Gas dropping with increase wages will now give trump all the Power

I passed the Sunoco station I usually buy gas at. $1.75 a gallon. I can't remember the last time I paid that little for gasoline. I remember just under 2 bucks a gallon, but not $1.75.

The more important news however is the price of diesel fuel. My tractor-trailer usually gets (on average) 6.5 miles per gallon. That will save my employer a ton of money with all our trucks combined. He could either use that to eventually lower our prices for our customers or perhaps give some of us a raise. Lower transportation costs helps businesses as did the tax break.
The only real bad news is that the Democrats now control Congress, and it's a concern of what they can do to screw this up.
And with gas dropping in price the cost of goods and services are more stable...

Not only more stable with less expense less cost for everyone

And as trump stops the illegals wages will also rise

The workers will be flooded with more money to spend and that will prove the deep state as corrupt to the core
Yes the house stopping democrat harmful investigations and trying to do more against trump

But the senate will do the same thing to the democrats

Very hard to see the left not being destroyed now.
employment is up

wages are up

gas prices are down



Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
What must it feel like to be enjoying a great economy and lower energy costs and not give the credit even a little credit to the commander and chief?....If Obama put more money in my pocket instead of less he would of had my full support....I think you libs here are acting a fool....
What must it feel like to be enjoying a great economy and lower energy costs and not give the credit even a little credit to the commander and chief?....If Obama put more money in my pocket instead of less he would of had my full support....I think you libs here are acting a fool....
It's an economy that is going on the credit card. Trump has increased deficits dramatically. We are going to become Greece.
It's an economy that is going on the credit card. Trump has increased deficits dramatically. We are going to become Greece
OMG...well you are the only one I've seen that believes that for a minuet....
Then you don't know many people. Increasing deficits during a strong economy? Completely irresponsible.
Well we tried the opposite under Obama with increasing deficits during a poor economy and that didn't work for the middle class at all....that's why we have a businessman as a president today...because of empty headed group think people like you that never fix anything.....look to our recent history don't disregard it or you will never learn from it.....
employment is up

wages are up

gas prices are down




The wall will increase the wages even further with less illegals competing for jobs

The deep state is totally toast
Then you don't know many people. Increasing deficits during a strong economy? Completely irresponsible.
Well we tried the opposite under Obama with increasing deficits during a poor economy and that didn't work for the middle class at all....that's why we have a businessman as a president today...because of empty headed group think people like you that never fix anything.....look to our recent history don't disregard it or you will never learn from it.....
Yes and he is putting our economy on the credit card and fools like you are happy to become Greece.
Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
Trump brought the pipeline in Dakotas

Trump is the cause of prosperity coming to America and proving the deep corrupt to the core

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