Gary Cohn, Trump's chief economic advisor quits

Who has been defending raises taxes in this thread?

So you disagree with Trump raising tariffs?

Because Cohen resigned due to Trump's tariff policy.

It's very, very, very bad economics.

My original point is that it's bizarro Gary Cohn was given a job to begin with as he's a lifelong Democrat as is Jared Kushner and Kushners entire family.

No I do not agree with the tariff thing and IMHO Trump will have to reverse it because not only do most businesses disagree but also the EU and probably China next are going to retaliate with putting tariffs on American products and so it's a lose-lose for America, I realise that most Trump fans are going to disagree with me but we cannot agree on everything.
Careful're showing disturbing signs of having your own mind. It's fatal, you know.
Cohn is from Goldman Sachs. There are several people that are in the White House, or worked under Trump's White House that worked there. There is one thing above all else, and that's money. Political affiliation is secondary, and sometimes third behind money and family when it comes to the Trump White House.


The Democrats and MSM are LIVID! You know why? He is taking away any of their angles in a re-election. There are Bernie fans who are union guys who were so afraid of Trump, now they say, "wait a minute, this guy has our backs!". The free market big business guys are saying, "our taxes are down, this guy has our backs!"

DACA recipients find out that he is willing to find a deal to give 1.8M of them full citizenship, and the Dems turtle. These young people and some of their familes say, "this guy has our backs!" he can actually say "vote for us to get a super majority and you will have immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship. I mean, this is smart business. He will build a wall, get reforms, and all those already in America will support it, as they have a path now.

It's not just doing what is right and keeping his promises, he is offsetting them with good deals that show that it is the Dems who are lost. I am telling you that CNN is most upset is they know that noone will run Trump. Not Russia, China, or the EU. Not NAFTA servants or so-called ally politicians. Not Establishment types, or ideologues. He trends his own path and sees through BS. He can sense "does this guy really love America and understand my goals, or is he some patsy looking to get an angle on me"?

The best thing, he just changes people in and out. Perfect for a guy who has learned the hard way that loyal, honest men are hard to find in Washington. If a dude shows to be a rat, see ya, you'll be replaced. He is covering the entire board, left, right, center. He will lose the socialists and the neo-cons, the rest is all Trump Country.

What is the Democratic Policy angle now? What do they run on, what do they criticize Trump on? I'm telling you as a guy who loved board games and strategy games, I think he is doing things in such a manner that it's impossible to pin him down.
I don't think your seeing the whole dynamic. People aren't thinking any of least not yet. Trump has them good and scared.

Tariffs are generally bad..and sometimes horrible. If you see middle America lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in their 401k's--Trump may be least in the midterms.
Tax cuts are done.

Deregulation is being done.

Crazy left-wing economic policy is now front and center.

I think Trump is still calling himself a Republican.

Thus policies in place now are owned by the GOP -- for better or worse.

Let's give a it year or two and see what's what.

But this is pretty telling, all the people jumping ship all at once...

Rachel is going to need a bigger board.

Please stay on topic in this thread. No more name calling or attacks.
Trump’s top economic Gary Cohn just resigned.
Looks like he’s had enough of this bumbling president too.
He tried to get Trump to not put the tariffs on along with other top knowledgeable personnel but of course the prez who knows nothing about this issue wouldn’t listen.

Elect a clown. Expect a circus.
Except the overnight markets are tanking.
Trump says his brand of chaos and leads to “good work” and he’s a “perfectionist”. This leads to great outcomes.

I think it leads to 7 bankruptcies and counting. But then Trump had bragged about how much money he personally makes off those bankruptcies, so I guess that’s his definition of a great outcome.

Amazing isn't. These ain't interns or lower level WH staffers brought in to reward them for their support. There ain't a whole lot BRAINPOWER in that WH. They can't afford to lose ANYONE who might know shit and actually function to do the people's business.

This is getting really scary.

Hey. When's he going to hire "All the best people?"
10. Wolff also writes at length about former Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn, who leads the president's National Economic Council. Cohn has privately disagreed with Trump a number of times in the past year. But an April email that, Wolff writes, circulated around the White House "purporting to represent the views of Gary Cohn" takes this to a new level:

"It's worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns. Trump won't read anything - not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored. And his staff is no better. Kushner is an entitled baby who knows nothing. Bannon is an arrogant prick who thinks he's smarter than he is. Trump is less a person than a collection of terrible traits. No one will survive the first year but his family. I hate the work, but feel I need to stay because I'm the only person there with a clue what he's doing. The reason so few jobs have been filled is that they only accept people who pass ridiculous purity tests, even for midlevel policy-making jobs where the people will never see the light of day. I am in a constant state of shock and horror."

