Game of Thrones (HBO)


Tonights show

I saw the Robb Stark killing, but I didn't think it was Frey that set him up. I had a feeling Roose was in on it, otherwise why would he let Jaime go and try to get in good graces with Tywin.

Danny's new warrior is proving resourceful and a great character. It was great to finally see Grey Worm in action. She has a heck of an army now!

Poor Gringi (Snowe's woman), she must feel like shit after Snowe betrayed her. Bad move by Snowe. The old man was dead either way, he should have just killed him.

With Robb gone, I wonder if Joffery takes credit for the victory against the King of the North? Surely will piss of Tywin if he does.

Poor Arya! She had to watch her father he executed and now came to the end of her brother and mother's assassination. Side note: Heck of a good time to take a piss, for Cate's brother. Either that was the luckiest piss ever or he was in on it. I wonder what happens to Robb's Uncle?

Was she really Snow's woman? I sort of really hate that skank.

Really I thought she was an awesome character! And yes she was his woman. You can tell he cares deeply for her.
I've never read the books but I think one of the two Stark (?) children will ultimately be in control. I like the little girl. She plays her role perfectly. Which is a switch for me cause I couldn't stand her little whiney ass when the series started. Good character growth

Really? I think he was one of the best child actors I have ever seen. Same with Rickon in his small role!

Really? Rickon is hardly noticeable.

The mistake people make is in thinking this is the story of the Starks. It isn't. It's the story of Westeros. It's the story of the disintegration of the Kingdom after the death of Robert. Because we see literature as having central characters of good winners and bad losers the loss of central characters feels somehow wrong. It's actually more like history.

I guess he was good yesterday.
I wondered if they would get to the Red Wedding this week.

Knowing what is going to happen it is hard to tell just how far into the book they will go next week. We'll have to wait and see. I know where i would cut it off, I can even visualize the scene....But I can't tell..........
I saw the Robb Stark killing, but I didn't think it was Frey that set him up. I had a feeling Roose was in on it, otherwise why would he let Jaime go and try to get in good graces with Tywin.

Danny's new warrior is proving resourceful and a great character. It was great to finally see Grey Worm in action. She has a heck of an army now!

Poor Gringi (Snowe's woman), she must feel like shit after Snowe betrayed her. Bad move by Snowe. The old man was dead either way, he should have just killed him.

With Robb gone, I wonder if Joffery takes credit for the victory against the King of the North? Surely will piss of Tywin if he does.

Poor Arya! She had to watch her father he executed and now came to the end of her brother and mother's assassination. Side note: Heck of a good time to take a piss, for Cate's brother. Either that was the luckiest piss ever or he was in on it. I wonder what happens to Robb's Uncle?

Was she really Snow's woman? I sort of really hate that skank.

Really I thought she was an awesome character! And yes she was his woman. You can tell he cares deeply for her.

I felt he was just biding his time until he could get away from the low class Ygritte and the Wildings. How could he ever trust her? He saved her life but that's only because he's who he is..
I've been watching Game of Thrones for about two months now. I still don't know who is who or what is what but I enjoy it nonetheless. Every time something good seems to be happening something bad happens, the scene shifts to something else and the confusion resumes. The treacherous and wholly unexpected events of last night's closing scene occurred as a highly dramatized, allegorical session of the U.S. Congress.

I am anxious to see the skinny little king slowly boiled. Other than that I have no idea what is happening. For example, Blondie, who has three fire-breathing dragons and an 8,000-man army of human drones, she sends five guys to capture a castle -- and they do it. But I have no idea whose castle it was.

Where is the little fellow?
I wondered if they would get to the Red Wedding this week.

Knowing what is going to happen it is hard to tell just how far into the book they will go next week. We'll have to wait and see. I know where i would cut it off, I can even visualize the scene....But I can't tell..........

I thought that the red wedding would have been the season ender.
I've been watching Game of Thrones for about two months now. I still don't know who is who or what is what but I enjoy it nonetheless. Every time something good seems to be happening something bad happens, the scene shifts to something else and the confusion resumes. The treacherous and wholly unexpected events of last night's closing scene occurred as a highly dramatized, allegorical session of the U.S. Congress.

I am anxious to see the skinny little king slowly boiled. Other than that I have no idea what is happening. For example, Blondie, who has three fire-breathing dragons and an 8,000-man army of human drones, she sends five guys to capture a castle -- and they do it. But I have no idea whose castle it was.

Where is the little fellow?

There are synopses all over the internet if that one isn't helpful. You can also stay tuned for the producer's comments after the show each week.
I've been watching Game of Thrones for about two months now. I still don't know who is who or what is what but I enjoy it nonetheless. Every time something good seems to be happening something bad happens, the scene shifts to something else and the confusion resumes. The treacherous and wholly unexpected events of last night's closing scene occurred as a highly dramatized, allegorical session of the U.S. Congress.

