Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Recent polls show that more than 60 percent of Americans believe we should bring our troops home from Afghanistan -- now. They are right. We should bring our young men and women home -- and vow to never again fight an 11-year war when our mission was complete in six months.

Many who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 believed he would extract America from Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps be more hesitant to involve us in foreign intervention. I, too, hoped that he might at least get us out of wars we couldn't afford and for which there was no clear American interest.

We've seen how that worked out. It took him three years to bring our troops home from Iraq. And Afghanistan? We're still there, ten years, too many lives and hundreds of billions of dollars longer than necessary.

Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.
He's a better choice ---- Period..

It's comforting that I'm offered a valid vetted alternative to the Obama/Romney choice.. Probably time to make a donation. Maybe Gary can buy a personality...
He's a better choice ---- Period..

It's comforting that I'm offered a valid vetted alternative to the Obama/Romney choice.. Probably time to make a donation. Maybe Gary can buy a personality...

Well, yes, that's true. I still won't vote for him as he's not quite a noninterventionist.
Recent polls show that more than 60 percent of Americans believe we should bring our troops home from Afghanistan -- now. They are right. We should bring our young men and women home -- and vow to never again fight an 11-year war when our mission was complete in six months.

Many who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 believed he would extract America from Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps be more hesitant to involve us in foreign intervention. I, too, hoped that he might at least get us out of wars we couldn't afford and for which there was no clear American interest.

We've seen how that worked out. It took him three years to bring our troops home from Iraq. And Afghanistan? We're still there, ten years, too many lives and hundreds of billions of dollars longer than necessary.

Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.

I wonder why 'conservatives' aren't lining up to support Gary Johnson? I wonder why the 'Tea Party' types who are allegedly 'fiscally conservative' aren't throwing their support behind Gary Johnson. For all of their talk about 'conservative principles' , that bunch of horse shit goes right out of the window as they line up to support the allegedly dreaded 'establishment candidate'. In short most of them are a bunch of lying BLOWHARDS.

Gary Johnson will have my vote this time around. there's NO way I will vote for President Obama or Willard Romney. I would love to see him team up with Ron Paul.
I find this to be a pretty interesting excerpt from the article in the OP:
"This election year, if our choices are the Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, without Dr. Ron Paul, where is the non-intervention option? Most Americans are hard pressed to find a difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to intervention." Hopefully that's the 'writing on the wall' for a Johnson/ Paul 2012 ticket.
Recent polls show that more than 60 percent of Americans believe we should bring our troops home from Afghanistan -- now. They are right. We should bring our young men and women home -- and vow to never again fight an 11-year war when our mission was complete in six months.

Many who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 believed he would extract America from Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps be more hesitant to involve us in foreign intervention. I, too, hoped that he might at least get us out of wars we couldn't afford and for which there was no clear American interest.

We've seen how that worked out. It took him three years to bring our troops home from Iraq. And Afghanistan? We're still there, ten years, too many lives and hundreds of billions of dollars longer than necessary.

Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.

I wonder why 'conservatives' aren't lining up to support Gary Johnson? I wonder why the 'Tea Party' types who are allegedly 'fiscally conservative' aren't throwing their support behind Gary Johnson. For all of their talk about 'conservative principles' , that bunch of horse shit goes right out of the window as they line up to support the allegedly dreaded 'establishment candidate'. In short most of them are a bunch of lying BLOWHARDS.

Gary Johnson will have my vote this time around. there's NO way I will vote for President Obama or Willard Romney. I would love to see him team up with Ron Paul.

It's clear that Rep Party faithfuls (especially their mouthpieces in the press and radio) declared that Ron Paul would be a wonderful candidate if his foreign policy just wasn't "so misguided". Convienient excuse that was.. OR

Do they really believe that ending 10 years of futile conflict in Afghan and changing 25 or 30 years of HORRIBLE policy in Iraq is a deal-breaker? You may be entirely correct to fling the "lying BLOWHARDS" label.. They are looking for excuses to keep rewarding the "home team" for being less sucky than the competition....