10 wild claims about Trump's White House from the upcoming book 'Fire and Fury'

Yep, that about sums it up. At least Cohn gave us that much.
Dow futures down about 300 points on news of Cohn's resignation from Trump's White House
BY MarketWatch — 9:46 PM ET 03/06/2018
Dow futures down about 300 points on news of Cohn's resignation from Trump's White House

U.S. stocks look poised to tumble in coming trade following news late Tuesday that National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn is resigning from President Donald Trump's administration ( resigning-from-the-white-house-according-to-new-york-times-2018-03-06) in the coming weeks. Cohn, a former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive, was seen as a level head within the administration and one of the chief architects of Wall Street-friendly corporate tax cuts rolled out late last year. Speculation about Cohn's plans to exit the White House in August similarly roiled markets. Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average were down about 300 points, or 1.2%, at 24,542 late Tuesday, while those for the S&P 500 were down 1% at 2,698. Cohn's sudden departure comes amid turmoil in the White House over Trump's plan to implement tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, which Cohn has opposed, arguing that it could undercut the Trump's economic achievements, according to reports. The loss of Cohn may be viewed by viewed by Wall Street as a headwind to the president's pro-business agenda and underlines ongoing turmoil in the White House, highlighted by a parade of departing officials.​

Dow overnight futures down 357 at the moment.
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Cramer: If Gary Cohn resigns, watch out stock market

Gary Cohn, Trump's chief economic advisor quits.

Futures are already down about 600 points at the opening tomorrow morning. The Stock Market clearly liked Gary Cohn.

Gary Cohn is leaving because of the Trade war Trump started last week, announcing tariffs on Steel & Aluminum. Apparently Trump didn't even seek Cohn's advice about these tariffs, just announced it at an early morning meeting to reporters. Trump didn't inform the State Department, the Judicial department and not even the Treasury department. Apparently he went into a rage last Wednesday evening, woke up, headed to the briefing table and announced his trade war.--:auiqs.jpg:

To add insult to injury:

President Trump’s decision Thursday to impose crippling tariffs on the imports of steel and aluminum took many by surprise — But one billionaire investor and former Trump adviser, Carl Icahn, was seemingly unvexed, having dumped a million shares tied to the steel industry a week before the president announced 25 percent tariffs for foreign-made steel.

The SEC may be opening up an investigation into insider trading on this one.


Paul Ryan and others are telling Trump no tariffs, no trade war, but Trump isn't listening.
Paul Ryan, other conservatives fear trade war from Trump's tariffs - CNNPolitics

Tariffs and taxes have never created a single job in this country, but they're great for job loss's. The offended country will always impose tariffs on American products, driving up costs to consumers. The FED jumps in to stop inflation, consumers cut back on spending and borrowing, and then come the job layoffs.

The Smoot Hawley Tariff of the Great Depression of the 1930's is responsibile for making that depression last much longer than it should have.
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff and the Great Depression | Theodore Phalan, Deema Yazigi, Thomas Rustici
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Amazing isn't. These ain't interns or lower level WH staffers brought in to reward them for their support. There ain't a whole lot BRAINPOWER in that WH. They can't afford to lose ANYONE who might know shit and actually function to do the people's business.

This is getting really scary.

Hey. When's he going to hire "All the best people?"
It's a matter of perspective.
Republicans see pedophile Roy Moore as leadership material.
They see serial adulterer and liar Donald Trump as a great "role model" for their children.
They see Vladimir Putin as a "real leader".
They think America should be more like Russia.

Republicans and Democrats simply have different values.
Amazing isn't. These ain't interns or lower level WH staffers brought in to reward them for their support. There ain't a whole lot BRAINPOWER in that WH. They can't afford to lose ANYONE who might know shit and actually function to do the people's business.

This is getting really scary.

Hey. When's he going to hire "All the best people?"
It's a matter of perspective.
Republicans see pedophile Roy Moore as leadership material.
They see serial adulterer and liar Donald Trump as a great "role model" for their children.
They see Vladimir Putin as a "real leader".
They think America should be more like Russia.

Republicans and Democrats simply have different values.

Hopefully they like the Russian economy also--:auiqs.jpg:

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