Gas under Trump was $2.50 in some places. Merry Christmas from Trump and Co

You cannot expect the impossible out of tards! The good news in all of this is that these tards are paying way higher gasoline costs, transportation costs, energy costs, food costs, rent and mortgage! Probably costing them several thousand dollars extra a year! Now an airport is having delays unable to get in the needed jet fuel for planes to fly! Hopefully, lots of tards will get their flights cancelled, not get back to work on Monday on time and lose their jobs.

So yeah, they got their wish and by hook or crook got Trump out of office, but have you ever heard in your lifetimes people HAPPY and JUSTIFYING THOUSANDS of dollars a year out of their pockets just to not have someone hold a political office? That is REAL TDS.

By the time Biden is removed from office, they could easily be out $15,000-$20,000 or more out of their pockets, the equivalent of a really nice vacation, just so they can say they got the "orange blob" out of office. :uhh:

At least for four years.

I tell you, there just ain't no fixing stupid.

And all for a three time loser and corrupt, perverted piker like Joe Biden whom history won't even remember. :dig:

Jet-A is the the fuel that modern commercial airliners run on, and it's basically kerosene-based. I have two kerosene heaters in the garage to take the edge off the cold, and I did see kerosene rise here over the last couple months. There's a Cenex station 20 miles from here that sells bulk kerosene from the tank, because they have a lot of Amish in that area. Two months ago it cost me $22 to fill a 5-gallon can, or $4.40 a gallon. Last week it cost me $65.00 to fill two 5-gallon cans, or $6.50 per gallon. You can buy gallon jugs of kerosene at Walmart for $10.87 per gallon.
Thanks Biden! Took this 3 hours ago in Charlotte, a Dem city with a Dem governor.

Yeah, I guess driving diesel vehicles for 16 years and putting close to a million miles on them, including hauling loads to the continental divide near Leadville CO, into western WY and ND in winter don't count. I also lived in CO for 9 years. You also might want to take your illiterate commie ass back to school and learn the proper uses of "then" and "than".

And once again your deflection has zero to do with the price of gasoline.

More made up shit. I’m a commercial airline pilot during the week and a brain surgeon on week ends. I’ll give you a discount….everyone is a stud on the internet. You breathe too much diesel fumes.
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You can buy gallon jugs of kerosene at Walmart for $10.87 per gallon.


I see I won't be firing up either of my two Kero-Sun heaters anytime soon!

One is a 19,000 BTU heater meant to heat a lodge that you can use the top of to cook on!
Thanks Biden! Took this 3 hours ago in Charlotte, a Dem city with a Dem governor.

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Gee, the price is .50 a gallon more then the average when Trump left office. The only reason why the price dropped early was because of the Trump led recession where 20 million jobs were lost. Good try. What was the unemployment level at that time ? Do you know what the price was in Charlotte when Trump left office ? Of course not. You’re FOS.
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Biden doing a great job, right ? Just $2.49 last night ? What was it when Trump left office or you were too busy making up more shit ?

These declines are just recent and don't envelope the whole country.
How long were all prices sky high?

Bidenista's are desperate for any kind of marginal win these days since we've been losing for so long under this installed Gov't!!
These declines are just recent and don't envelope the whole country.
How long were all prices sky high?

Bidenista's are desperate for any kind of marginal win these days since we've been losing for so long under this installed Gov't!!
And the post means nothing with out comparing prices and noting Trump low gas prices were during his recession when 20 million were out of work. Is that your recipe for dropping gas prices ?
Why do you care what people want to buy? So fragile. It’s like everything is a loyalty test for you guys. Get over it.

I'm more interested in what most people can afford to buy. And currently, it ain't EV's.
Do you live in a bubble??
I'm more interested in what most people can afford to buy. And currently, it ain't EV's.
Do you live in a bubble??
Right wing nuts only think the economy sucks when they don’t have a president. It’s insane. If you can’t make money in this economy you are trying.
More made up shit. I’m a commercial airline pilot during the week and a brain surgeon on week ends. I’ll give you a discount….everyone is a stud on the internet. You breathe too much diesel fumes.

I drove hotshot in the oil patch, bitch. Now FOAD.

I'm more interested in what most people can afford to buy. And currently, it ain't EV's.
Do you live in a bubble??
People will buy what ever they can afford and offer the transportation mode that fits their needs. So, if they like the idea of commuting daily in a vehicle that needs very little maintenance for 1/4 the cost over ten years of ownership, it’s none of your business. They’ll decide if they can afford it, not you.
Chevy Bolt is $27, 200……too much for what you think people can afford ? Federal tax credit is $7500. So there are a plethora of EVs for under $30 k after tax credit.
FACT: Law breaker Joe Biden has only held 1 oil lease sale, yet is required BY LAW to hold them 4 times a year. Naturally where Trump leased 470,000 acres of Federal land for exploration in his first year, Biden has leased only 76,000 in his entire presidency and repeatedly vows to STOP drilling.
Thanks for pointing out that Trump is owned by Big Oil, but we already knew that.
The Trump admin completely mismanaged the pandemic causing more deaths per 1000 then anyother developed nation in the world. The rest of the developed world was back to work long before we were because of this dead beat. Covid ran unabated In his own admin and even he was a super spreader.

Misinformation among his Humpers was and still is the norm. Geesus, you guys promoted vaxxed avoidance and Putin butt fking, and still do.
Trump's lackeys on Fox & others were telling people to "do your own research". Yea, sure. Telling people, some who were lucky if they could pass a ninth grade history exam to do your own research on a virus that was killing people by the thousands. What could possibly go wrong?

Some, who did their own research begged for their life as they were placed under a ventilator. And they want to reelect that motherfucker.

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