Garland 'Sicking' Criminal FBI Against Parents Opposing CRT & Un-Constitutional Mask Mandates

Since you haven't fled California by now there is no need. You belong there with the rest of the mentally incompetent.
It supports it just fine. Can’t allow a history book about Ruby Bridges. It’s not nice to white people.
i mean…1) your link isn’t about history class 2) it says nothing about parents being concerned because it shows images of white people jeering anybody

so it absolutely doesn’t support your conclusion…unless your point was to demonstrate you have absolutely no clue then your link fails
i mean…1) your link isn’t about history class 2) it says nothing about parents being concerned because it shows images of white people jeering anybody

so it absolutely doesn’t support your conclusion…unless your point was to demonstrate you have absolutely no clue then your link fails
You’ve said a lot about what you think it “isn’t” about but nothing about what you think it “is” about.
You’ve said a lot about what you think it “isn’t” about but nothing about what you think it “is” about.
all the article shows is that some parents in a school district were concerned that some books being taught in an english course to elementary school kids…5, 6 year olds wasn’t appropriate. Because they believe teaching children that young or frankly showing children that young about the dark history of how minorities were treated ( by the dnc) is my a good idea.

It likely is, children at that age can’t really grasp nor understand the times etc. Cerrainly we should be teaching children, middle school to high school about it

but five year olds aren’t quite mentally developed for that

that isn’t racist to have those concerns, nor is it domestic terrorism to have them and raise them. It largely speaks to you and the dems claims that they are. your total mischaracterization of the link also speaks volumes about you, and your intent.
all the article shows is that some parents in a school district were concerned that some books being taught in an english course to elementary school kids…5, 6 year olds wasn’t appropriate. Because they believe teaching children that young or frankly showing children that young about the dark history of how minorities were treated ( by the dnc) is my a good idea.

It likely is, children at that age can’t really grasp nor understand the times etc. Cerrainly we should be teaching children, middle school to high school about it

but five year olds aren’t quite mentally developed for that

that isn’t racist to have those concerns, nor is it domestic terrorism to have them and raise them. It largely speaks to you and the dems claims that they are. your total mischaracterization of the link also speaks volumes about you, and your intent.
It’s not too early to teach kids that racism is wrong.
It’s not too early to teach kids that racism is wrong.
i don’t disagree, maybe you should start doing that at home. It will go much further then anything a 1st grade teacher can do. i suggest doing that while at the gas station, grocery store etc in your daily life.

instead is teaching your children that people are racist and terrorist for having simple concerns about what’s being taught at their schools.
A couple of observations.

Democrats and liberals like to argue that CRT is not being taught in our schools. Strictly speaking, this is true. However, what I believe is that they essentially wish to teach CRT but they will just call it something else or nothing at all.
I believe they will simply incorporate the principles of CRT into the current curriculum.

Which brings me to my next observation. Democrats and liberals also argue that grown adults started assaulting Asians simply because Trump referred to Covid as “China Virus”. So what do you think children will do when they start getting told that white people are fundamentally racist?

I know what will happen and this is why I am against the teaching of CRT or anything like it to our children.
how’d i change the subject?

it seems you want to rewrite history. The DNC is the party of Booth, the party of rebellion, the party that has always has had issues and wanted to destroy our republic

Yet your party is defending confederate flags and statues right now...
A couple of observations.

Democrats and liberals like to argue that CRT is not being taught in our schools. Strictly speaking, this is true. However, what I believe is that they essentially wish to teach CRT but they will just call it something else or nothing at all.
I believe they will simply incorporate the principles of CRT into the current curriculum.

And why would this be a bad thing? Come on, guy, this country is fundamentally racist. This country was built on slave labor and Native American genocide. The sooner we address that, the sooner we get better as a country.

Which brings me to my next observation. Democrats and liberals also argue that grown adults started assaulting Asians simply because Trump referred to Covid as “China Virus”. So what do you think children will do when they start getting told that white people are fundamentally racist?

Um, probably nothing.

I know what will happen and this is why I am against the teaching of CRT or anything like it to our children.

Have you met children? Children are little bastards, which is why you need to give them guidance as adults. The biggest problem is we have a generation of people who want to be their children's friends instead of their parents. (One of the few conservative opinions I have.)

That some kids might pick on white kids (even though this is unlikely given white kids will still be in the majority) isn't a good reason to pretend racism isn't a thing.
i made nothing up.

i agree what the libs are teaching and attempting to teach isn’t really CrT, the propagandist in the leftist media’s claim it is, but really it’s just racial divisions they are attempting to teach

racial division., division i. general is what leftist tyrants always push.

Guy, acknowledging our racist history is hardly teaching CRT. And kids don't need to have teachers tell them they are in a racist country, it becomes pretty obvious fairly early on.
And why would this be a bad thing? Come on, guy, this country is fundamentally racist.

We disagree on this.
This country was built on slave labor and Native American genocide.

No it wasn’t.

Are these things part of our history? Yes. Was the country built solely on these things? No. To think that is an oversimplification of history and extremely narrow minded.
The sooner we address that, the sooner we get better as a country.

Teaching white children that their parents and ancestors are inherently evil and teaching minority children that their white classmates are fundamentally racist will not make this a better country.

Um, probably nothing.

Look what it’s already done to you.
Have you met children? Children are little bastards, which is why you need to give them guidance as adults.

So your solution to little bastard kids is to tell them whites are racist?
The biggest problem is we have a generation of people who want to be their children's friends instead of their parents. (One of the few conservative opinions I have.)

That some kids might pick on white kids (even though this is unlikely given white kids will still be in the majority)

Don’t be an idiot. Whites don’t have to be a minority to be reviled.
isn't a good reason to pretend racism isn't a thing.

The problem here is that you don’t want to teach children that racism is bad, you want to teach them that whites are racist.
Show me a single member of your personal phobic non-existent group "ANTIFA"

You can do it!
And by that I mean
View attachment 547947

Must suck going through life as a total fool the way you are doing
And why would this be a bad thing? Come on, guy, this country is fundamentally racist. This country was built on slave labor and Native American genocide. The sooner we address that, the sooner we get better as a country.

Um, probably nothing.

Have you met children? Children are little bastards, which is why you need to give them guidance as adults. The biggest problem is we have a generation of people who want to be their children's friends instead of their parents. (One of the few conservative opinions I have.)

That some kids might pick on white kids (even though this is unlikely given white kids will still be in the majority) isn't a good reason to pretend racism isn't a thing.
Come on, guy, this country is fundamentally racist.

Speak for yourself.
Guy, acknowledging our racist history is hardly teaching CRT. And kids don't need to have teachers tell them they are in a racist country, it becomes pretty obvious fairly early on.
I don't think it is need to have CRT taught in schools to do just that. I learned it in middle and high well as college.

I wasn't taught about it when I was five though. I was taught then to simply love everyone, and we are all equal. Division wasn't something that was promoted. Glad I was taught that at five, and was able to learn later on about how the Dems treated minorities...and thankfully we worked to overcome that...sadly we still are.....
Yet your party is defending confederate flags and statues right now...
I'll defend anyone's right to fly that flag. Doesn't mean I support the flag. I'll defend anyone monument or property from being vandalized....doesn't mean I support the monument. I believe it's up to the localites that own the property to determine it's future, not some brown shirt leftist mob attempting destroy it.

Your party continues to support the mob. I'll take civil discourse of your mob rule any day

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