GAO rules Trump broke the law

No....Hunter took the job for the money that he placed in the family trust that all of the Biden's lived off of....that is what Pelosi does and probably most of them including you know how many family of the elected work for major airlines? wonder air travel sucks so bad....

Okay. And you have evidence of this trust where exactly?
They all have a family trust...isn't that scary?...
Do they all have charities that they steal from get caught and have to pay big fines ??? Like your AH in the WH ??

Newspaper: Five Members Of Joe Biden's Family Have Become Curiously Wealthy Through His Connections
Be sure to let us know when any of them made their money illegally.
Legal and wrong is as bad as illegal....we are talking about the son of a vice president not some over paid actress that wants her kid to go to an Ivy league school....
So are you accusing Hunter Biden of taking money to get Shokin fired? Is that the accusation?
No....Hunter took the job for the money that he placed in the family trust that all of the Biden's lived off of....that is what Pelosi does and probably most of them including you know how many family of the elected work for major airlines? wonder air travel sucks so bad....

Okay. And you have evidence of this trust where exactly?
They all have a family trust...isn't that scary?...

So you made it up?

Newspaper: Five Members Of Joe Biden's Family Have Become Curiously Wealthy Through His Connections

You’re just realizing this now? The whole country is run by connections. You ever hear the old saying “it’s not what you know but who you know?”
Okay. And you have evidence of this trust where exactly?
They all have a family trust...isn't that scary?...
Do they all have charities that they steal from get caught and have to pay big fines ??? Like your AH in the WH ??

Newspaper: Five Members Of Joe Biden's Family Have Become Curiously Wealthy Through His Connections
Be sure to let us know when any of them made their money illegally.
Legal and wrong is as bad as illegal....we are talking about the son of a vice president not some over paid actress that wants her kid to go to an Ivy league school....
Legal and wrong is not as bad as illegal. You're truly fucked in the head to come up with such nonsense. Not to mention, you haven't even shown what they did was even bad. You just want to throw dirt on Biden because you fear him.
Why can't you people debate with your own words?
I've run out of words to call your slime So I must look elsewhere
Trump was allowed to call witnesses before the judiciary.
He chose not to. Not my fault.
He wasn't allowed to call any witness he wanted...he should have been able to call witnesses that were involved with the onset of this joke of an Schiff and his whistle blower....fair is the house wants the senate to do their dirty work?...forget it...its too late...either they had the goods on Trump or they didn't...if they did not then what is this?....
Oh? What witnesses was Bill Clinton able to have called while Ken Starr secretly investigated him?

Actually, in NORMAL countries, a sexual act does not involve witnesses.

Trump was allowed to call witnesses before the judiciary.
He chose not to. Not my fault.
He wasn't allowed to call any witness he wanted...he should have been able to call witnesses that were involved with the onset of this joke of an Schiff and his whistle blower....fair is the house wants the senate to do their dirty work?...forget it...its too late...either they had the goods on Trump or they didn't...if they did not then what is this?....
Oh? What witnesses was Bill Clinton able to have called while Ken Starr secretly investigated him?

Actually, in NORMAL countries, a sexual act does not involve witnesses.

Says who?
Gov’t Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze
Gov't Watchdog Office: OMB Broke Law With Trump-Ordered Ukraine Aid Freeze

The U.S. Government Accountability Office, a government watchdog agency that advises Congress, concluded Thursday that the hold President Trump ordered his Office of Management and Budget to place on Ukraine military assistance violated the law.

“Faithful execution of the law does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,” a GAO opinion said. “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act (ICA). The withholding was not a programmatic delay. Therefore, we conclude that OMB violated the ICA.”

The opinion outlined the reasons holds can be legally placed on congressionally authorized funding, and said the rational given for freezing the Ukraine aid did not fit within those reasons.

