Garland, "I am not the president's lawyer"

MartyBegan: More quote function fuckups, god you are a fucking tard. Did she have a gun in her hand while hanging through the window? Why wasn't anyone else shot?

John Edgar Slow Horses: Marty is getting mad about being a non-decider. Marty, old boy, you don't make the decisions on this. You are specious.

ps: He can't stand being put into context.

What gibberish are you spouting now?
Into a private residence, responded to by a private citizen.

Law Enforcement rules of engagement are entirely different.
“Rules of engagement”. Jesus, stop misusing words you don’t understand.

Violent entry is violent entry regardless of what the building is.

The reason violent entry is important is that it provides the reasonable assumption that the person violently entering intends harm.
“Rules of engagement”. Jesus, stop misusing words you don’t understand.

Violent entry is violent entry regardless of what the building is.

The reason violent entry is important is that it provides the reasonable assumption that the person violently entering intends harm.

Deadly force use regulations same shit different day.

No, it isn't. Law Enforcement officers have to follow a different set of rules than homeowners in their own homes.
MartyBegan I am giving very specific responses, Marner has no response except "the bitch deserved it" so let me try to justify it.Just like you can't actually respond to the wording of NY's new abortion law and have to dodge and duck.

John Edgar Slow Horses responded to Marty's answers on the abortion question. He is not the decided, the doctor is. He has shown no reason why the doctor should not be the decider.

Who was hurt or not hurt inside the Capitol is irrelevant to this discussion. The officers had no idea if Ashlii was armed or what were here intentions. She was told to stand down and stand back. Yet she came head through a smashed out window and was shot. Legally, appropriately.
The other officer that was with Byrd on that side of the doorway testified that he could see Babbitt's hands and she was not armed. You're right, Byrd didn't know what Babbitt's intentions were...other than to break that window. She was never given a warning by Byrd. He stepped out of hiding and shot her without warning.
People can reasonable react differently to different circumstances.

A cop trying to detain someone in a car might reasonably take two steps to get out of the way of the moving car. Another cop reasonably (according to conservatives) can start unloading their magazine into the car.

Anyone on the other side of that door could reasonably feel threatened. That’s the standard. Not if you were down the hall. Not if you were in a different building. If you were standing there on the other side of the doors with the large violent mob starting to come through the window.
Seems reasonable that the business owner would feel threatened when violent criminals break into their places of business. You've provided us with the solution. You say it's legal for them to arm up and start blasting away.
Deadly force use regulations same shit different day.

No, it isn't. Law Enforcement officers have to follow a different set of rules than homeowners in their own homes.
Not that different. The reason is that someone violently entering is assumed to be intending harm.

The rules for law enforcement to engage only require that there be a reasonable belief that she intended to cause serious bodily harm.

I’ve never heard you try to say that it’s irrational to believe she intended harm.
Not that different. The reason is that someone violently entering is assumed to be intending harm.

The rules for law enforcement to engage only require that there be a reasonable belief that she intended to cause serious bodily harm.

I’ve never heard you try to say that it’s irrational to believe she intended harm.

A home. at night. with the intent of robbing said people. vs. a civilian.

Immediate intent, not hanging through a door unarmed, while other cops didn't shoot her.

She wasn't capable of harming anything.
A home. at night. with the intent of robbing said people. vs. a civilian.

Immediate intent, not hanging through a door unarmed, while other cops didn't shoot her.

She wasn't capable of harming anything.
Who said she wasn’t capable of harming anything?

Are you saying that because she’s a woman?

Obviously any human being with arms and legs and the ability to jump through a smashed in window have the capacity to harm someone.

And yes, coming through a smashed window of a barricaded door is as immediate intent as you’re ever going to need.
Wnen Marty is corrected for specious arguments and not getting to be the decider. Gosnell was a criminal doctor, not reflective of his professional community, and handled correctly. Yet Mart continued to argue speciously, as pointed out earlier, along with his specious nonsense about the Ashlii Babbit case. This is reaction to being corrected.
When a cop points a gun at you and tells you to stop -- and you come at him anyway -- it ends the same way 1000 out of 1000 times.

The cultists think they are special and therefore deserve special treatment.
When a Police Officer lies in hiding...then steps out and fires a shot at an unarmed person without warning? That's what Byrd did that day. Why he felt the need to do that when not a single other law enforcement official fired their weapon is on him. I think he wanted to shoot someone and got his wish.
Who said she wasn’t capable of harming anything?

Are you saying that because she’s a woman?

Obviously any human being with arms and legs and the ability to jump through a smashed in window have the capacity to harm someone.

And yes, coming through a smashed window of a barricaded door is as immediate intent as you’re ever going to need.
Intent to do what? Babbitt hadn't assaulted anyone that day. She was unarmed. Her intent seemed to be stopping the certification. Was she killed for THAT intent? Who was Lt. Byrd to make himself judge, jury and executioner? The Police on the other side of that doorway walked away. They weren't touched by the protesters. When Byrd fired his shot and the SWAT officers appeared from the stairwell? Did you notice where they were pointing their weapons? It wasn't at the protesters. It was at the direction that the shot came from. They obviously felt the threat at that doorway was Lt. Byrd.
Who said she wasn’t capable of harming anything?

Are you saying that because she’s a woman?

Obviously any human being with arms and legs and the ability to jump through a smashed in window have the capacity to harm someone.

And yes, coming through a smashed window of a barricaded door is as immediate intent as you’re ever going to need.

Because she was unarmed and hanging through a window with multiple tactical equipped police on HER side of the door.

And armed police on their side of the door.

Is she Brucinda Lee?
Because she was unarmed and hanging through a window with multiple tactical equipped police on HER side of the door.

And armed police on their side of the door.

Is she Brucinda Lee?
You keep bringing up the police on the other side of the door, but it's irrelevant.

What do you mean "hanging"? She was coming through. She was't stopped. She wasn't perched. She wasn't sitting there. She was on her way into the hallway through the smashed out window of a barricaded door.

It is rational to assume that she had ill intent. People who come through barricaded doors though smashed windows are usually not good people.
You keep bringing up the police on the other side of the door, but it's irrelevant.

What do you mean "hanging"? She was coming through. She was't stopped. She wasn't perched. She wasn't sitting there. She was on her way into the hallway through the smashed out window of a barricaded door.

It is rational to assume that she had ill intent. People who come through barricaded doors though smashed windows are usually not good people.

Again, 100% relevant because they saw the same situation and didn't shoot.

One woman on the other side could have been easily detained.

You can't assume anything about her, especially since her views automatically make you think ill of her.

Like most progs you are so full of yourself you think only your views matter.
Again, 100% relevant because they saw the same situation and didn't shoot.

One woman on the other side could have been easily detained.

You can't assume anything about her, especially since her views automatically make you think ill of her.

Like most progs you are so full of yourself you think only your views matter.
Again, not relevant because people reacting differently to the same situation doesn't make one decision reasonable and another not reasonable. Like when someone empties a mag into a car or steps out of the way. Two different reactions can be simultaneously reasonable.

One woman couldn't be detained without exposing themselves to the imminent threat of the rest of the violent mob.
Again, not relevant because people reacting differently to the same situation doesn't make one decision reasonable and another not reasonable. Like when someone empties a mag into a car or steps out of the way. Two different reactions can be simultaneously reasonable.

One woman couldn't be detained without exposing themselves to the imminent threat of the rest of the violent mob.

The mob that didn't attack the officers milling around on the same side of the door as them?

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