GAO rules Trump broke the law

I'm going to agree with you on this one. I was reading another story that said

The House committee is looking into whether Trump used back channels or "burner phones" to communicate at the time of the attack.

That's bullshit. If he used back channels and burner phones, say it. If you don't have any proof of that, don't say that because you are suggesting he did have burner phones. Fox does this same shit. Is Hunter a Spy? Because they put the question mark at the end they aren't lying. But they are misleading.

I'm so fucking sick of headlines like this. Let me know when House committee found Trump used back channels and burner phones to communicate with insurgents at the time of the attack. Until then, the House committee can go fuck itself.
How many mountains of horseshit are you going to climb?...only to be disappointed when they collapse under you....TDS must infect a person for the rest of their lives....
No I had BDS until George was gone for good then I was cured.

Well Trump isn't going anywhere....and after him it will be his I guess you are stuck with TDS forever....
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Well Trump isn't going anywhere....and after him it will be his I guess you are stuck with TDS forever....
Which one the coke head or retard? Or Baron the real retarded Trump. And before you tell me I can't make fun of his son don't forget Don did this


If he's your front runner, then why do you call it TDS? Do you have BDS every time you bring up Biden? Then why the double standard?
Which one the coke head or retard? Or Baron the real retarded Trump. And before you tell me I can't make fun of his son don't forget Don did this

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If he's your front runner, then why do you call it TDS? Do you have BDS every time you bring up Biden? Then why the double standard?
What's wrong, did you miss out on one of Joe Biden's free crack pipes?
Which one the coke head or retard? Or Baron the real retarded Trump. And before you tell me I can't make fun of his son don't forget Don did this

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If he's your front runner, then why do you call it TDS? Do you have BDS every time you bring up Biden? Then why the double standard?
Coke head??? a false accusation without substance once again....
Which one the coke head or retard? Or Baron the real retarded Trump. And before you tell me I can't make fun of his son don't forget Don did this

View attachment 623053

If he's your front runner, then why do you call it TDS? Do you have BDS every time you bring up Biden? Then why the double standard?
That reporter got exactly what he deserved. If he doesn't want to be ridiculed, then he shouldn't attack Trump. Getting ridiculed is what he signed up for.
I wish I could explain how brainwashed you are. May I try?

Back in November 2009 Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment of his radio program to “Climategate.” That was the episode in which a climate research institute was hacked and the private emails of scientists were leaked. Conservative media sifted through the emails, stripping individual sentences and phrases out of context and spinning them to look sinister, as though scientists were coordinating and manipulating results.

No fewer than five separate investigations later cleared the scientists of any wrongdoing, but by then, for right-wing media consumers, it was already settled history.
"investigations" my ass. Those were 5 different white washes. Every one of them was staffed with AGW cultists. Only gullible dumbass like you were fooled.

“What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax, exposes,” he said, “is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It’s all lies!”

He called these institutions — government, academia, science, and media — the “Four Corners of Deceit.”
He's absolutely correct.

We live in two universes. One universe is a lie. One universe is an entire lie. Everything run, dominated, and controlled by the left here and around the world is a lie. The other universe is where we are, and that’s where reality reigns supreme and we deal with it. And seldom do these two universes ever overlap.

Over time, this leads to what you might call tribal epistemology: Information is evaluated based not on conformity to common standards of evidence or correspondence to a common understanding of the world, but on whether it supports the tribe’s values and goals and is vouchsafed by tribal leaders. “Good for our side” and “true” begin to blur into one.

So where is he wrong?
I wish I could explain how brainwashed you are. May I try?

Back in November 2009 Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment of his radio program to “Climategate.” That was the episode in which a climate research institute was hacked and the private emails of scientists were leaked. Conservative media sifted through the emails, stripping individual sentences and phrases out of context and spinning them to look sinister, as though scientists were coordinating and manipulating results.

No fewer than five separate investigations later cleared the scientists of any wrongdoing, but by then, for right-wing media consumers, it was already settled history.

“What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax, exposes,” he said, “is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It’s all lies!”

He called these institutions — government, academia, science, and media — the “Four Corners of Deceit.”

We live in two universes. One universe is a lie. One universe is an entire lie. Everything run, dominated, and controlled by the left here and around the world is a lie. The other universe is where we are, and that’s where reality reigns supreme and we deal with it. And seldom do these two universes ever overlap.

Over time, this leads to what you might call tribal epistemology: Information is evaluated based not on conformity to common standards of evidence or correspondence to a common understanding of the world, but on whether it supports the tribe’s values and goals and is vouchsafed by tribal leaders. “Good for our side” and “true” begin to blur into one.

One might call these two universes.....

The Father of Lies (Satan) Vs. The Father of Truth (God)

And there lies the entire reason for The Existence of THE USMB.

Satan's War with God is exhibited here every day right here, right before your eyes in real time.

Now you have wisdom.
Coke head??? a false accusation without substance once again....
You mean like Obama was born in Kenya?

A video of Donald Trump Jr., son of the disgraced former U.S. President, was posted on social media in which he rambles about current President Joe Biden and appears to be under the influence of one or several substances. So if you were wondering why “cocaine” is trending in Politics on Twitter, Don. Jr. is why.

As seen in the above 30-second clip from video, Don Jr. criticizes Biden for an alleged propensity for farting in the presence of others, and wrings his hands over the notion that Biden would be the person in charge if there were ever a nuclear crisis with China or Russia. (Of course no was ever concerned about this during Trump Sr.’s presidency, right? Right.)

The video can be viewed in its excruciating 4.5-minute entirety in the embed below.
Coke head??? a false accusation without substance once again....
You ever do cocaine? I have.

"There's still so many unanswered questions about what we witnessed this week... Like exactly how much coke did Don Jr. do before his speech on Monday? Some say a lot. Others say much more."
I know someone who's on cocaine.

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