Gas dropping with increase wages will now give trump all the Power

Trump gets credit for a warm sunny day with these people.

So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

So let me get this straight. We are now officially in Trump's economy? Annnd... That's only because the enough bad stuff going on... So you feel comfortable handing it to Trump... As long as nothing good happens which of course would make it snap back to Obama's economy. Do I have that right?

No I think after about a year his policy started taking effect. Are you planning to elect Obama again?

Just checking to see what the opinion du jour is today about the economy.... You know the one where all the good things belong to Obama and somehow, miraculously all the bad things belong to Trump simultaneously.
I mean it's a miracle.

Sure, whatever you say.
So tell me.... Is this Trump's economy or
Obama's? Two weeks ago when the Market
Plunged you handed the economy to Trump.

Are you taking it back today?

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

So let me get this straight. We are now officially in Trump's economy? Annnd... That's only because the enough bad stuff going on... So you feel comfortable handing it to Trump... As long as nothing good happens which of course would make it snap back to Obama's economy. Do I have that right?

No I think after about a year his policy started taking effect. Are you planning to elect Obama again?

Just checking to see what the opinion du jour is today about the economy.... You know the one where all the good things belong to Obama and somehow, miraculously all the bad things belong to Trump simultaneously.
I mean it's a miracle.

Sure, whatever you say.

Well at least we know where we are..

I would say it's been the trump economy since the beginning of last year. Which is also when many of our problems began. See the market.

So let me get this straight. We are now officially in Trump's economy? Annnd... That's only because the enough bad stuff going on... So you feel comfortable handing it to Trump... As long as nothing good happens which of course would make it snap back to Obama's economy. Do I have that right?

No I think after about a year his policy started taking effect. Are you planning to elect Obama again?

Just checking to see what the opinion du jour is today about the economy.... You know the one where all the good things belong to Obama and somehow, miraculously all the bad things belong to Trump simultaneously.
I mean it's a miracle.

Sure, whatever you say.

Well at least we know where we are..

Seems obvious....
You guys really exaggerate wages are up....

How's your 401K?

For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

I guess it depends on when you retire. If it's in the next month or so, it may be a problem.

When all this trade talk is done and over with, the market will bounce back up to where it was before and maybe even more.
We shall see, but I don't think you will be retiring as long as Trump is prez.

So you're predicting a second term too, huh? Good for you.
I don't make predictions. It's hard to believe dems could run somebody worse, but it certainly is possible.

Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
You guys really exaggerate wages are up....

How's your 401K?

For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?
We shall see, but I don't think you will be retiring as long as Trump is prez.

So you're predicting a second term too, huh? Good for you.
I don't make predictions. It's hard to believe dems could run somebody worse, but it certainly is possible.

Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
So you're predicting a second term too, huh? Good for you.
I don't make predictions. It's hard to believe dems could run somebody worse, but it certainly is possible.

Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
And why is the economy strong?
For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?

Not really. But inflation usually happens when an economy is booming. You do want a booming economy, right?

I don't make predictions. It's hard to believe dems could run somebody worse, but it certainly is possible.

Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
And why is the economy strong?
Lots of government spending is one reason. Have you seen our deficits?
Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?

Not really. But inflation usually happens when an economy is booming. You do want a booming economy, right?

5% is booming. This is much less than 5%. It's a strong economy, booming is an exaggeration. If it was booming the tax cuts may have paid for themselves. Instead we have huge deficits.
Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
And why is the economy strong?
Lots of government spending is one reason. Have you seen our deficits?
tax cuts is the main one. Deregulation is another.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
And why is the economy strong?
Lots of government spending is one reason. Have you seen our deficits?
tax cuts is the main one. Deregulation is another.
The tax cuts sure have added to the deficits. Funny that growth isn't much more than Obama after tax cuts and deregulation....
We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.
And why is the economy strong?
Lots of government spending is one reason. Have you seen our deficits?
tax cuts is the main one. Deregulation is another.
The tax cuts sure have added to the deficits. Funny that growth isn't much more than Obama after tax cuts and deregulation....
Didn't I just read that manufacturing was up 700%? an unbelievable number.
312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama
For once, ONCE, a president is more concerned about the financial health of Main street instead of Wall Street.

Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?

Wrong Decembers report shows wages twice inflation. Inflation
Had dropped with the gas prices dropping

These are real gains and now the deep state cannot lie and get a way with it

Deep state now in a panic
Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?

Not really. But inflation usually happens when an economy is booming. You do want a booming economy, right?

5% is booming. This is much less than 5%. It's a strong economy, booming is an exaggeration. If it was booming the tax cuts may have paid for themselves. Instead we have huge deficits.

The federal reserve raised the interest rates because they feared the economy was overheating. You'll have to take it up with them.

Now a lot of spending will occur with the gas prices dropping and people getting income taxes back with big earned income checks

Less illegals each month competing for jobs

Also looks to be warmer than avg winter. Lower heating bills

Ground hog day people will be spending like crazy and then big pay raises

This will prove the deep state as the real criminals and anything trump says to do Americans will follow

And trump will explain how the deep state nearly destroyed the nation and how only a wisdom for voters can stop the unwise voters from electing crooks

Deep state in a panic

Mueller probe was simply to try to blackmail trump not to go
After the deep state criminals
Great and that comes after republicans have all our retirements reliant on the market. Great move!

Isn't it about time that the common man made a bit of headway? You want to deny America that?

I don't think the common man is doing that well. And they sure won't be doing well when it's time to retire.

Really? More people working than ever? Black unemployment at the lowest rates in history? Wage growth of 3%?

When is the last time any of that was happening?

3% wage growth isn't much with 3% inflation now is it?

Not really. But inflation usually happens when an economy is booming. You do want a booming economy, right?


And that goes double for fuel prices. History shows that when we have an economy like this, our fuel prices increase dramatically. However in spite of this economic party, fuel prices actually went down..........but it can't have anything to do with Trump.
So you're predicting a second term too, huh? Good for you.
I don't make predictions. It's hard to believe dems could run somebody worse, but it certainly is possible.

Worse than a guy fighting to keep our border secure? Worse than a guy with the lowest unemployment rate in nearly 50 years? Worse than a guy who has the highest business confidence in nearly 20 years, and a new high in small business confidence?

If you can't appreciate all the great work this man has done, then I don't know WTF you're looking for. The problem with you on the left is you vote for people like you'd vote in a popularity contest instead of accomplishments. That's how we got Obama.
I'm an independent. I can see the economy is going on the credit card. Have you seen the deficits? It's not sustainable. Remember when repubs claimed to be fiscally responsible?

Our border won't make any difference to anyone. It's just a scapegoat.

We weren't happy with the spending during DumBama, but your people told us he had to spend because of Bush. Well.......Trump has to spend because of DumBama. He's trying to rebuild the military that Ears tore down.
We don't need to rebuild the military. Obama was trying to get us out of a recession. Trump deficits are during a strong economy. As irresponsible as it gets. And with all that spending growth isn't all that impressive.

Tax cuts are not spending. Tax cuts are a reduction of government income. We don't need to rebuild the military? Did you ever Google to see the advancements of China and Russia? They are putting a lot of effort into their military.

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