Gas dropping with increase wages will now give trump all the Power

Then you don't know many people. Increasing deficits during a strong economy? Completely irresponsible.
Well we tried the opposite under Obama with increasing deficits during a poor economy and that didn't work for the middle class at all....that's why we have a businessman as a president today...because of empty headed group think people like you that never fix anything.....look to our recent history don't disregard it or you will never learn from it.....
Yes and he is putting our economy on the credit card and fools like you are happy to become Greece.

Wrong dead wrong

Just another jealous loser
Then you don't know many people. Increasing deficits during a strong economy? Completely irresponsible.
Well we tried the opposite under Obama with increasing deficits during a poor economy and that didn't work for the middle class at all....that's why we have a businessman as a president today...because of empty headed group think people like you that never fix anything.....look to our recent history don't disregard it or you will never learn from it.....
Yes and he is putting our economy on the credit card and fools like you are happy to become Greece.

Wrong dead wrong

Just another jealous loser
So you like deficits eh? You think it's good to increase deficits during a strong economy? Wow you are really responsible.
You guys really exaggerate wages are up....

How's your 401K?

My retirement plan is doing very poorly, and I couldn't be happier.

At the beginning of the last recession, stocks took a dive. The company that handles our retirement account quit buying shares on our behalf, but my employer and I kept contributing to the plan as always . When the market started to recover, they dumped all that money into the market. It was like a 2 for 1 sale. The company bought more shares which eventually turned into a windfall. Now my retirement account is better than ever, and perhaps we will see the same results this time when the market bounces back up like it always does. I have a minimum of 4 years before I can retire if I decide to do so at 62 years of age. So I have plenty of time.
What must it feel like to be enjoying a great economy and lower energy costs and not give the credit even a little credit to the commander and chief?....If Obama put more money in my pocket instead of less he would of had my full support....I think you libs here are acting a fool....
It's an economy that is going on the credit card. Trump has increased deficits dramatically. We are going to become Greece.
The economy was that before Trump. So the choice of progressive socialist 1.5% growth or at least 3% growth to at least try to attack the problem came to view. With some of your shills wanting a stock market collapse it sure would be funny to see what would happen if it did. All of those checks cut in half or much more, loans collapsing and medical even rationed would be a hoot for us all. Perhaps are irresponsible ways of living has an affect also and we do not want to admit it. And that encompasses all sides.
What must it feel like to be enjoying a great economy and lower energy costs and not give the credit even a little credit to the commander and chief?....If Obama put more money in my pocket instead of less he would of had my full support....I think you libs here are acting a fool....
It's an economy that is going on the credit card. Trump has increased deficits dramatically. We are going to become Greece.
The economy was that before Trump. So the choice of progressive socialist 1.5% growth or at least 3% growth to at least try to attack the problem came to view. With some of your shills wanting a stock market collapse it sure would be funny to see what would happen if it did. All of those checks cut in half or much more, loans collapsing and medical even rationed would be a hoot for us all. Perhaps are irresponsible ways of living has an affect also and we do not want to admit it. And that encompasses all sides.
Trump greatly increased deficits.
Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
Trump gets credit for a warm sunny day with these people.

So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.
You guys really exaggerate wages are up....

How's your 401K?

For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I passed the Sunoco station I usually buy gas at. $1.75 a gallon. I can't remember the last time I paid that little for gasoline. I remember just under 2 bucks a gallon, but not $1.75.

The more important news however is the price of diesel fuel. My tractor-trailer usually gets (on average) 6.5 miles per gallon. That will save my employer a ton of money with all our trucks combined. He could either use that to eventually lower our prices for our customers or perhaps give some of us a raise. Lower transportation costs helps businesses as did the tax break.
Ray, why is diesel 1.00 more, on the road, more than gas. I just paid $1.99 for my boats.without road taxes of course, but the spread has gotten wider as gas prices go down. It is such a ripoff.
Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
Trump gets credit for a warm sunny day with these people.

So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

You sure you don't want to take it back for Obama now??? Just asking
Is it safely Trump's economy now?

Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
Trump gets credit for a warm sunny day with these people.

So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

You sure about that? It's now officially Trump's economy.

I passed the Sunoco station I usually buy gas at. $1.75 a gallon. I can't remember the last time I paid that little for gasoline. I remember just under 2 bucks a gallon, but not $1.75.

The more important news however is the price of diesel fuel. My tractor-trailer usually gets (on average) 6.5 miles per gallon. That will save my employer a ton of money with all our trucks combined. He could either use that to eventually lower our prices for our customers or perhaps give some of us a raise. Lower transportation costs helps businesses as did the tax break.
Ray, why is diesel 1.00 more, on the road, more than gas. I just paid $1.99 for my boats.without road taxes of course, but the spread has gotten wider as gas prices go down. It is such a ripoff.

Actually that started under Bush. Prior to reducing sulfur content in diesel, it was usually cheaper than gasoline. Bush actually took a number of measures for a cleaner environment. That's why you can't buy normal light bulbs today. But when that regulation on diesel fuel went into effect, the price of diesel jumped to about a dollar a gallon over gasoline, and it's been hurting the transportation industry ever since. But can't you just smell how much cleaner the air is and how happy the environmentalists are??????
While I like some of what Trump has done I have yet to see this huge wage increase that the op is flabbing about....he must be referring to the 1 percent.
You guys really exaggerate wages are up....

How's your 401K?

For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.
Oh so now trump is responsible for gas prices? Cause when prices go up “the President has nothing to do with it. “
Trump gets credit for a warm sunny day with these people.

So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

You sure you don't want to take it back for Obama now??? Just asking
Is it safely Trump's economy now?

Like I said, I think it has been since the beginning of last year. The credit card economy.
While I like some of what Trump has done I have yet to see this huge wage increase that the op is flabbing about....he must be referring to the 1 percent.
They are up slightly. But no where near good numbers.

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