GAO rules Trump broke the law

You mean like Obama was born in Kenya?

A video of Donald Trump Jr., son of the disgraced former U.S. President, was posted on social media in which he rambles about current President Joe Biden and appears to be under the influence of one or several substances. So if you were wondering why “cocaine” is trending in Politics on Twitter, Don. Jr. is why.

As seen in the above 30-second clip from video, Don Jr. criticizes Biden for an alleged propensity for farting in the presence of others, and wrings his hands over the notion that Biden would be the person in charge if there were ever a nuclear crisis with China or Russia. (Of course no was ever concerned about this during Trump Sr.’s presidency, right? Right.)

The video can be viewed in its excruciating 4.5-minute entirety in the embed below.
Why are you ignoring my question that completely exposes your lie?
I wish I could explain how brainwashed you are. May I try?

Back in November 2009 Rush Limbaugh devoted a segment of his radio program to “Climategate.” That was the episode in which a climate research institute was hacked and the private emails of scientists were leaked. Conservative media sifted through the emails, stripping individual sentences and phrases out of context and spinning them to look sinister, as though scientists were coordinating and manipulating results.

No fewer than five separate investigations later cleared the scientists of any wrongdoing, but by then, for right-wing media consumers, it was already settled history.

“What this fraud, what the uncovering of this hoax, exposes,” he said, “is the corruption that exists between government and academia and science and the media. Science has been corrupted. We know the media has been corrupted for a long time. Academia has been corrupted. None of what they do is real. It’s all lies!”

He called these institutions — government, academia, science, and media — the “Four Corners of Deceit.”

We live in two universes. One universe is a lie. One universe is an entire lie. Everything run, dominated, and controlled by the left here and around the world is a lie. The other universe is where we are, and that’s where reality reigns supreme and we deal with it. And seldom do these two universes ever overlap.

Over time, this leads to what you might call tribal epistemology: Information is evaluated based not on conformity to common standards of evidence or correspondence to a common understanding of the world, but on whether it supports the tribe’s values and goals and is vouchsafed by tribal leaders. “Good for our side” and “true” begin to blur into one.

Federal Judge finds Trump 'more likely than not' committed felony obstruction in effort to overturn election​

"Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021,"

Please don't accuse this judge of being a political hack like Clarence Thomas unless you have evidence. Talking bad about Trump isn't evidence of that. Trump is a criminal and can't run again in 2024. Sorry, find someone else.
The birth certificate I saw said he was.
Here's a birth certificate I saw that says Trump is a Cabbage Patch doll. Guess that means it's true, huh?

Every action Trump and his friends did in January was an attempt to overthrow our elections.

Even you aren't this fucking stupid.

From calling the governor of Georgia to ask him to come up with 200,000 votes.

Never happened.

A long debunked lie that you Nazi filth CONTINUE spewing

Of what? Exposing you Nazi fucks as what you are?

Stop bringing up other people.

Yeah, it doesn't matter that you defend others for what you slander Trump over.

What did Stacey do?

Stacey Abrams said Tuesday she still believes Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial election was “stolen” from her.

“You still refuse to concede that you lost the race for governor in Georgia in 2018,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) in a question to Abrams during a hearing of a Senate Judiciary Committee panel, where Abrams was testifying. “Yes or no, today, do you still maintain the 2018 Georgia election was stolen?”

Abrams replied, “I acknowledged at the very beginning that [Georgia Gov.] Brian Kemp won under the rules that were in place. What I objected to were rules that permitted thousands of Georgia voters to be denied their participation in this election, to have their votes cast out.” She said she was advocating for a system that permitted “every eligible Georgia” to vote when Cruz interjected.}

Isn't that EXACTLY what you filthy Nazi fucks claim is "treason" by Trump?

Did she send a mob to Washington?

Yes, and all across the nation.

275 riots - you Nazi fucks care about one of them.
Did she ask Mike Pence to not certify the vote?

She asked everyone in the nation to overturn the vote.
We even allowed Trump to audit the Arizona election and his own auditors said HE LOST.

Oh, you Nazis ALLOWED that.. :rofl:

Fucking lying Nazi vermin.

And you want to call us nazi hypocritical clowns? Wow! Deflect much?

You are Nazis.

Filthy Vermin waging war against the Constitutional Republic.

If I'm not mistaken the last two Beer Hall Putsch's were pulled off by Republicans. Google Brooks Brother Riots in 2000.

If you Nazi fucks would stop stealing elections.. You traitor vermin lost that one.

Republicans acted like Nazi's. And look at Trump's failed Beer Hall Putsch.