Voting 3rd party is a meaningful statement. Keeping the 2 party monopoly just rewards the behaviour that got us to the brink of disaster and a huge loss of freedom....
Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.

I wonder why 'conservatives' aren't lining up to support Gary Johnson? I wonder why the 'Tea Party' types who are allegedly 'fiscally conservative' aren't throwing their support behind Gary Johnson. For all of their talk about 'conservative principles' , that bunch of horse shit goes right out of the window as they line up to support the allegedly dreaded 'establishment candidate'. In short most of them are a bunch of lying BLOWHARDS.

Gary Johnson will have my vote this time around. there's NO way I will vote for President Obama or Willard Romney. I would love to see him team up with Ron Paul.

It's clear that Rep Party faithfuls (especially their mouthpieces in the press and radio) declared that Ron Paul would be a wonderful candidate if his foreign policy just wasn't "so misguided". Convienient excuse that was.. OR

Do they really believe that ending 10 years of futile conflict in Afghan and changing 25 or 30 years of HORRIBLE policy in Iraq is a deal-breaker? You may be entirely correct to fling the "lying BLOWHARDS" label.. They are looking for excuses to keep rewarding the "home team" for being less sucky than the competition....

Voting 3rd party is a meaningful statement. Keeping the 2 party monopoly just rewards the behaviour that got us to the brink of disaster and a huge loss of freedom....

Excellent post, excellent points! We do need to keep the 'two party' system in check with multiple party options. If you or other people listen to 'conservative' talk radio or 'talk TV', all they were railing against is the 'establishment candidate' aka Mitt Romney. They try to portray themselves as the majority in the republican party and America, yet their so-called 'conservatives' never seem to win and they windup supporting the very 'establishment ' candidate whom they railed against!
Throw whoever you like into office. Let's see who you end up with.

Actually -- I'm a lot pickier than that.. I prefer a 2 term governor with a record of vetoing excess spending who left New Mexico in excellent financial shape. He has no apparent ego, agenda, or much of a personality at all. Imagine that... Qualified, tested and shunned by the Republican establishment. Sounds perfect to me..

Now if the Libertarians do the heavy lifting of getting him on 50 state ballots, EVERYONE will have "an alternative".
Recent polls show that more than 60 percent of Americans believe we should bring our troops home from Afghanistan -- now. They are right. We should bring our young men and women home -- and vow to never again fight an 11-year war when our mission was complete in six months.

Many who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 believed he would extract America from Iraq and Afghanistan, and perhaps be more hesitant to involve us in foreign intervention. I, too, hoped that he might at least get us out of wars we couldn't afford and for which there was no clear American interest.

We've seen how that worked out. It took him three years to bring our troops home from Iraq. And Afghanistan? We're still there, ten years, too many lives and hundreds of billions of dollars longer than necessary.

Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.

I wonder why 'conservatives' aren't lining up to support Gary Johnson? I wonder why the 'Tea Party' types who are allegedly 'fiscally conservative' aren't throwing their support behind Gary Johnson. For all of their talk about 'conservative principles' , that bunch of horse shit goes right out of the window as they line up to support the allegedly dreaded 'establishment candidate'. In short most of them are a bunch of lying BLOWHARDS.

Gary Johnson will have my vote this time around. there's NO way I will vote for President Obama or Willard Romney. I would love to see him team up with Ron Paul.

The Tea Party isn't serious about cutting spending, generally. They just want to cut welfare spending, while spending more on the war machine.
I find this to be a pretty interesting excerpt from the article in the OP:
"This election year, if our choices are the Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, without Dr. Ron Paul, where is the non-intervention option? Most Americans are hard pressed to find a difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to intervention." Hopefully that's the 'writing on the wall' for a Johnson/ Paul 2012 ticket.

Johnson already has a running mate, Judge Jim Gray.
Gary Johnson: I Will End the War in Afghanistan and Bring Our Troops Home Now

I still don't support Gary Johnson, but he's obviously much better than Obama or Romney on foreign policy.

