Game over for the Belestinians

For decades we heard that the Middle East would go up in flames should the US move its embassy to Jerusalem. Apparently the Arabs just give a shit about the Palestinians, they used them to divert their people's attention from their own short comings, and no longer need them.
I am guessing this is either a calm before the storm or saner minds are already working behind the scenes to rectify Trump's blatant idiocy. I just posted the 23 point plan on another thread showing the support that you question. It will be interesting to see what happens with this document at the UN. I have a strong feeling that it will be 1980 all over again. That is when UNSC Resolution 478 passed almost unanimously with the US abstaining. Or 2016 perhaps, when the world voted the exact same way on 2334.

Palestinian are now on the bottom rung of Arab Muslim concerns today.
Maybe, but the Muslim and Christian holy sites are not. You ignorantly pass over the fact that Jesus was born there and it is where the Muslim world believes that Muhammad started his Mi’raj (Ascension to Heaven).

You ignorantly pass over the fact that Jesus was born there

A Jewish guy was born in Palestine?
Doesn't that prove that Palestine belongs to the Jews?
Christians aren't going to protest this move
They are, Roudy and have been. This is the internet age and it is all right there.

“I cannot remain silent about my deep concern" on Trump's plans for Jerusalem, Pope Francis says
New York Times World on Twitter

Palestinian Christians and Muslims unite in outrage against Donald Trump’s Jerusalem decision

Not only are you wrong, but this has renewed the solidarity between Christians and Muslims.

How do you like that? And here I haven't heard of even one Christian against Jerusalem being Israel's capital.

You clearly don't listen.... Too much BS flowing into your ears!
You know, ever since the peace talks were first started, the US has been a major player in the negotiations.

Interestingly enough, Trump told us that he was such a great deal maker that he would be able to accomplish a negotiation for peace.

But, because he said that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and is going to move our embassy there, we are no longer included in the peace talks.

Good job Trump. Yes, I'm still wondering when all the "winning" is going to start.
Since Trump's Jerusalem embassy announcement, the predictions that the entire Middle East would go up in flames and there will be riots and mayhem in Muslim capitals have not come to fruition. In fact, even though the crooked media refuses to report, NOTHING has happened.

That is because Arab Sunni's have much bigger fish to fry, considering the threat from Iran and Shiites, and that Israel is now considered a friend behind the scenes. Looks like Arab countries and their people have moved on.

In other words, it's game over for the Belestinians.

There's always a joker in the crowd and this one is the biggest... :cuckoo:

Instead of name-calling, can you prove him wrong in his assessment?
Since Trump's Jerusalem embassy announcement, the predictions that the entire Middle East would go up in flames and there will be riots and mayhem in Muslim capitals have not come to fruition. In fact, even though the crooked media refuses to report, NOTHING has happened.

That is because Arab Sunni's have much bigger fish to fry, considering the threat from Iran and Shiites, and that Israel is now considered a friend behind the scenes. Looks like Arab countries and their people have moved on.

In other words, it's game over for the Belestinians.

There's always a joker in the crowd and this one is the biggest... :cuckoo:

Instead of name-calling, can you prove him wrong in his assessment?

Read my other replies
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.
It does not matter if Every country in the world gives the Palestinians money. And the US is yet to stop doing so.

The Muslims are Never, ever going to stop trying to destroy Israel and play at being insulted by this or that.

That is what they learned from Mohammad himself.
Wait....wait....wait some the end you will get the whole thing.

Why do you think that there are muslims, in Europe and other places, yelling about the Jewish tribe in Arabia Mohammad killed and enslaved after playing that game?

Battle of Khaybar - Wikipedia

Ramadan series ‘Khaybar’ is a battle cry against Jews

Ramadan series ‘Khaybar’ is a battle cry against Jews

The above is the history of Muslims then and now.

What is the difference?

Have they lost Arabia? No, they still have it.
Are they still holding on to North Africa and most of the Middle East?

Which is the only place which they continue to not have success in defeating their enemy? Israel.
What is Israel? The Jewish State.

Who are the Jews?
Enemies of Islam as they refused to convert when Mohammad asked them to.

So many think that this "conflict" is about Palestinian rights.
Rights which the Arab leaders continue to refuse to give to the rest of their population, since 1920.

Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it.
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.

The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall

They'll do that while also paying more for their own defense? Good for them!!!
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.
Quit whining Monte Nazi, your prediction that the "US / Trump will never move its embassy" did not pan it, now did it? Time to go meet your 72 groped virgins.
Nothing has happened, comparitively speaking. The Middle East didn't go up in flames. Arab leaders made a few comments and have already moved on. The Belestinians served their purpose.

Game over.

Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?
It's funny that the US is the biggest donor country to the Belestinians, yet that terrorist crook Abbas has the gall to turn his back on our Vice President. Time to stop the funding.
Really? Nothing has happened? How about the US being kicked out of the Palestine Israel peace negotiations?

We used to be one of the main players, now, we've been kicked out of the game.
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.
Quit whining Monte Nazi, your prediction that the "US / Trump will never move its embassy" did not pan it, now did it? Time to go meet your 72 groped virgins.
The US Embassy is still in Tel Aviv, Dopey
Financial aid to Israel results in benefits to the world for better lives. Want proof? See thread titled --- Israel: Helping Top Make A Better World. Financial aid to Palestinians results in more terrorism. So lets see now, who should us Americans support?
How long is that "kicking out" going to last when the PA depends on the Billions of dollars the US gives them?

What difference has the US, or any other country, made in the Arab denialism of a Jewish State which has been going on since 1920?

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.
Quit whining Monte Nazi, your prediction that the "US / Trump will never move its embassy" did not pan it, now did it? Time to go meet your 72 groped virgins.
The US Embassy is still in Tel Aviv, Dopey

Having a problem keeping up with the news, hmar? The US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and is moving its embassy there. Why else would you Belestinians be eating your soiled underwear? Denial is not a river in Egypt or in Gaza.
They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

And, if some other country like China or Russia decides to start giving them money, you can bet your ass they will get a place at the table.

They have decided that the US will no longer have a place at the negotiation table. They can probably hold out a hell of a lot longer than you think.

As long as we stop sending those Muzzie terrorists our tax dollars, they can hold out forever as far as I'm concerned.

The EU and EU member states are by far the biggest donors today. The EU will up its contribution to make up for any U.S. shortfall if China and Russia do not decide to replace the U.S. Though it is probably time that Israel becomes financially responsible as the government that rules over the territory. The 2-state solution is no longer feasible anyway, but no one wants to admit it.
Quit whining Monte Nazi, your prediction that the "US / Trump will never move its embassy" did not pan it, now did it? Time to go meet your 72 groped virgins.
The US Embassy is still in Tel Aviv, Dopey

Having a problem keeping up with the news, hmar? The US recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and is moving its embassy there. Why else would you Belestinians be eating your soiled underwear? Denial is not a river in Egypt or in Gaza.

Trump has only SAID we are moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Thank God that it hasn't happened yet, but when it does, that embassy is going to be some of the most dangerous real estate on the planet. I was watching VICE news do a story on this last night, and one of the members of the Palestine militia said that the second the doors open on the embassy in Jerusalem, they would be attacking it daily.

No, moving our embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a bad idea.

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