Game of Thrones (HBO)

So who poisoned Joffrey?

Surely they can't really hang it on The Imp!

And, nice that Sansa has a new champion.
So...who did it? Who do YOU think did it? And I am bummed it was so fast. I wanted it to be lingering. I know. Bad me. :lol:
Then again.. Sansa DID hand a goblet to Tyrion. Maybe Sansa finally grew a pair. But I am guessing Grandpa did it.
I read the books, but I am not going to post spoilers.
I can find spoilers online, lol. So it's ok. I flat out wanna know who did it so I can praise him or her. ;)
Funny, I knew it was coming, too, and I think I do recall who did it. It wasn't who will be blamed, though. It would have been more fun watching if my buddy's GF wasn't asking a continual stream of questions, you'd think after three seasons she'd at least know which Lannisters were who. "Who's that?" "What's he doing?" "What's her name?" Blah, blah, blah...I guess I'm most disturbed because I rarely ever watch TV and when I do, it's because I find something interesting enough to watch.
GF did mention she felt guilty because while my buddy and I were in the kitchen (his night to cook), chatting, she was in the other room watching some flick with a really, really fat broad playing a cop.
They sure did an excellent job casting that guy as Joffrey. Problem is, does that actor know that he will be associated with that character for eternity? That must suck.
Ok..I don't remember the guys name, but the one that went to the wedding and had his bitchy "lady with him"....he looks just like Ashur in Spartacus..but skinnier. Is that him???
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They sure did an excellent job casting that guy as Joffrey. Problem is, does that actor know that he will be associated with that character for eternity? That must suck.

I don't think he cares, because I believe he has no interest in pursuing a career as an actor after GoT.

Everything I've seen and read says he's planning on being an academic.

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