Game of Thrones (HBO)

Personally, I hope when Joffrey gets snuffed, Sansa is right next to him and gets whacked too. Sniveling, whining, gutless wonder that she is.
Personally, I hope when Joffrey gets snuffed, Sansa is right next to him and gets whacked too. Sniveling, whining, gutless wonder that she is.

I think you are too hard on Sansa. How would you feel if you were 15 years old had been terrorized the way she has been?
Yara Greyjoy is an awesome character!
Personally, I hope when Joffrey gets snuffed, Sansa is right next to him and gets whacked too. Sniveling, whining, gutless wonder that she is.

Let me get this straight people blame a young girl for getting excited about marrying a king and becoming the Queen of the country. She then backtracks when she discovers he is an evil SOB. Then when she is a prisoner and is actively tortured by the mad little king, you show her no pitty?

She is the one I actually root for. I hope she makes it out and lives a somewhat decent life. However, I think her story will end tragically!

I don't think I have hated a villain as much I hate Joffery. He has to be the worst of the worst.
Neat Characters

Tyrion, Arry, Dany, Theon, Samwell, Ser Davos, Brienne of Tarth
Dragons cannot be tamed. I think I read somewhere that even Daenyrs loses control over them eventually.
First I am predicting he gets killed (and note I NOT have read the book). Here are my suspects:

(1) Olena (Tyrell Old Woman) and Margery: They are power hungry and see the marriage to Joffery as the best way to the thrown. They are cunning and smart. However, Margery is no whore and Olena isn't Tywin who will pimp out her family. I believe they have her marry Margery and then shortly thereafter have him killed. Heck Margery could be the assassin. Mostly Likely

(2) Tywin: He views Joffery as a fool, obstacle and threat. He could knock him off for Cersi's younger son.

(3) Cersi: See Tywin

(4) The bitter warrior in the episode one that stabbed the guys hand. He is made and could easily be plotting Joffery's death.

(5) Sansa: She hates him and anything is possible.

(6) Tyrion: ditto

I am going with Olena and Margery.
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And we are all forgetting Petyr Baelish, "littlefinger"

Several of my friends no longer watch because of the lack of a metaphysical naturalism in the world of the books.

Our existentialist and atheists may well like it because this is as the world as they believe it to be.

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