Game of Thrones (HBO)

What I can't understand is why Circie doesn't want to marry Loras. It's a match made in heaven. She can keep his secret about being gay, and he can keep her secret about her relationship with Jamie. They would be the happiest couple in Westeros.

Because they don't need ties to the Tyrells (Joffery already does that), they need it to the other clan!
What I can't understand is why Circie doesn't want to marry Loras. It's a match made in heaven. She can keep his secret about being gay, and he can keep her secret about her relationship with Jamie. They would be the happiest couple in Westeros.

Because they don't need ties to the Tyrells (Joffery already does that), they need it to the other clan!

Cercei is not as smart as she thinks she is. Her own father saw it.
What I can't understand is why Circie doesn't want to marry Loras. It's a match made in heaven. She can keep his secret about being gay, and he can keep her secret about her relationship with Jamie. They would be the happiest couple in Westeros.

Because they don't need ties to the Tyrells (Joffery already does that), they need it to the other clan!

Obviously Tywin intends that the Tyrells do not get to be in a stronger position by making marriage alliances outside of Lannister. Particularly getting the loyalty of the North through a marriage with Sansa. Poor girl, she has no idea how miserable a marriage to Loras would make her. Margarey could tell her, but she wouldn't. Her friendship with Sansa is purely self serving.

Look for a Joffrey surprise real soon anyway.
Did anyone NOT expect Danys to take the town? That's why her advisors are no good. They didn't see what she was doing. They advised her not to trade the dragon, they advised her not to buy the whole Unsullied army. I can't believe they could really be that stupid. Anyone could see what she was up to.
Bad move to kill to kill Kartark (or however you spell it). He lost half his army. Bolton appears to be set to betray Rob and serve him up to Tywin. Or maybe his hospitality to Jayme is fake. Doesn't seem so to me.

Then going back to the lion's den with the Frey sounds like bad news. Olie once warned not to get to into a character, because they end up dead. Hope he isn't right with Rob.

Poor Sansa, her life is a pawn piece for people to play with who don't give a rat's ass about her. She could do worse than Tyrion, who seems to be the only one who truly has her best interests at heart.
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That would be KarStark......And I mix up which book things happen in, but there are some quick plot changes coming, some you all will like some you won't..........
Robb realized it was a mistake to kill Karstark but he didn't want to take the advice of the wimmin! What do they know of war.

Sansa is a silly girl who could not see Tyrion's worth. She would be much more fortunate with Tyrion than with Joffrey or anyone else they could have paired her up with. In the book, it wasn't Loras, but a Tyrell still at Highgarden, the cripple, Willas. I guess they didn't want to add yet more characters to the show. In the book, Cercie was also to marry Willas rather than Loras.

It would have been an absolute joke on the whole of the Lannisters If Sansa had happily married Tyrion.
Mike, I get confused on the names that go with the faces so when I am reading about GoT, I have a second window open on Google I can type in the name and place it on a face.

They talk about this show A LOT at survivorsucks. And they get in to the deep discussions. I read there to catch up and see what is coming with spoilers (always with a warning so nobody that doesn't want to see, can't unless they click the spoiler thingy). Took me an hour to read it last night and all the names....boy, google images came in handy!!

Whatever happens to Joffrey...I hope it is painful and he is embarassed and then dies. I hate him.
Oh, and Sansa disgusts me as much as Circei does. One is a wimp, the other so power hungry she would sell out anyone and anything. Shudder at both of them.
Oh my god, someone stole the throne..........

It would be a lot more fun, watching the show if my buddy's GF wasn't such an airhead. She keeps asking questions and declaring how confused she is. Like when Tyrion and Cercei are discussing who has the worse deal, GF asks "Now, who are these people?" Like, pay attention a little...sheesh.
I started reading the books again and find that so far, the show follows the book pretty closely. Previews indicate a strong likelihood of a dragon sighting next week.
You almost feel sorry for Theon. I mean he is left to that sadistic little bastard.

Prediction: Roose has made a deal with Tywin (precisely why he is letting Jaime go) and assassinates Robb either in route to the Frey wedding or at the Frey wedding. Frey is the key. If he allies with Robb then Rob can carry on. If he doesn't then Robb is toast. Roose treatment and release of Jaime seems rather odd unless he is jumping ship.

Catelyn has become the most annoying on the show. She has some charisma, but her choices have doomed her family. First, shunning John Snowe, who had nothing to do with Ned's infidelity, drove him to the Night's Watch. John is sorely needed by Robb. Second, by taking Tyrion prison, by mistake I might add, she started a war with the Lanisters, in which Ned was injured in a battle with Jaime, which left him unable to defend himself and left her daughters in harms way. Third, not negotiating a better deal with Frey. Such as two daughters and not Robb. Fourth by releasing Jaime. Worst of all her decision. His release didn't guarantee anything and put Brienne in peril and Robb at odds with his men.
This season is quite excellent so far. Theon is discovering that Karma is a Bastard.

I especially like the friendship developing between Jamie and Brienne; and how the Grandmother Tyrell's character has been augmented. She's fabulous.
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Robb realized it was a mistake to kill Karstark but he didn't want to take the advice of the wimmin! What do they know of war.
I think he realized it at the time, but he had to stay to his code of honor. He shouldn't have broken his vow to Frey, at least not yet. He should have kept them until the war was over.

Sansa is a silly girl who could not see Tyrion's worth. She would be much more fortunate with Tyrion than with Joffrey or anyone else they could have paired her up with. In the book, it wasn't Loras, but a Tyrell still at Highgarden, the cripple, Willas.
She was just excited to be getting out of King's Landing and away from Joffrey. You can't blame her for that. Loras might have been gay, but he was a good looking gay and that fact was unknown to Sansa. You can't blame her for being upset when she is forced to marry Tyrion. Also in the book, wasn't his nose cut off? She also didn't want to marry a member of the family that is at war with her family and who have killed her father!

I guess they didn't want to add yet more characters to the show. In the book, Cercie was also to marry Willas rather than Loras.

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