Game of Thrones (HBO)

They sure did an excellent job casting that guy as Joffrey. Problem is, does that actor know that he will be associated with that character for eternity? That must suck.

Might not be a problem:

Jack Gleeson Will Likely Quit Acting After 'Game Of Thrones'

He's a very intelligent young man, from all I've read and heard from him.

That's what we've been hearing. I'm glad he's gone but I don't want Tyrion to be blamed. I love him in the series.
They sure did an excellent job casting that guy as Joffrey. Problem is, does that actor know that he will be associated with that character for eternity? That must suck.

He did an interview where he says he's quitting acting and going to do some humanitarian work...
So who poisoned Joffrey?

Surely they can't really hang it on The Imp!

And, nice that Sansa has a new champion.

It's the Old Women (Margery grandma) and Tywin. That is my guess. I thought it was Margery. The way she was so unamused by his immature brutality and cowardly bully tactics. However, after seeing next weeks coming attractions it's not her.
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I just watched it. Avoided this thread till I did. EXCELLENT death scene for that despicable little bastard.

Haven't seen the show or read the books, but I have seen clips on YouTube. He looks like he'd play a great baddie. And I did check out the death scene, too. I was kind of bored by it, really.

I should read the books but sadly the writing in them is too small lol.
So who poisoned Joffrey?

Surely they can't really hang it on The Imp!

And, nice that Sansa has a new champion.

It's the Old Women (Margery grandma) and Tywin. That is my guess. I thought it was Margery. The way she was so unamused by his immature brutality and cowardly bully tactics. However, after seeing next weeks coming attractions it's not her.

What about Sansa's new champion?

The one who spirited her away in the middle of the death scene.

Wondering what his role will be in the future.

(Sorry, Sarah.)
So who poisoned Joffrey?

Surely they can't really hang it on The Imp!

And, nice that Sansa has a new champion.

It's the Old Women (Margery grandma) and Tywin. That is my guess. I thought it was Margery. The way she was so unamused by his immature brutality and cowardly bully tactics. However, after seeing next weeks coming attractions it's not her.

What about Sansa's new champion?

The one who spirited her away in the middle of the death scene.

Wondering what his role will be in the future.

(Sorry, Sarah.)

It's ok, my own fault.
I am very disappointed in the way Geoffrey was finally dealt with. That sadistic monster deserved to be tortured much in the way of the poor fellow who was endlessly tormented, castrated, and psychologically devastated. He should at least have been nailed in a box and buried alive, or locked in a cage with starving rats. As it is he suffered for a few minutes, lapsed into the big sleep and he will never know another moment of discomfort.

I hope they don't kill the little guy for it.
I hope Tryion sticks around for a long time. It would be a very boring show without him.
I am very disappointed in the way Geoffrey was finally dealt with. That sadistic monster deserved to be tortured much in the way of the poor fellow who was endlessly tormented, castrated, and psychologically devastated. He should at least have been nailed in a box and buried alive, or locked in a cage with starving rats. As it is he suffered for a few minutes, lapsed into the big sleep and he will never know another moment of discomfort.

I hope they don't kill the little guy for it.

I thought the same thing when I read Joffrey's death in the book. Just not a nasty enough way to go to satisfy me.

The show did a better job with it. The kid turning colors in real time and shooting blood out his nostrils looked more painful than the description made it feel. Still wasn't enough, though.

When I thought further about it, after first reading that scene, though, I realized that it really wouldn't matter -how- he died. After the shit that kid pulled and the amount of undeserved cockiness he exuded from the get-go, I don't think any particular death would have been an end that satisfied me.

Maybe living hell, in stead. If he had to trade places with Theon, that'd suit him. Maybe.
so who would become the king now?....

Tommen Baratheon, the youngest of Cersei and Robert's (Jamie's) kids.

have we seen him?....i dont remember seeing this kid....

Yeah, he's kinda a milk toast nothing character. The kinda middle child you'd expect to emerge from growing up with an overbearing terror like Joffrey. Unassertive, unassuming, and, most obviously, quiet. Not a lot of speaking lines, in the book -or- on screen.

And he has been on screen through quite a few gatherings where the entire family's present, including the wedding where Joffrey dies. They show him a couple of times laughing at the dwarf joust, sitting directly to Tyrion's right at that same little table.
I am very disappointed in the way Geoffrey was finally dealt with. That sadistic monster deserved to be tortured much in the way of the poor fellow who was endlessly tormented, castrated, and psychologically devastated. He should at least have been nailed in a box and buried alive, or locked in a cage with starving rats. As it is he suffered for a few minutes, lapsed into the big sleep and he will never know another moment of discomfort.

I hope they don't kill the little guy for it.

I thought the same thing when I read Joffrey's death in the book. Just not a nasty enough way to go to satisfy me.

The show did a better job with it. The kid turning colors in real time and shooting blood out his nostrils looked more painful than the description made it feel. Still wasn't enough, though.

When I thought further about it, after first reading that scene, though, I realized that it really wouldn't matter -how- he died. After the shit that kid pulled and the amount of undeserved cockiness he exuded from the get-go, I don't think any particular death would have been an end that satisfied me.

Maybe living hell, in stead. If he had to trade places with Theon, that'd suit him. Maybe.

Speaking of Theon, I've been waiting patiently for his sister to come and rescue him. That other Snow guy is putting Joffrey to shame in his psychological and physical abuse on Theon. I just can't believe Theon lived through all of this and will one day get his day in the sun. Sans junk.

:lol: That has been just horrific.

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