And now a just is saying Trump "likely" committed a crime? What the fuck is wrong with our society? He absolutely committed a fucking crime. He should be in prison. But like Trump said, he could shoot someone and not lose one supporter. You're loyal lap dog.

Didn't you fucking slime just get smacked down with your Pogrom again?

Mitch McConnell blamed Trump for fomenting last month's riot but voted to acquit him anyway of inciting an insurrection.

There was a riot last month?

Oh, you're just mindlessly spewing hate again...

McConnell sharply criticized Trump saying the rioters had been "fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth. Because he was angry he'd lost an election."
"Former President Trump's actions that preceded the riot were a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty,". "Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."

But McConnell said Trump was constitutionally ineligible for conviction since the punishment is removal, and Trump was already out of office. McConnell claimed that a verdict before Joe Biden's inauguration had been impossible.

McConnell was part of the embezzlement of American taxpayer money in Ukraine along with Quid Pro, Pelosi, and Kerry.

Trump exposed all of the traitor crooks.
Trump should have just taken the loss like a man and then he probably would have won again in 2024. We can't have this.

Democrats better wise up before they lose power in November. They won't be in charge so they better do what they have to do now before they become the minority party. It's going to happen. It always does. So do what Republicans would do. Pass as much bullshit as you can before you leave. Make it so hard for the Republicans to undo everything you did. It'll take years to figure out what you did. Just like Trump did on his way out. And shred documents just like Trump did.

He will very likely win in 2024

What will you Nazi do? Take up arms?

I fucking hope you do.
There was a riot last month?

Oh, you're just mindlessly spewing hate again...

McConnell was part of the embezzlement of American taxpayer money in Ukraine along with Quid Pro, Pelosi, and Kerry.

Trump exposed all of the traitor crooks.
Yes we know, any Republicans who falls out of line is a RINO. Piss off goober.

No there wasn't a riot last month. That was a quote from Mitch on why at the time he didn't impeach Trump. He would have but Trump was on his way out so why bother was his excuse. But this gives Trump the option to run again.

Listen idiot. If Mitch wasn't on your side he would have impeached Trump at least 2 times but he never did. So quit trying to pretend he didn't protect and defend Trump for 4 years. He did. He may not have liked it but that was understandable. Pence didn't like it either and at some point stopped going along with the illegal admin.
Yes we know, any Republicans who falls out of line is a RINO. Piss off goober.

You lied about a riot last month?

Now you Nazis riot, pillage, rape, and murder all the time - so maybe there was one - but no one here is aware of it.

What city did you burn and loot this time?

No there wasn't a riot last month. That was a quote from Mitch on why at the time he didn't impeach Trump. He would have but Trump was on his way out so why bother was his excuse. But this gives Trump the option to run again.

Fuck Moscow Mitch - he is part of the cadre that was embezzling USAID funds - along with Quid Pro, Traitor Kerry, and Pelosi.

Listen idiot. If Mitch wasn't on your side he would have impeached Trump at least 2 times but he never did. So quit trying to pretend he didn't protect and defend Trump for 4 years. He did. He may not have liked it but that was understandable. Pence didn't like it either and at some point stopped going along with the illegal admin.


McConnell is a swamp creature, He plays the game to line his pockets and protect his power.

You are a Nazi. Party is all to you. Anyone in your Reich you will defend - because they are party members.

You have no grasp of free men - the idea of judging individuals by their actions isn't something you can comprehend.

Nazi GOOD - Republican BAD is the only thing that goes through the maggot infested broccoli stalk that substitutes for a brain with you.
You lied about a riot last month?

Now you Nazis riot, pillage, rape, and murder all the time - so maybe there was one - but no one here is aware of it.

What city did you burn and loot this time?

Fuck Moscow Mitch - he is part of the cadre that was embezzling USAID funds - along with Quid Pro, Traitor Kerry, and Pelosi.


McConnell is a swamp creature, He plays the game to line his pockets and protect his power.

You are a Nazi. Party is all to you. Anyone in your Reich you will defend - because they are party members.

You have no grasp of free men - the idea of judging individuals by their actions isn't something you can comprehend.

Nazi GOOD - Republican BAD is the only thing that goes through the maggot infested broccoli stalk that substitutes for a brain with you.
I think Trump plays the game to line his pockets you dope. I'm not going to defend Mitch. We agree he's a scumbag.

Do you project much?
You don't think. You mindlessly bleat hating points from Nazi sites like DailyKOS and CNN. The Reich programs you to vomit out the shit you spew here. No thinking involved.
You have truly swallowed the coolaid. Demonized the other side. Do you understand the truth doesn't lay solely on your side? It's somewhere in the middle? You aren't fascists and we aren't socialists. Stop it.

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