“The burden to justify a withholding of budget authority rests with the executive branch. Here, OMB has failed to meet this burden. We conclude that OMB violated the ICA when it withheld USAI funds for a policy reason,” the GAO said.
So much for the Trumper assertion Trump broke no laws.
The DOJ makes that determination, not the GAO.
Legal and wrong is as bad as illegal....we are talking about the son of a vice president not some over paid actress that wants her kid to go to an Ivy league school....

Legal and wrong is not as bad as breaking the law.

A lack of morality, ethics, a lack of knowledge of right from wrong, being a deadbeat dad, and a mooching loser riding his dad's name is not as bad as extorting a Ukraine PM, which is what Biden confessed to doing on video tape.

Why do libs want to give our hard earned tax dollars to corrupt people?....does it make them feel WOKE?....
How much have you guys donated to corrupt Donald Trump?

He described the attempt to overturn the results of the elections as “a coup in search of a legal theory”, arguing the president and his allies sought to criminally obstruct the work of Congress.

“If Dr Eastman and President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution,” Carter wrote. “If the country does not commit to investigating and pursuing accountability for those responsible, the Court fears January 6 will repeat itself.”

How much have you guys donated to corrupt Donald Trump?

He described the attempt to overturn the results of the elections as “a coup in search of a legal theory”, arguing the president and his allies sought to criminally obstruct the work of Congress.

“If Dr Eastman and President Trump’s plan had worked, it would have permanently ended the peaceful transition of power, undermining American democracy and the Constitution,” Carter wrote. “If the country does not commit to investigating and pursuing accountability for those responsible, the Court fears January 6 will repeat itself.”

So, when Trump challenges an election (clearly corrupt one) its a "coup," but when Stacey Abrams does the same, it's "fighting for voting rights."

You Nazis are such hypocritical clowns.
So, when Trump challenges an election (clearly corrupt one) its a "coup," but when Stacey Abrams does the same, it's "fighting for voting rights."

You Nazis are such hypocritical clowns.
Every action Trump and his friends did in January was an attempt to overthrow our elections. From calling the governor of Georgia to ask him to come up with 200,000 votes. GUILTY. Stop bringing up other people. What did Stacey do? Did she send a mob to Washington? Did she ask Mike Pence to not certify the vote?

We even allowed Trump to audit the Arizona election and his own auditors said HE LOST.

And you want to call us nazi hypocritical clowns? Wow! Deflect much?

If I'm not mistaken the last two Beer Hall Putsch's were pulled off by Republicans. Google Brooks Brother Riots in 2000. Republicans acted like Nazi's. And look at Trump's failed Beer Hall Putsch.

And now a just is saying Trump "likely" committed a crime? What the fuck is wrong with our society? He absolutely committed a fucking crime. He should be in prison. But like Trump said, he could shoot someone and not lose one supporter. You're loyal lap dog.
So, when Trump challenges an election (clearly corrupt one) its a "coup," but when Stacey Abrams does the same, it's "fighting for voting rights."

You Nazis are such hypocritical clowns.

Aww, poor Fruitcake. Too insane to understand sending fake electors to Congress is NOT challenging an election. It's an attempt to steal an election.
So, when Trump challenges an election (clearly corrupt one) its a "coup," but when Stacey Abrams does the same, it's "fighting for voting rights."

You Nazis are such hypocritical clowns.

Federal Judge finds Trump 'more likely than not' committed felony obstruction in effort to overturn election​

"Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,"

Please don't accuse this judge of being a political hack like Clarence Thomas unless you have evidence. Talking bad about Trump isn't evidence of that. Trump is a criminal and can't run again in 2024. Sorry, find someone else.

Federal Judge finds Trump 'more likely than not' committed felony obstruction in effort to overturn election​

"Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,"

Please don't accuse this judge of being a political hack like Clarence Thomas unless you have evidence. Talking bad about Trump isn't evidence of that. Trump is a criminal and can't run again in 2024. Sorry, find someone else.
you morons are easily controlled by a few words on a page,,

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