I am anxious to see the skinny little king slowly boiled. Other than that I have no idea what is happening. For example, Blondie, who has three fire-breathing dragons and an 8,000-man army of human drones, she sends five guys to capture a castle -- and they do it. But I have no idea whose castle it was.

Where is the little fellow?

The best commentary is the "Hitler finds out they beheaded Eddard Stark" on Youtube

It's all you need to know
Red Wedding as a season ender would have left too many viewers pissed off. There are other things coming up that might give some smiles to some viewers.

But now that I think of it there are 3 possible endings for the season....I'll let you know if I picked one of em next week....
Red Wedding as a season ender would have left too many viewers pissed off. There are other things coming up that might give some smiles to some viewers.

But now that I think of it there are 3 possible endings for the season....I'll let you know if I picked one of em next week....

I have no idea where one book ended and another began. I'd have to have read them within, oh, the last month to have a clue what might be a good season ending. :tongue:
Red Wedding as a season ender would have left too many viewers pissed off. There are other things coming up that might give some smiles to some viewers.

But now that I think of it there are 3 possible endings for the season....I'll let you know if I picked one of em next week....

One has to be Joffery biting the dust! He's the classic piece of shit coward in charge. One of the best I love to hate villians out their. I think he last until next season, simply because many viewers enjoy waiting for the moment he bites the dust!
The tonal center of the books are Dany and Tyrion. I find Dany, well I just don't care. Tyrion is fun.

If you think this sucked, wait until the end of the 5th book. Said it before, longest running dry hump in the history of literature

stfu! I have listen to you whine about book 5 for a fucking year....shut up....when does book 6 hit the bricks?

Book 6 & 7.

The White Walkers move so far south they wind up on the set of "The Walking Dead" where they intermarry and create a new, powerful zombie that can move at speeds of over 2 mph

Theon Greyjoy's uncle Valerion has a friend whose nephews sister-in-law becomes Queen of WinterFell. Theon's other Uncle sails to yet another foreign land and finds an anti-dragon guided missile

Dany's Dragons gnaw on the White Walkers after Sam runs out of obsidian arroweheads. Sam tries to have sex with Dany. Daario is hurt and decides that he should be the one to deflower Sam

Dany tears the Wall down because she's like Reagan and everyone loves her because she's so lovable. Love, love love, Dany is pure Love. She's so cool too! Cool and loveable. What a character! The White Walkers fall in Love with Dany

Petyr Bealish is revealed to be the Dark Lord and Varys is his minion.

Tyrion invents the Internet and gets his own late night talk show, "Live from King's Landing"

This is a hoot!

I have a theory that Dany's nephew will become King, and marry both Dany and Arya (then Arya can live out her admiration for Visenya, have her own dragon to ride, and get revenge on the Lannisters, etc.).
Note: I am not a book reader nor do I read the wiki pages.

In King's Landing:
Joffery hears about Robb's death and declares himself the winner of the war against the North, which angers everyone, Tywin whose army has been fighting the war and helped kills Robb, Tyrion whose plan saved King's Landing from Stannis, Cersi who thinks her son is an evil fool, Tyrells whose alliance with Tywin turned the war in their favor and just about everyone else. You see everyone plotting his dismiss. However, not before Joffery challenges Tywin and gets put in his place, when King's Guards refuse to take on Tywin.

Tyrells view Joffery as loser who is bound to be overthrown. The postpone the wedding in order to take out Joffery.

Sansa seems to enjoy the kindness Tyrion shows her and her friendship (although fake) with Margery. But that happiness is short when Joffery finally comes in and brutally rapes and beats her!

Littlefinger manipulates Joffery into appointing him a high post that comes along with a nice wife and rich estate.

Stannis plan revolves not Gendry. He wants to use the bastard son of the king to rally the troops and gain support, but take the throne from himself.

The Ironborn get unsuspectingly hit hard by an army lead by Bolton that is now allied with the Lanisters. Asha gets prisoner and her punishment is watching them torture Theon.

Arya begins to see the Hound is not that bad and forms a partnership with him as she seeks out the assassin who help her escape that prison. She seeks him out to start training as an assassin in order to avenge her family.

Danny suffers some kind of major defeat or sees a huge army of her enemies coming together to attack her. Things have been going to smoothly for her, that is too unGOTness!
Cate Stark's brother who took that lucky piss outside, leads the Northern assault against the Frey and personally slaughters Old Frey. He also takes the North from Roose Bolton, by allying with Stannis!
I don't really want Joffery to die just yet. He's just so much fun to hate, however I really don't want Tyrion Lannister to go either. Love that guy. Different emotions but both good for the show.
I put the books aside after the Red Wedding. Took me a while to pick them up from there.

It doesn't improve

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