I wonder why 'conservatives' aren't lining up to support Gary Johnson? I wonder why the 'Tea Party' types who are allegedly 'fiscally conservative' aren't throwing their support behind Gary Johnson. For all of their talk about 'conservative principles' , that bunch of horse shit goes right out of the window as they line up to support the allegedly dreaded 'establishment candidate'. In short most of them are a bunch of lying BLOWHARDS.

Gary Johnson will have my vote this time around. there's NO way I will vote for President Obama or Willard Romney. I would love to see him team up with Ron Paul.

The Tea Party isn't serious about cutting spending, generally. They just want to cut welfare spending, while spending more on the war machine.

I agree. I know a few Tea Party supporters and they actually do like and depend on their government benefits. The ones I know didn't hesitate to get FEMA, go on unemployment, collect disability, buy prime steaks with food stamps. get on Medicare when times got rough, all the while sporting a 'Nobama' bumper sticker and railing against 'the liberals!!!!!'
I find this to be a pretty interesting excerpt from the article in the OP:
"This election year, if our choices are the Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, without Dr. Ron Paul, where is the non-intervention option? Most Americans are hard pressed to find a difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to intervention." Hopefully that's the 'writing on the wall' for a Johnson/ Paul 2012 ticket.

Johnson already has a running mate, Judge Jim Gray.

Thanks, I'll check him out.
I find this to be a pretty interesting excerpt from the article in the OP:
"This election year, if our choices are the Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, without Dr. Ron Paul, where is the non-intervention option? Most Americans are hard pressed to find a difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to intervention." Hopefully that's the 'writing on the wall' for a Johnson/ Paul 2012 ticket.

Johnson already has a running mate, Judge Jim Gray.

I like that guy, he has some pretty interesting sand good stances.

Primary Issues - Judge Jim Gray - Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed - End War On Drugs, Orange County Arbitration,
I find this to be a pretty interesting excerpt from the article in the OP:
"This election year, if our choices are the Democrat Obama and the Republican Romney, without Dr. Ron Paul, where is the non-intervention option? Most Americans are hard pressed to find a difference between Romney and Obama when it comes to intervention." Hopefully that's the 'writing on the wall' for a Johnson/ Paul 2012 ticket.

Johnson already has a running mate, Judge Jim Gray.

I like that guy, he has some pretty interesting sand good stances.

Primary Issues - Judge Jim Gray - Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed - End War On Drugs, Orange County Arbitration,

Unfortunately the Libertarian Party is more interested in running Republican castoffs than genuine libertarians in an attempt to moderate themselves and appeal to the masses. The trouble with that strategy is that we've already got one Republican Party, and the people looking to vote for the Libertarian Party already don't like that one.
So you're obviously going to hold out for a TRUE non-interventionalist -- like Obama or Romney...

Good Plan... :eusa_pray: BTW -- define non-intervention.

That doesn't even make sense.

Of course not.. That's why I pointed it out. You said you wouldn't vote for Johnson because he's not dovish enough.. Which leaves the alternative of sitting home or voting for the DemReps...

I get the part where you think the Libertarian Party ought to have a purity test and shouldn't run candidates with tons of administrative experience. But SOME of us have waited YEARS to have candidates on the Lib ballot who don't think that Marijuana is an entire platform....
Surrender is always an option, though never a very good one.

Mayby paulbots can morph Gary Johnson into the new RonPaul now that Paul has become too decrepit to continue.
Johnson already has a running mate, Judge Jim Gray.

I like that guy, he has some pretty interesting sand good stances.

Primary Issues - Judge Jim Gray - Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed - End War On Drugs, Orange County Arbitration,

Unfortunately the Libertarian Party is more interested in running Republican castoffs than genuine libertarians in an attempt to moderate themselves and appeal to the masses. The trouble with that strategy is that we've already got one Republican Party, and the people looking to vote for the Libertarian Party already don't like that one.

That's a good point.

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