Gary Cohn, Trump's chief economic advisor quits

Well it was bizarro Gary Cohn was there to begin, he is a Liberal Democrat ditto Jared Kushner.

Yes, because cutting taxes and deregulating the economy is "liberal democrat," whereas raising taxes and the government intervening in the economy, i.e. tariffs, is "conservative."

What are you babbling about?

Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat, the Bloomberg link contains a video hear him say it yourself.

What are you talking about? He is nothing but a coffee boy.
Even ultimate Trump whore Lucy Hamelton is finding it harder to defend this incompetent White House.

Not that I was doing that I was commenting that Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat and I provided two links and the Bloomberg link contains a video. It's okay we know you are only used to links from The Huffington Post etc.
Well it was bizarro Gary Cohn was there to begin, he is a Liberal Democrat ditto Jared Kushner.

Yes, because cutting taxes and deregulating the economy is "liberal democrat," whereas raising taxes and the government intervening in the economy, i.e. tariffs, is "conservative."

What are you babbling about?

Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat, the Bloomberg link contains a video hear him say it yourself.

What are you talking about? He is nothing but a coffee boy.

How about posting On Topic about the Topic of the thread.

It is a topic... because this is what the White House does when people leave. They will run them down and try to talk down their importance.

How is it On Topic? Gary Cohn the coffee boy?
Yes, because cutting taxes and deregulating the economy is "liberal democrat," whereas raising taxes and the government intervening in the economy, i.e. tariffs, is "conservative."

What are you babbling about?

Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat, the Bloomberg link contains a video hear him say it yourself.

What are you talking about? He is nothing but a coffee boy.

How about posting On Topic about the Topic of the thread.

It is a topic... because this is what the White House does when people leave. They will run them down and try to talk down their importance.

How is it On Topic? Gary Cohn the coffee boy?

Sorry it is obviously above your head. My bad.
It's hilarious to watch "conservatives" defend left wing economic policies like raising taxes, i.e. tariffs, and "liberals" arguing that we shouldn't raise taxes.

Who has been defending raises taxes in this thread?

Well it was bizarro Gary Cohn was there to begin, he is a Liberal Democrat ditto Jared Kushner.

Yes, because cutting taxes and deregulating the economy is "liberal democrat," whereas raising taxes and the government intervening in the economy, i.e. tariffs, is "conservative."
LOL! Fair trade only means fuck the USA right troll?


Listening to a corrections officer discussing economic policy is like listening to a fisherman diagnosing cancer.

Go back to making cock-sucking insults, rube.
LOL, you lie and twist anything don't you? Where did I discuss policy, troll?
Not that I was doing that I was commenting that Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat and I provided two links and the Bloomberg link contains a video. It's okay we know you are only used to links from The Huffington Post etc.

So are Jared and Ivanka.

But you're still whoring for them!


Austrian rubes ...

I have never been a fan of Jared or Ivanka.
Snooze. This had been in the works for weeks. Cohn left on very good terms with Trump. Cohn wanted to move on to another position because he felt he had accomplished the main things he wanted to--tax reform and deregulation.
Are you lying on purpose or out of habit?
Cohn left because this knownothing prez didn’t take his advice or anyone else’s on the tariff’s.
Plus no one wants to go down with a sinking ship. Many who have been interviewed by Mueller have said He’s scary smart and knew the answers to the questions he asked them.
Who has been defending raises taxes in this thread?

So you disagree with Trump raising tariffs?

Because Cohen resigned due to Trump's tariff policy.

It's very, very, very bad economics.

My original point is that it's bizarro Gary Cohn was given a job to begin with as he's a lifelong Democrat as is Jared Kushner and Kushners entire family.

No I do not agree with the tariff thing and IMHO Trump will have to reverse it because not only do most businesses disagree but also the EU and probably China next are going to retaliate with putting tariffs on American products and so it's a lose-lose for America, I realise that most Trump fans are going to disagree with me but we cannot agree on everything.

Michael Wolff's book must have 100% accuracy, because this is a circus
I read it on my Kindle.

It seemed pretty accurate. It's not really the retelling of a story. It's more like a journal. It just goes day by day and talks about what happened on that day.

It's just that with so many scandals gathered up and published with a timeline in one book, it just seems it couldn't be true. Not with the shear number of scandals listed and dated.

Only it is true.
What are you babbling about?

Gary Cohn was and is a Democrat, the Bloomberg link contains a video hear him say it yourself.

What are you talking about? He is nothing but a coffee boy.

How about posting On Topic about the Topic of the thread.

It is a topic... because this is what the White House does when people leave. They will run them down and try to talk down their importance.

How is it On Topic? Gary Cohn the coffee boy?

Sorry it is obviously above your head. My bad.

No my head is above yours your head is below.

We have no was left go for so long

I think America getting into a Trade War with China is going to have a negative effect on Americas economy, you also have to think about that 20 plus TRILLION National Debt you have and how much of it China holds, China can do many things to totally fuck up your economy and also fuck up your Dollar.
NOT funny at all, if all the people who are qualified to do a job leave, what are we left with? people like a really good brain dr now trying to run an agency he knows nothing about. or a women running education, who is not an educator . just plain scary.


The Democrats and MSM are LIVID! You know why? He is taking away any of their angles in a re-election. There are Bernie fans who are union guys who were so afraid of Trump, now they say, "wait a minute, this guy has our backs!". The free market big business guys are saying, "our taxes are down, this guy has our backs!"

DACA recipients find out that he is willing to find a deal to give 1.8M of them full citizenship, and the Dems turtle. These young people and some of their familes say, "this guy has our backs!" he can actually say "vote for us to get a super majority and you will have immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. I mean, this is smart business. He will build a wall, get reforms, and all those already in America will support it, as they have a path now.

It's not just doing what is right and keeping his promises, he is offsetting them with good deals that show that it is the Dems who are lost. I am telling you that CNN is most upset is they know that noone will run Trump. Not Russia, China, or the EU. Not NAFTA servants or so-called ally politicians. Not Establishment types, or ideologues. He trends his own path and sees through BS. He can sense "does this guy really love America and understand my goals, or is he some patsy looking to get an angle on me"?

The best thing, he just changes people in and out. Perfect for a guy who has learned the hard way that loyal, honest men are hard to find in Washington. If a dude shows to be a rat, see ya, you'll be replaced. He is covering the entire board, left, right, center. He will lose the socialists and the neo-cons, the rest is all Trump Country.

What is the Democratic Policy angle now? What do they run on, what do they criticize Trump on? I'm telling you as a guy who loved board games and strategy games, I think he is doing things in such a manner that it's impossible to pin him down.

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