys asses. I'm not sure, but I think she does 'forgive' Jaime Lanister and he learns something about nobility from her. You kind of see it coming, maybe they'll hook up?
I saw Danys' move with the dragon coming, too. I especially liked when she turned around and started speaking in the slave master's language...after all the smack he talked about her! And I still like Oleanna Tyrell. That old dame's got some of the best lines and an attitude.

Big Lesbian? Didnt she have the hots for Renly Baratheon?
She is not a lesbian. She is a big woman who is still a virgin and considers herself a warrior..and IS a warrior. And for that she is considered a lesbian????

head slap.

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