Garland, "I am not the president's lawyer"

This was a subgroup, in a small area, woefully outgunned by officers WALKING AMONGST THEM.
Well, not really walking among them. More like cowering in fear of being killed. I happen to disagree with this guy.

If the officers outside the Capital building had dropped a couple dozen traitors on their way up the steps the day would have gone differently. Maybe that's what Trump was hoping for when he whipped them in to a frenzy. More martyrs for the cause of his failed coup.
The least threatening one? She was the one coming through the window, therefore she was the most immediately threatening one.

No, the ones still trying to break the door were more threatening. One unarmed woman could have been detained by even the unarmed officers once she fell through the window.
Well, not really walking among them. More like cowering in fear of being killed. I happen to disagree with this guy.

If the officers outside the Capital building had dropped a couple dozen traitors on their way up the steps the day would have gone differently. Maybe that's what Trump was hoping for when he whipped them in to a frenzy. More martyrs for the cause of his failed coup.

So you were rooting for the National Guard at Kent State?
No, the ones still trying to break the door were more threatening. One unarmed woman could have been detained by even the unarmed officers once she fell through the window.
The unarmed officers were on the wrong side of the door and useless even before the bailed. They could have never arrested anyone in that mob. The officers in hallway would expose themselves to the mob by trying to arrest her, putting themselves in greater danger.
Marty Began who was not there knows exactly what LEO should have done.

No, he does not and never has.

If a suspect moves on LEO when ordered to stop by an officer with a drawn weapon, the onus is on the suspect. End of discussion,
The unarmed officers were on the wrong side of the door and useless even before the bailed. They could have never arrested anyone in that mob. The officers in hallway would expose themselves to the mob by trying to arrest her, putting themselves in greater danger.

They ran up to her when she was shot. And to stop the mob the side of the door doesn't matter if it came to spray and pray time.
Marty Began who was not there knows exactly what LEO should have done.

No, he does not and never has.

If a suspect moves on LEO when ordered to stop by an officer with a drawn weapon, the onus is on the suspect. End of discussion,

Take her into custody, and brandish your weapon calling for the guys breaking the door to halt.

Did she order him to do anything?
They ran up to her when she was shot. And to stop the mob the side of the door doesn't matter if it came to spray and pray time.
The crowd started to disperse after she was shot and they ran to her to provide aid, which is a far different dynamic than trying to apprehend people.

Any cop will tell you that apprehending someone makes them vulnerable, which is why they try to keep bystanders at a distance.

That was not possible in the chaos of the riot.
The crowd started to disperse after she was shot and they ran to her to provide aid, which is a far different dynamic than trying to apprehend people.

Any cop will tell you that apprehending someone makes them vulnerable, which is why they try to keep bystanders at a distance.

That was not possible in the chaos of the riot.

The crowd ran to aid her too, and didn't attack the officers around them. Another example of over-reaction by Trigger McTriggerhappy.

She would have been alone on the other side of the door. Grab her, and restrain her.
Were you even in combat? Were you ever in a LE officer in conflict?


Were you ever a firefighter, or a climate scientist, or anything else that you can use as excuse to remove someone's right to an opinion?

I can have whatever opinion I want, you can decide to accept or not, but you can't cancel it.
The crowd ran to aid her too, and didn't attack the officers around them.
I’m not sure what your point is here. It’s hardly surprising that they would try to aid the woman and not try to attack the officers who just shot her. Unless they wanted to get shot too.
She would have been alone on the other side of the door. Grab her, and restrain her.
Are you under the impression the window was going to magically seal itself shut once she jumped through it? There’s nothing stopping the rest of the mob from coming through. Within minutes, dozens could have streamed into that hallway.

Marty, you need to stop with the magical thinking. We need to use a reasonable person evaluation here and you’re not being reasonable.
No, he is not the President's lawyer. He is just acting like it, that's all.

They are both working for those higher up the global food chain.
I’m not sure what your point is here. It’s hardly surprising that they would try to aid the woman and not try to attack the officers who just shot her. Unless they wanted to get shot too.

Are you under the impression the window was going to magically seal itself shut once she jumped through it? There’s nothing stopping the rest of the mob from coming through. Within minutes, dozens could have streamed into that hallway.

Marty, you need to stop with the magical thinking. We need to use a reasonable person evaluation here and you’re not being reasonable.

One of their own got shot, and you are the one saying the armed officers "could do nothing". You are contradicting yourself in your spin attempt.

Minutes, time it would take to detain her, which would have shown the others they would be detained.

LOL, I am being far more reasonable than your "fuck the bitch she deserved it" analysis brought on by your TDS.
One of their own got shot, and you are the one saying the armed officers "could do nothing". You are contradicting yourself in your spin attempt.
You’re right. They could do something. They could fire their weapons. Good point Marty.
Minutes, time it would take to detain her, which would have shown the others they would be detained.
It takes minutes to detain someone, which means by the time they detained one person, there would be dozens more and they would have lost complete control of the situation.
LOL, I am being far more reasonable than your "fuck the bitch she deserved it" analysis brought on by your TDS.
I haven’t said “she deserved it”. I’m merely applying the same standard conservatives set for other officer involved shootings. You’re the one demanding a special set of rules for Trump supporters.
You’re right. They could do something. They could fire their weapons. Good point Marty.

It takes minutes to detain someone, which means by the time they detained one person, there would be dozens more and they would have lost complete control of the situation.

I haven’t said “she deserved it”. I’m merely applying the same standard conservatives set for other officer involved shootings. You’re the one demanding a special set of rules for Trump supporters.

And yet the others didn't feel the need to. Only one trigger happy idiot.

Drop, zip tie, shove off to side. Riot police have been doing that for decades now.

No, you aren't.
Again, you seem to think that the officers in the hallway should have just let the mob swarm through the door and do nothing about it. They were the last handful of officers left to defend the members of Congress in the chamber.

To any rational person, that's simply not an option.
The last members of Congress were being evacuated from the House Chamber as Babbitt was shot. Why would a law enforcement officer shoot someone who simply wanted to enter an empty room...not to commit violence but to stop a proceeding? The answer to that is that they wouldn't have! Those other officers would have followed the members of Congress out of the House Chamber and then the protesters would have done EXACTLY what they did in the Senate Chamber...mill around...take selfies and then leave! You don't shoot unarmed protesters who are simply trying to occupy a room. Lt. Byrd's response to a window being broken was totally disproportional to what was occurring. Out of the hundreds of LE officers there that day he was the ONLY one who fired his weapon and he fired it at an unarmed female!
The crowd started to disperse after she was shot and they ran to her to provide aid, which is a far different dynamic than trying to apprehend people.

Any cop will tell you that apprehending someone makes them vulnerable, which is why they try to keep bystanders at a distance.

That was not possible in the chaos of the riot.
Look at the video of that shooting, Marener. When Babbitt is shot and the Swat team that was right there in the stairwell came up and tried to help Babbitt? Do you notice where the first Swat team member who gets there is pointing his weapon? Not at the protesters. He's pointing it through the doorway where the shot came from! He's not worried about the protesters...he's worried about Lt. Byrd. He's the one that they're worried about being shot by...the idiot that opened fire on an unarmed woman!

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